Is living to be old overrated?
Is living to be old overrated?
Dominic Ortiz
Ian Rogers
It always has
Oliver Perry
Not any more.
Leo Clark
The secret is to live well regardless of age you fucking summerfag.
Aaron Miller
>mfw he has a better hairline than most 20-something soibois
Thomas Nelson
its all about the quality of life. if youre happy and healthy, theres nothing bad about being old. on the other hand if youre someone who has always hated the human condition and longed for death, any age sucks to be alive.
Bentley Robinson
the quieting of the passions is good—
Viagra is a disaster, our leaders act like boys now
Aaron Wood
Only if you grow old like a cuck
John Diaz
Liam Gonzalez
Something seems off about this timeline...