Why are leftists usually more socially functional/less awkward and spergy than the far right?

Why are leftists usually more socially functional/less awkward and spergy than the far right?

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lad was simply doing his civic duty sage.

Because being white is the only thing I have to cling on to once you factors in the lack of personal accomplishments and substandard social skills.
Errr I mean leftists are normies... S-scum. Also I'm a cool guy with 10 tradwives and a welding job at a bank that pays 300k a year.

bc leftists are social conformists

>less socially awkward
This is a meme right? They can’t handle the slightest difference in opinion without their eyes parting to the sides

>more socially functional/less awkward and spergy

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Oversocialzation. I think the unabomber describes the issue quite well, despite being from a few decades ago.

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>tfw nonwhite LARPing as white
Feels bad man

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>tfw Jew going incognito as white
Feels good man.

Why do normies value "social skills" to such an insane degree

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why do people collect knives??

i mean, i get owning one, a small one, to fit into your pocket for personal defense, but why do people buy 30 similar knives and just...look at them?? whats up with that?

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Idiots gawk and squawk, not think and speak. They float through life adopting what they think others want from them without ever thinking about whether it's right, or not. They say it's right because others tell them it is, not because they spent many sleepless night deciding it for themselves. They seek pleasure and quick relief, not duty and discipline. This is why they are miserable because they don't realize happiness comes from a job well done, and pride from the joy of creation. They're ignorant and live off of basic instincts. Everything is predetermined in their eyes, biology, culture, society. In their eyes, they never have to take personal responsibility because the game was set from the beginning, and they feel like they've lost. There is no hope in them, only the illusion of virtue and the husk of a person that could have been.

>small knife for personal defense

you need a fixed 6" blade pig sticker or a gun if you want to defend yourself.

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This is why I'm capitalist. Stupid left wingers on lost generation were salty that guys with no social skills were making good money in tech companies. If they had it their way every autistic person vwould have almost nothing.

because we're capable of having friends. We only come to Jow Forums occasionally to shitpost, instead of living here so we can circlejerk about "MUH MASTER RACE!!!" to cope with your lack of a healthy social life

Not even wearing a belt. The aesthetics of the neo progressive left are terrible.

Why do you lefties want to push autists out of the workplace? Liberal tolerance never extends to us.

It only appears that way because leftists refuse to be in the company of people they disagree with.

Kek, did he 3D print all his weapons?

>"Oi, do you have a license for this 3D printer?"

Lul. Muh technhologhie!!

Less unity / approval of their views. See ANTIFA.

If right wingers were feeling validated the way leftists are they would be able to meet and greet in those weird meetings and at least get some social skills like those faggot antifa kids.

Because they are betas that dont mind being told what to do or pretending to be something they arent just to get something.
Some people have honor, integrity, and/or dignity so it just wont do for them.
However, some people are just fit and some arent, so left/right isnt all it comes down to.

It's more like Normies are more left-center bernie babies with autistic Jow Forumstards and lefty/pol/tards being commies, ancoms, ancaps, hoppes, neonazis, ect.

>Why are leftists usually more socially functional/less awkward and spergy than the far right?

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Really sad that people need to be told this

Tiny little folding knives are not weapons

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>leftists usually more socially functional/less awkward and spergy

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