Typical do as I say, not as I do liberal attention whore opportunist
Those 17 dead kids were one hell of a windfall for THE HOGG
Typical do as I say, not as I do liberal attention whore opportunist
Those 17 dead kids were one hell of a windfall for THE HOGG
He's the next Bill Clinton. Gotta start the programming early and keep him protected.
Who is paying for his armed team? Follow the money
Didnt you fags call him a manlet, he looks at least 6''+
lanklets, when will they learn ?
>He's the next Bill Clinton
so what youre saying is
hes gonna rape a bunch of women and then get in trouble for fucking a fat chick
I don't care about his height or weight...he is obnoxiously feminine not to mention a scumbag.
>all those people around him concerned he's gonna slip through the grate
Soros atleast 1billion+ a year promoting his agenda. Hogg,at the moment, must be one of his top stooges
No, hes gonna smuggle a buncha cocaine and kill anyone who dares snitch.
Well, he's 18 now so I can't fault you for looking at his bulge. I heard he was around 4.5" from a source familiar with his reasoning though.
How can this 17 year old HS drop out afford armed guards?
Does anyone remember that apparently he refused to go back to HS and just got bussed around to screech about guns being bad. Does this not set off alarms? He goes past being a crisis actor. Hes just a paid actor for pedophile america to push marxist control.
I would like to know this.
I wonder (((who))).
Probably the same guy who paid for his house, his food, his clothes, even his diapers. Some guy who just about glows in the dark.
Can't dogg the hogg
Is it kikes?
Him always wearing that jacket makes me want to punch right in that jew nose.
Stupid sand niggers start throwing rocks at military units that can't shoot back. I would do the same if i was them. i'd much rather just start firing rounds at there feet though.
This faggot is probably circumcised. No foreskin? No way I'll be putting his Hogg in my mouth.
Of-course he's got guards. It's a gun-grabbers dream to have a CIA nigger take him out.
Yes, he's probably already pumping lil sis.
It's the skinny jeans for me. Males who wear them look like idiots, and I can't respect them.
it's not that I don't believe this, because I do, but where's the proof of armed guards? I don't see any obvious indicator those glowniggers are strapped.
>You don't need guns to protect yourself
>I need armed guards for my own safety
imagine the reaction if he gets shot at and his bodyguards ditch
You Americans really are Israeli slaves aren't they?
Bill Clinton was a really good student. Hogg got waitlisted at UCF.
and 125#
yet still manages to wear clothes that are 2 sizes too tight
lol if he has armed guards, that says it all
I knew the faggot was skinny but holy shit look at those fucking legs
I bet I could rape him with one arm tied behind my back.
can someone make a gif of the hogg doing that scunched up little weasel face from his first interview with la goblina with the words 'give me your guns'?
That's just his cell phone.
Parkland didn't happen.
Hogg is possibly the biggest faggot in human history. He's a shill and probably doesn't even exist. And then there's Goblina
How the fuck do you wear jeans that small and still look like they're relaxed fit? Fucking hell he takes the anorexic heroine addict hungry skeleton meme to a new level.
every generation needs its own Mason Reese
Their manager is using the Dennis system on them.
Jacket is like Don Johnson without his johnson
Good work if you can get it
oh shit. czeched
That's a clone. All celebrity actors have them.
the stupid left will elect him to senate or congress mark my words
he lives off of faggy cupcakes and protein bars while hopped on on adderall
manlet or not, he's definitely a bottom
I'm going to get on my knees and pray to God someone shoots this little fucker in his eye just so he can scream, "Oh God, I've been shot!" Before falling to the ground dead.
I love praying.
>giving the leftists ammo
Use a knife.
It always is
Please be real
Is Anzu more masculine than him?
He looks just like Nic the next school shooter in that pic.