He was right about everything

He was right about everything.

Take the Tedpill.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The only TED talk that I can get behind. Well, more of a manifesto than a talk, but still.

Reminder he was a literal MKUltra subject

Yes and that may have pushed him over the edge but his ideas on technology were solid.

None of my friends understand this. When they do, it’ll be too late and I’ll be sitting comfy on my land

look at this goy he has not read siege yet
>good goy

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>ad hominem
try reading it instead of attacking his character/credibility

I highly recommend you fellas read Industrial Society and Its Future and Anti-Tech Revolution. Very well reasoned and worth listening to.

Now, THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART, you do not need to agree with him completely (although it is hard not to find him rather convincing) BUT he does bring up very important ideas about how societies develop that are useful regardless. Like many great writers and philosophers, he is enriching to read even if you don't agree with him 100%. I am skeptical of agreeing with any one too much, personally.

Myself personally, I am not a primitivist or any such thing however I think that technologies will have values baked into them and that no technology is "neutral". I would term myself 'tech-critical' if anything. As I say: the man may make the tool but the tool soon shapes his hand.

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if you appreciate Ted you might want to see this film made by Antifa

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he's a psycho jew you morons.

Other writers/stuff I wish people on this board would read:
Marvin Harris
Stirner (at least the first part of the ego and its own)
That Bronze Age Mindset book was actually pretty good


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No, fuck leftists they are agents of death and unwitting foot soldiers of techno-liberalism.

I don't sympathize with terrorists, but the dude was a fucking prophet

Read his manifesto

you forgot this. Against his-Story, Against Leviathan! by Fredy Perlman

its a corner stone of Anti-Civ thought


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He also wanted to change his sex. As a trans woman I really identify with him and a lot of his struggle, no sarcasm.

He's a pollack and you should actually try reading some of what he wrote before talking out of your ass. He doesn't come across as psychopathic. I know it might seem hard to you but reading isn't very hard at all. You're doing it right now.


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Agrarianism is the only way forward. Destroy all the cities and technology in a nuclear holocaust.

Perlman is okay, one of the better later Marxists I reckon. As I say I'm not primmie or anti-civ or anything which could be called 'left.' As such i don't really recommend people read that at all.

this is Ted's strategy taken further


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Cryptojew making metajew false accusations detected

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Here's a QUICK RUNDOWN on how uncle ted viewed Leftists. Pretty fascinating stuff as he noted and analyzed SJW's easily before they ever became a thing.

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Part of why I wish more on Jow Forums would read him, honestly. He absolutely destroys leftism from a psychological perspective. He casts it as a pathological hatred of power which of course it is. It is the will to death desu.

I do not think leftists of any sort can or will ever present a credible threat to liberalism, I'm sorry. I'm an ex-leftist and have been very well versed in ultra-com, anticiv, post-left stuff. There is not future there. All I got out of it was a vast knowledge of leftist ideas and a shitty criminal record.

Got fucked up on acid from the testing he was involved in at Harvard. Went Autistic from it.

so now you post redpills about jews and blacks and the virtuous of strong politicians on pol/ huh?

that's interesting.....

SJW types have been around since ~the 60s. Anyone who thinks the modern year is radically different from before, watch Fritz the Cat. Same shit. Social Media has just involved these things and people more in your lives.

He was right, no matter who and what he is.

Right leaning countries are destroyed by tech that allows ease of travel and basically a one world, and the lefties just hate themselves and want to destroy what came before because they mentally defective.

>his book report in prison

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You are correct. Only difference is back then they were getting high. Getting naked and rolling around in mud and shit. Preaching free love and creating AIDS.

I'm not sure when I have done any of those things, actually, I rarely come here for obvious reasons. Namely that it is filled with simplistic browbeating blowhards like yourself for whom the world has been grossly simplified by a brutalizing ideology.

>tfw it turns out the crazy homeless guy living in the woods was right about everything

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Well yeah but they ahven't had the influence they gained recently.

A lot of what Ted wrote in that piece I linked describes modern "progressives" much moreso than the majority of people who considered themselves leftists back in the 1960's. Either way it doesn't really matter

I'm not sure he is right about everything (particularly praxis and the way forward) but social and historical analysis is pretty on point.

Eh, I think his ideas were 50% on technology. His real contribution is totally deconstructing the mind of Leftists

It is very hard to find flaws in his reasoning. Not surprising since he is a Harvard math graduate.

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So why come here at all? I'm actually curious.

>: the man may make the tool but the tool soon shapes his hand.

But it doesn't. Ever.

I'm sorry but if this guy isn't going to write on the right side of the left margin I'm not going to pay attention of any of his crazy shit

That's a good question. I guess some dim hope makes me keep it in my custom board list and every now and again I will click on it to see whats up. I was pretty glad to see a thread about an actual thinker rather than just twitter screen shots or rage porn of misbehaving negros.

If you do not think that the material and technological basis of a society affects the behavior, relationships and beliefs of a society then it is beyond me to help you.

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You're half the person that you and the inbred gaggle you call your "family" are.

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Yes he was right. Here is a 3 hour high quality audio of his works.


And here is an animation based on a short story he wrote:
I know it looks silly at first, but it also encapsulates his frustration at the world pretty much perfectly.

Bump, someone link his manifesto, I'm phoneposting


wait don't go there i'll find a better one

there, sorry

It would appear to me that what he refers to as the technoindustrial revolution I would call the machine culture.
this would be the point where the masters become the slaves of the tools they created.
this is when we create algorithms to exploit human psychology to keep people hooked and as a result we lose touch with our humanity. this is the final nail in the coffin of the western worldview.

>That footnote at the end.

Now THIS is shitposting. Love this guy, definitely not crazy, /oneofus/.

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great podcast about uncle ted


Enough said. Thank you.

Ted knew how to shitpost about political correctness before it was even a mainstream thing.

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He's right that old conservatism wont survive technology


I agree about his views on technology and over-reliance on it but he is too hardcore for me. You can strike a healthy balance between technology and a naturalistic lifestyle. Max happiness is not achieved by going back to living in mud huts like niggers, but by living in small tight-knit communities aided by technology where technology serves the people and not the other way around.

funny. he did more than the Siege-tards ever have. I mean what you guys killed a gay jewish kid, big whoop. Hit a politician or stop LARPing

Agreed. Teddy should have just become Amish or something, there are communities in America that don't rely on modern technology, but also aren't living in wigwams while consulting the tribal witch doctor.

what was Bronze age mindset even about? Does he describe his philosophy, nutrition habits, politics?

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He was right, just wish he was a better writer, it was a painful read even though he was 100% right in his manifesto. He was wrong to kill people, he should have blown up offices when he knew no one was inside.

Amish and Mennonite Communities don't let outsiders in bro , they aren't stupid

It is mostly philosophy with some bits of historical anecdotes and some pretty banging commentary on some hot topics (trannies, women, whatever). Kind of a Nietzschean Will to Power + heroic virtues kind of thing, how we need to be warriors but instead most men are faggy blobs. Essentially we are stifled and made into bugmen because the way our society functions demands it but we don't thrive like this we want mastery, power but the geography of our society prohibits it.
It is a very short book and a very funny and entertaining read. I am surprised I haven't seen a thread on here about it. I have seen one on /lit/.
Please read it, honestly. I have a feeling it is probably better than a lot of what gets read by the denizens of Jow Forums. I bought it and have an azn file of it on soul seek if any one is interested.
I of course, the asshole I am, have my critiques but it is probably enriching for many of us.

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I'll probably buy it pretty soon, BAP is one of those few guys on this side of the internet where I'm always looking forward to his analysis.

I had never heard of him or really knew anything about it but some guys in a discord im in were talking about it and it was like 10 bucks so there you are. Definitely glad I bought it. It is like a streamlined Nietzsche as told by an ironic shitposter.

He's fairly popular on fringe right wing twitter, I'm surprised you haven't heard of him before, I've been following him for a while.

This is always mentioned in these threads, however, it should be clarified that he was not brainwashed, manipulated or tortured by the MKULTRA/Murray experimemrts.

Ted evening responded to a letter regarding g the subject which was covered on the recent TV series;

“From several people I’ve received letters concerning that Discovery Channel series about me, and it’s clear from their letters that the Discovery series is even worse than most of the other media stories about me. In fact, the greater part of it is pure fiction. Among other things, they apparently passed on to their viewers the tale through the agency of Harvard professor H. A. Murray I was repeatedly “tortured” as part of the an “MK-Ultra” mind-control program conducted by the CIA. The truth is that in the course of the Murray study there was one and only one unpleasant experience. It lasted about half an hour and could not have been described as “torture” even in the loosest sense of the word. Mostly the Murray study consisted of interviews and the filling-out of pencil-and-paper personality tests. The CIA was not involved."


Go Bears!

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You should read his latest book; Anti-tech revolution: why and how

>that jab at (((freudian psychology))) in the footnote

I have it I haven't finished it yet though, got a couple of books to get through bec=fore i can conscionable finish it.
I don't use twitter and Jow Forums is the only social-media type thing I use (other than instagram but I don't engage in politics/whatever on there, just post pictures of things i make). I'm pretty disconnected from the internet right wing any more for better or worse. I am glad that there seems to be a surge towards something deeper and more meaningful (and hopefully more efficacious) than the empty platitudes offered by the """"alt right""".

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Can you recommend similar books/writings?

Similar to Bronze Age Mindset? Read Homer, Sophocles and Nietzsche.
For Nietzsche I guess Geneology of Morality, Twilight of the Idols and Beyond Good and Evil are the core books to read if you ask me.
Nietzsche, in his way, advocated for (a return to?) the values which are expressed in Homer and some of the greeks.

As far as things I think are important well that could be a pretty long list. I like the novels of Houellebecq if you want a bitter and dark and funny critique of the modern state of affairs. I am not well read in philosophy.

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>assault professor

Question: If Ted's ideas where heavily promoted in the same way that Ben Shapiro/Crowder have youtube videos and college tours etc. etc.... What sort of chaos would ensue? Also, what percentage of Gen Z would get behind the anti-tech Ted cause?

It would be difficult. Gen Z and Millenials would both be open to the anti capitalist anti consumerist message...at least at first. It's easy to rip on capitalism because of some of the blatant faults in our current society, but breaking away from their Iphones and other useless shit in their lives won't be easy, and therefore won't be possible. Instant gratification is King, and therefore if it isn't easy it won't be done.

He somewhat addresses that question:
He has no intuitive sense of what the internet is like though.

I am skeptical such a thing could happen. Whereas you can have some conservative-y ideals and still function in society, they are not fundamentally radical. Pass a few laws and you've squared those ideas with action. If you entertain Ted's ideas and take them to their logical conclusion, they soon demand and absolute change of the very manner with which we relate to each other as a society and to the world. I have seen a lot in the internet right but I have never seen anything of a revolutionary spirit. Anything near it usually ends in blue suicide or some permutation of (eg atomwaffen). The denizens thereof are yet too comfortable and are content to feel """"empowered"""" by well spoken shepherds shaming their enemies of by blasting their rage on anonymous image boards.

But I am old and skeptical. Maybe you young bucks have it in you.

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