Do you idiotic faggots actually believe globalization can be stopped?
Globalization is Unavoidable
No, but I do think you're going to be surprised when niggers and degenerates aren't the ones who'll be sitting on top at the end,
(hint: It'll be Whites.)
bronze age collapse
Whites are a thing of the past. We will soon read about the forgotten race in history books.
Yes. Trump is in the process of doing it. What you think the tariffs are for? Why he left the Paris agreement and wants to trash NAFTA? It’ll crunch the economy for a while, but that’s the beauty of it, the US can survive it. They can’t. And that’s when they’ll cave.
Yeah. After you realize giving Africa all that free food and assault rifles caused a population boom that Europe can't support and China has no intent to support.
Why do people even try to fight globalization? It's like trying to fight off death.
By almost all measures the Chinese will be at the to, and ole whitey will have to take a back seat.
No but it can be postponed until it’s not being forced down our throats by people who side with degenerates and communists.
Globalism needs to be done right or we fuck ourselves into a dystopian nightmare of thought police and labor camps.