Pol utterly BTFO

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blacks are a failed race
there's nothing we can do and there's no amount i can lose from my paycheck to change that

What's wrong with the schools? I live in a small town with only one high school, and niggers account for 96% of out-of-school suspensions but only 20% of the overall school population. That's not because of a "bad school." It's the same school the whites go to, and whites only account for 4% of the suspensions, while accounting for 64% of the school population.

Notice how we constantly say there isn't money to provide adequate schools or healthcare for nigger children, but funds suddenly materialize whenever we decide to imprison niggers (because you wont let us exterminate them)
t. pol

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>Notice how blacks say they dindu nuffin, but niggers suddenly start robbing whenever they decide they need gibsmedats

Obviously it's cheaper. The kid gets deported after a few weeks versus needing to get a kid from kindergarten to grade 12. And teaching a kid is way more work then locking them in a cage.

already spend $10k per child per year trying to educate niggers with no success. dumping more money on them won't change anything.

safety is important

Does she just want the government to sell the children to traffickers to cover handling costs?

I could argue that stopping illegal immigration would save society billions but the amount of stupidity in that post makes me want to kick her teeth out instead

kek no its called federal vs state/local budgets

nogs dont value education so whats she yapping about

nicer lunchrooms please

This. No amount of money can make a nigger intelligent or give him a dad who cares about him and encourages him to put effort into school instead of being a street rat

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Honest to Allah I can't tell if this is real or not anymore. How is peanut butter and jelly racist?

Notice how countries make laws against being a thieving, drug dealing, violent nigger.

Illegals are literal invaders. All funds must be put towards stopping the invasion. If you're against this you hate the US and should just move back to your homeland


-Bree Newsom

getting invaded is good though

it is the american strength

Liberals want us to seperate
children for having retard parents and then neglect them because we put the money for air conditioning into welfare

not all races have acquired sliced bread technology

We need mo a dem gubmit programs

Mo $$$ for dem programs!!!!!!

No amount will ever be enough to properly educate black children to the same level as whites.
And the sure as shit have tried shoveling money on the problem.

The black jelly is getting subjugated and cornered by the white supremacist bread.

The official explanation was this:
>“What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?” Gutierrez said, according to the Tribune. “Another way would be to say: ‘Americans eat peanut butter and jelly, do you have anything like that?’ Let them tell you. Maybe they eat torta. Or pita.”

>This is part of a training program called “Courageous Conversations” that has been phased into Portland schools in recent years

It's a fucking food. You can't be subjected to it; they're literally trying to sell the exposure of native cultures to foreigners as racism.

>It's a fucking food

an american food - so a white supremacist food

>they're literally trying to sell the exposure of native cultures to foreigners as racism.
you will need to give up your PB&J sandwhich privelege

also checked
it's the second time kek has given us "333"s
this means kek has cleared the PB&J sandwhich of any wrongdoing

it doesn't matter how much money you pour into a nigger school, they're still basically retarded.

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Funds for education have dramatically and near-constantly been increased for the better part of a century, and yet student performance is stagnating at best and decreasing at worst. I wish I could just disseminate blatantly false information to peddle my ideology.

this is what blacks turn schools into


I'm not seeing any problem with our schools. We sink tons of money in to try to bring up the retarded races. I mean it somewhat works, they are a little bit better than the countries they come from, but it costs an insane amount.

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>funds materialise for detention centers that have existed for years and serve to protect kids from being used and abused by slavers and paedophiles

>what are different investors
>what is oversimplifying the issue

pay my xbox

You put a shitload of money in schools, nothing will happen, they will just burn it on useless B.S.

The government did this in the 80's and 90's without any measurable success whatsoever.

You can throw all the money in the world at the problem, which they have, and it won’t make a fucking difference if kids don’t want to learn or are innately stupid. If it were up to me, public schools wouldn’t even be a thing.


it doznt matte whe the money com from,jus pey muh stuff


Healthcare costs are out of control for everybody not just children.

While schools do need funding, they need some serious restructuring first (merit-based pay, disciplinary procedures that aren't bugfuck retarded, increased familial involvement). Plus, the complete breakdown of the (African-)American family is a much bigger problem than school funding. A kid on welfare with two active, participating parents can excel regardless of how poor his school is. The best school in the world can't help a kid with no father, a crackhead mother, and a gangster for a brother.

>Plus, the complete breakdown of the (African-)American family is a much bigger problem than school funding.
Yeah, blacks are the real problem

It's almost as though it is more valuable to imprison dangerous members of society than to let them roam free and commit more crimes

Blacks had a remarkable upward trajectory from the Civil War up until the '60's. Then they got shot in the face by the welfare system and family courts.

She's right though. The amount of money required to educate black children is astronomical.