Be sober

Please for the sake of your race and family do not ever use drugs. Don't even drink. It's all so fucking stupid. The Jews want you sick and drug addicted so you will be a failure and can't start a family. Tomorrow will be my first day of sobriety I can't fucking be an addict anymore. I fucking hate myself for being one. It's disgraceful. It's for niggers.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>"I'll stop drinking / doing drugs.... Tomorrow!!"

shit happens. just stop user, whatever your drug of choice is. I just celebrated 2 years sober and my life has changed so much for the better

I support your change user!

Well today is already fucked but tomorrow starts in 20 minutes for me.
Thanks guys. Not looking forward to the inevitable withdrawals or depression but I'll live. Looking forward to some extra money, better health, and hopefully some sanity.

good on you. Living as an addict destroys your relationship with your family and leaves you unable to support or raise kids, these are the most important aspects to protecting one's race and you're exactly right as to why kikes and (((big pharma))) push drugs on other races. Especially kids, have you ever heard of a black kid on ritalin or adderal? Or of blacks receiving prescriptions of anxiety medication?
The overprescribing and pill pushing of the last decade is a direct attack on middle class white america.
Glad you realized it and had the will to start climbing out of the hole.

Godspeed. Cut out all triggers which includes people and places. Its gonna be rough, and its going to suck, but I promise in a few years when you have your shit together you wont miss it.

milk thistle extract is great for liver detox. It cuts withdrawal cravings for me almost completely. Now i just have to stop using that as an excuse to drink more regularly! lol

good luck user

If I stay sober it will be for my family, not my fucking race.

Why do you say that?

>Wants to be sober
>Uses a memeflag
Senpai, please

Because I don't give a fuck about my race. What has my race ever done for me?

You can do this. It will be hard, but worth it. Struggle builds strength, and if you succeed, you will be stronger than you were before.

How incredibly selfish of you.

How? You didn't even answer my question.

Sober? You talking to me?

Fuck the Brit bong kike

Sobriety is the way.. it's a constant struggle but worth it in the end

Support of either a group or individual helps a lot

>I can't answer your question so I'll just resort to calling you a kike whilst hiding behind a meme flag
Pathetic. Probably an American.

If you don't drink, you're not white.

Nah, screw the liquid Jew. Sobriety is the way to go, period.

i cut off each night at 3-4 drinks. occasionally 2 if im really tired

enjoy being an uptight faggot
Drugs are for the strong to enjoy and the weak to destroy themselves with.

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Go for 18 months of nofap it might help too

Whatever gets our memeflag user through it all, different motivation for different people.
There's a distinction between addiction and social drinking.

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Good luck OP. Better to be clean.

Lol, based leaf.

You'll get on in under a week.
>muh moment of clarity
you're just using this thread to convince yourself you're not broke

I honestly have no idea what you are saying and you need to work on your English

You'll get on (score) in under a week.
You're obviously broke or something's stopping you from getting more drugs so you've started this whole 'time to get sober' garbage to cope.

Until you get more drugs

Fuck you faggot. Your race is your people. Sure, family first, but don't detract from the importance of your folk.

Nope, just sick of living this way, I can get more drugs but I choose not to, go fuck a goat.

Well get off drugs before you start denouncing others for taking them you absolute faggot.

My folk don't care about me, nor anybody else. So why should I care?


I am giving some pretty sound advice from someone who has seen the effects of drug use on not only myself but many, many, many other people


Good job man, you wont regret it. I'm almost 200 days sober right now and I've never felt better. Everthing has improved including my brain, body, bank account, poops, sex life, and my golf game. Best decision i ever made

I tried and failed many times before finally fully quitting, and the biggest tip i can give you is to cut out every negative degenerate person in your life. They wil just want to drag you back down and try to pressure you. Seriously just walk away from it all.

It's all about what everyone else can do for you huh? It's all "me me me me me" for you? Kinda sad.

you're a queer cunt. fuck off

OP, if you did meth, you're fucked for life. Sorry bud. You will always be a crack head with your brain all fucked up now.

Yeah I am gonna have to cut out some friends who I know if I hang with them I will just use again. Just not worth it.

Not at all.

>dude coming down off meth giving people advice

Because you're young and you don't realize how much it matters yet. You haven't seen what it's really like yet. Wait until the shitskins are in your area. Wait until 50% of your town is nonwhite. Wait until you're out walking for an hour and you can't remember if you even saw a single white person during your whole walk.

I didn't care until that started happening to me. My world was a little bubble with white people everywhere, and I felt alienated and alone, so why would I have any loyalty to those people? But I've seen what's coming. I've seen it up close. I live in the middle of it. There is nothing more precious than your folk. You don't know what you have until you lose it.

>Tomorrow will be my first day of sobriety

START RIGHT NOW or you never will

buck up you pussy

do it

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There are more white drug addicts than any other race.

>calls out drug users to stop when itself didnt even last a day

Almost 4 years here, 4 years before that too.

Good for you

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user, I believe in you man. You can do it. I've had struggles myself, and gone back and forth with drugs. I know what it's like to stop. It's no fun, but you can do it. Every day you stay away it gets easier. Just remember it only gets better. And every day you slog through is a struggle you'll never have to live through again if you choose to keep clean. Godspeed man, you can do it.

Get 1 week in you, it's cake after that.

This. OP must still be hyped up from stimulants and he's not thinking clearly.

Smart thinking. I even left a job where most everyone was a degenerate bad influence. The pay was also shit.

It's a great feeling when youre sober and able to pass any drug test. I found a better job that paid better and has less degenerates working for it due to a drug testing policy that i didn't fear at all due to my sobriety

Half of my family has died from alcoholism. Never planning on drinking.
t. sikh

Well done

You will, trust me. You will.

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I never felt the need to use drugs or alcohol.

I think I realized at a very young age that drug addicts are miserable because they dont realize they've been born into a forced social engineering experiment. They blame themselves instead of the kikes and this makes them suicidal.

Good for you op. What is your drug of choice? Sober alki here.

This is going to sound stupid but it's kratom. I know it helps a lot of people but I cannot control myself. But really any drug I use I end up abusing. I am mostly addicted to being fucked up on something. Even if it's caffeine. Hard for me to be sober but I feel if I do quit, after some time I am hoping my brain will readjust to sobriety. I am going for a run after I sleep tonight, and will be doing exercises everyday in place of drugs. I hope this will also produce some feel good chemicals and fight off cravings.

Did meth for the first time tonight ama

Are you a biker?

I'm already a minority in my city so what does it matter anymore

That's not stupid at all. When I wait drinking I got addicted to weed. I was looking to escape. I needed to find what I was running away from. Pray to God, talk to him, ask him for help. BTW working out helps a lot, check out Jow Forums I gained 50 pounds in the last year, mostly muscle. Also find a hobby and have lots of sex if you have a girlfriend or go find one. You'll be okay

Fuck that swastika AIDS picture, but may GOD bless your transition.

What does it actually feel like to wanna KYS?

John 3:16

Good luck, brother! You can do it.

Not a nazi but I agree. Drinking makes you dumber. It's been a month since I've consumed any alcohol and done any drugs and I'm already feeling better than I used to - clearer mind, better focus. Now my goal is to see if I can make it three months.

if you ever get the urge to do degeneracy sing the song my father sung to me like his before him during the war
"with hammer and sword, we serve our lord
Tonight we stand strong and carry on
for this land we labor, fight, and die
all is worth for our nations pride."

Your race is your family.

>not a nazi
I started out on lefty pol HATING nazis because my dad was one, then when I moved to america with my mom, that whore divorced and left.
Then I read animal farm, a book i saw at the store and I thought it was pro communist, and when i finished it, My mind was flipped. I realized what my dad was saying was true, and I cried so hard when he died. I never got to tell him he was right to his face.

Anger can be a powerful motivational tool. I've about two years sober now. You'll have many moments where you might even relapse, but do not let this discourage you. Small improvements are massive wins. Trust me when I say the best is yet to come. Good luck user.

I'm a Christian just a bad one, but feel good

They don't feel like a family to me.

Sorry to hear about your dad man. The reason I could never get behind any fascist ideologies is because it seems like the inevitable result is always a strictly hierarchical caste system. I know a lot of fascists say that's the way the world should be, inequality is natural, etc., but I think we're just as much if not more a product of our circumstances, and if we want to fix issues in society we need to educate people and fix our culture.

>tomorrow will be my first day
No you stupid faggot.

Today is your first day of sobriety, and the last day you ever use any substance. If you keep saying tomorrow, tomorrow will never come.

My dad is leftist, his dad is a Trotskyist. I'm a National Socialist.

post every day user. will join you in your plight if you do. callsign: anonanon2

Good luck, user. I’m 46 days sober today. It’s hard, but I know it’s the right path. Do the steps; they’re a gift from God.

you're a faggot, it's simple. You will never understand the ethnos/fatherland(ΠΑΤΡΙΣ) and the beauty of it. You cannot. You are of the robot people as Plato stated. Enjoy your miserable life, kek

Good luck, user. You've got this in the bag. Honor your ancestors forever and ever.

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What is your poison user?

Sahhedrin says the goyim are nothing but cattle, a little drugs won't hurt you. You should try Rumple Minze with a little bit of Triangle Kush and some Peanut butter shatter. Then you can top it off with some CBD oil. Try doing this while you watch some transexual and lesbian foot fetish porn, you will enjoy yourself so much you'll regret you ever mentioned such stupid concepts as a family or children. You will be in your own heaven OP, the one YHWH made for cattle that sits below G-d's chosen heaven.

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>Turk talking about the ethnostate
You'll never be part of the "ethnostate" either you coffee coloured shitskin

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You won't be able to shill your Egyptian slave religion anymore when we're sober Rothschild cuck.

Ah yeah. Back when I was doing heroin, living in some Sober Living House, this older guy confronted me about it and looked me in the eyes and said "you're white, quit with this nigger shit."

I didn't get sober from that day forward or anything, but I definitely remember that moment. I wish I could thank him today.

3.5+ years sober now, straight A engineering student, healthy, friends, good familial relations again, chad muscles and looks, etc. Life got good man.

Stay sober user, it'll get better. Try AA meetings and the whole program, it worked wonders for me. Good luck!

The castes are not divided, but the social structure works together. You can still climb the ladder.
The only way to fix society is to turn the youth around. we need to find the symbolism to capture their eyes and ears to let them listen to the truth they never get to hear. National Socialism is not intended to stay authorial. The end goal is to fix the problems (((they))) create, and make sure they're dead so people are not swayed like sheep.
More authority does not mean less rights.
Liberty is an illusion in this country anyway. Paper means nothing, and cannot protect you.

This is ridiculous. The Talmud clearly states that it doesn't matter if a goyim does drugs or not. You are just a stupid farm animal we kick in the ass. Sanhedrin says you are like literally equal to mulch. lol

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Oh, and I got to experience true love with a beautiful white woman. The height of human experience.

The goyim should just admit we are G-d's chosen people and the rulers of this universe. You are like flies, you just buzz around and be flies.

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>true love
Up the bum?

Do you really not see how Jews are just as controlled as everyone else? Your masters are preparing another holocaust for you already, unless you can stop it.

the suboxone isnt keeping the cravings at bay anymore.. the pain is getting worse aswell

>tell me its going to be okay, Jow Forumsacks.. please.

Nope. That new holocaust will be all yours. We own all of the media, banks, and institutions now. You no longer do. lol!

Shalom, goyim. Enjoy being a crispy creme in the new ovens of Moloch.

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Going to sleep but thanks for all the replies guys. And to all the Jews that posted in here, fuck you.

How do I beat a porn/video game addiction. I want to just throw my computer and smart phone away but I don't know how I will function in society.

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You're wasting time, the Jews don't have much time left. I want you guys to survive, I honestly do. I can already tell you're not one of the 1% of Jews they intend to keep alive.

LMAO. See? You will never trully understand. You're a faggot, admit it.

Your race is by definition your extended family

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