Are you ready to go back in time?

Are you ready to go back in time?

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Shut up hippie leaf.

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Take me back take me back. I want to go back. I want my america back

It was a yes or no question and I didn't give you my opinion. Yet you made a stereotype. Burger education mustn't be doing you good.

Take the third position. The goyim must re-discover who they are.

Yeah let’s go

Sure, why not...if we go back in time, it means I will get young again giving me a chance for a couple of 'do-overs' in my life...wouldn't be a bad thing desu...

Just letting you know the 30's was full of death depression and anger. We got lots of shitskins handle now. The great cleansing is upon us goys.

...and that's a good thing.

>”it’s not like Hitler”
>”it’s not the same as Hitler”
>”but it’s kinda like Hitler, right?”

Saved you 5 minutes reading the article.

my body is ready

I'm talking about the 30's. If you are crepped now what makes you think you will survive a 1930's lifestyle?

>inspired by Trump
>not inspired by the weimar republic levels of degeneracy we find ourselves in yet again.

>what makes you think you will survive a 1930's lifestyle?
Here's the thing, for all the hardship, the thing you should do was extremely simple.

There were so few options available that there was basically no choice. All you had to do was do it.

They didn't call them the silent generation for no reason user.

>back to the 30s

Does this mean I can take the ferry to Brooklyn to see the Dodgers, get a hotdog at Coney Island, and still have change left over from my quarter? If so, sign me up

They called them "the silent generation" because they never shut the fuck up, it was an ironic nickname meant to shame them

>pro human trafficking

>omg nazis
>nobody ever wonders WHY nazis were a thing

am i supposed to feel sorry for some indigenous honduran families hiding in my country? what a time to be alive.

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Yep. Fascism follows Communism like night follows day, but the leftscum never manage to figure out the pattern

I'm hoping it means we can repeal the NFA and have mail-order machine guns again for $50 a piece

>the Guardian

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The further left the left moves on the political scale means the right reacts by going further right. It's reactionary.

>mail-order machine guns again for $50 a piece

It's about fucking time, because "Legs" O'Houlihan is seriously starting to muscle in on my bootlegging business

The (((Guardian)))

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Yeah alright. We can do that.

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>the world could be heading back to the 1930s
And that's a good thing!

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But i only want them to go back to the 1940 when the young women were sexy

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40s women > 30s women for sure, it's because of the more feminine hairstyles (and those lines up the back of their nylons)

>ywn buy the affections of a dame in postwar Europe for the price of a chocolate bar. Why live?

during the war Nylon was reserved for the military so they drew lines on the back of their legs with an eyebrow pencil

Be lucky, the Tommy Twins are a real nuisance on my local society, so were teaching the kids to handle them.

Go back filthy plebbitor.

>implying bad things only happened in the 30's what about 1889, 1917,1994 ?

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as if they know anything about what it was like then

But 1917 was a glorious year in Russia, goy


i am sure the armenians aren't too happy about it.

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that's good, we need a redo desu senpai.

And that is a beautiful thing

Yes, please. It's time to right the devastating wrongs of the last century.

Those Armenians better remember whose in charge of being genocided around here, oy vey

tell me when it does

This. And it all begins with flushing the beans down the toilet

>the lies
>they are all too much, sometimes

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>We "Dark City" now.
Mr. Book pls

>Just letting you know the 30's was full of death depression and anger.

So what you are saying is everyone acted like niggers n the 30's?

We're already there, and yes, everyone is acting like niggers. I see no "Bonus Army" movements. Though, when I was in Tijuana, just ten years ago, I was being offered... little girls, on Avenida Revolución.

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Ironically the last time blacks we're succeeding in the United States

Autobahn, take me home
To the place I belong
Deutchesreichland, Heil Hitler
Take me home, Autobahn

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This ain't "The Catcher in the Rye" anymore, it's just about decent living.

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>1930's Depression-era America
The only thing depressing is liberal policies that have caused the price of housing to be unsustainably high.

This feels more like 1940's America.

Can't we go back to the 1800s?

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ever the drama queens. Makes sense as to why a lot of them become actors.

Why wouldn't I want the United States to go back to the state it was in in the 1930s. At least it was vast majority white country, a stronger country in every way morally, economically, etc. , and the citizens had a common bond with one another. Only some subversive kike would paint this as a bad thing.

Look at the blatant propaganda in the photo. The innocent little girl being threatened by the evil Americans with guns.

How many times can they keep rehashing this bulshit nazi,hitler,1930 crap?... They must have said this about at least 100 things trump has done in the past..


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Guys, we need to have a serious discussion about building a separate country for Israel, but for Spanish-speaking brown people. I just...I feel like we have to give them land. Surely they would be safe and prosper then, right?

They can't see the forest; their lack of insight is amazing.

There is always a pushback and a threshold of tolerance.

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fuck you made me look up Little house on the prairie ep guides the last hour

YES, please can we really?
I would gladly live in the golden years.

The Guardian is suck a cocktease sometimes

yes take me on your magical time machine ride Daddy

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the day of the is coming. you'll be mulch.

there will be a massive culling soon. either by disease or by bullet./

>being a grown man and calling anyone daddy
you mutts disgust me

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Trumpeter is the new Doctor?

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>Little house on the prairie
Is it a good show?
What's it about?

A bunch of powerless inconsequential men in here cheering on this nonsense.

>Hitler struck Germany like a meteorite from outer space
Don't want Hitler? Don't let commies and liberals reduce your country to Weimar Germany 2.0.

>we must learn from history!
Says man who's tribe has been kicked out of every nation in history at one point or another.

And most important. Womyn we're ready and willing to BREED. At young age and mulple litters

Good women who make homes.
Who are good wives and good mothers.

The dream..

democrats hate america
democrats hate america
democrats hate america
democrats hate america


Yes, I want to go back, back to that time when at least there was the ability of those around me to fight. Why is it every time things start to get good, (((something))) makes it go bad? Maybe it's better this way, than on the fields.

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