What's the best way to red pill a nigger?

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.45 caliber

great post


Funny how they become Republican as soon as they get money.

Get them right


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Why can niggers admit their culture is toxic? Why can't their renounce crime and integrate like chinks?

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"What's more important, Mexican kids or yours?"
"Dr. King was a Republican, a conservative, and a gun owner."

Their genetics are too close to apes

Treat them like fellow Americans.

hide the redpill inside a watermelon


After several introductory speakers, Malcolm X stepped to the microphone to deliver a talk entitled “Separation or Death”. “Muslims are not for integration and not for segregation”. Looking up at the audience as if to beg the question, he asked what they “were for”. The audience shouted “Separation!”. Rockwell and the troopers vigorously applauded. Later when the audience was asked for donations and Rockwell contributed $20.

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Dude, I swear, a 45. caliber answers that. and much much more

>Treat them like fellow Americans.

Why doesn't /pol even want to give blacks a chance? Of course they're going to be criminals if you treat them as if they already are.

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What's in it for them?
If I was black, I'd have a hard time turning down the gibs.

because Jow Forums's top priority is eugenics and blacks are bottom of the barrel of the genepool

>Of course they're going to be criminals if you treat them as if they already are.

That doesn't work on any other group.

Choose 9. The only people who still use .45 are boomer fudds who think the ar should be banned and all you need to do in a home invasion is rack your 12 gauge really loudly.

Colt 45 is a malt liquor niggers like to drink
It's named after a handgun

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woke nigger thread?

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why can't you type coherently?

The just legalized pot in Canada, duh!