
If you're not a heterosexual, you are a faggot.

Faggots are faggots
Dykes are faggots
Bi? You're a faggot
Trannies are faggots
Pedos are faggots
Cucks are faggots
Roastie enabling "poly"? You're a faggot

Stop using whatever newspeak they come out with each week and just call them what they are.

Attached: 63a5327be50408b18dffb58a493636cf--freddie-mercury-last-days-the-last-song.jpg (666x499, 41K)

great thread
but they are all just infused by satan with illnesses
i feel bad for them until they do parades and then i really do hope they succumb immediately to their sickness

Remember how for a while every single action no matter what made you racist? Now it makes you a faggot just deal

OP is a faggot

bump for truth, also, traps are and for faggots

Does not liking to engage in sex make you a faggot?

Attached: pup.png (317x275, 201K)

>OP? Faggot.

I see your point, OP and it's essential. But I disagree that homos are faggots. Freddy Mercury can't be a faggot because he's a hero and faggots are fags. You see my point. Bisexual is such bullshit, I can't even start. Good thread, user

Poly means polyamorous which means you fuck multiple women, how is that a faggot?

also infused by AIDS, natures remedy