Jones says Trump will not run again in 2020

Is Jones memeing?

Could this be true?

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When did AJ grow the beard? I admit, I haven't watched him in ages. I've seen clips of him here and there, but I havent seen him with a beard once.

Is he going for a Lincoln look, for some Civil War spin?

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Jones is literally going to prison when Mueller starts opening the indictments. Why the FUCK are shills posting this faggot on this board anymore? He hasn't said anything important or covered anything important in over a year. He isn't talking about corruption or geopolitical news at all. This man went from acting to spewing PURE POISON. He's shedding the facade and showing his true colors. A traitor to the United States of America.

His double chin either got too big or he's prepping for the civil war

please let it be true, this fat turd is a disaster, he has no principles and flip flops every other second. get buchanan out and get lincoln in.

Because 2016 was America's final election.

I always wondered if he'd just try to do a 1 term thing. But he's already got his campaign going for 2020. I'd like to see him get his 2nd term and then just go fucking bonkers with his agenda. Dude needs to step up his game big time, and I feel like he's not really trying to make these massive, sweeping changes that he said he would.

A president without a re-election coming up is a president with nothing to lose. I want to see Trump be that president. Not this one we've got now. Though I'll admit he's the best of all the candidates we had to choose from.

Trump is doing 3 terms. Alex Jones is a liar and a criminal.

Trump doesn't need it, he's only hurting his brand. Leave them wanting more (Ivanka or Barron)

He does look a little plumper than his usual self.

AJ plays the narrative, and I'm sure he it's both. He grew the neck-beard to cover the rolls, and ... why let a crisis go to waste ... use it for some 1776 calls.

Fuck off
See you in 25 years

You forgot your get.

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who cares.

I could believe it. No evidence obviously but I don't think he enjoys the power like he thought he would and I never really thought he cared that much, it will never affect him or his family because he's next tier powerful/rich even without the presidency. To be a one term volountary President would be akin to defeat though and though it''s not so crazy it's out of the question I'd be surprised if he did that.

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Jones said the world would end because y2k

Know the best part?

This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.




Asshole will attack Syria, kill Assad, and leave the bald headed Russian cunt spitting mad.

Then Mueller will have Asshole and Vice Asshole arrested by summer.

Then President Nancy Pelosi (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national emergency right before the big blue tsunami in November.

Hey, don't forget the Russian cunt!

He'll do something incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;)

Are you guys with me?



President Nancy Pelosi. Democratic supermajority. War and emergency powers.


We're literally literally going to be dragging far right pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big houses to refugees and undocumented immigrants. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL Skinhead cunts can do about it.

Congrats, babydicks.

You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Asshole beat Her.

Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty bitch Hillary "Payback" Clinton is. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.

He wants attention

worst part is that leftists don't care about the who and what, as long as it's a step into legit communism.

Well if alex jones said it it must be true

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I love this copypasta but it would be funnier with a Hilldawg pic.

Why do you faggots like coming here to be called so᠌yboy faggots? Do you mentally ill trannies get off on being called so᠌yboy faggots to the point where you cannot stop coming to Jow Forums?

fuck are u dumb.

he is a copy paste shitposter so yes


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If you bothered to actually watch Trump and the administration on 'The White House' youtube channel, you would know that Trump is 100% running in 2020. He just mentioned that he's win Minnesota next time several times during that rally.

This would be bad. Make no mistake.

Your life must be really unhappy.

Lay off the booze.

It's true. In 2019 he will be sworn in as Emperor of Mankind, after the Final Wars. It will be the last Presidential Election.

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He's doing it in celebration of America's rebirth.
It's like a playoff beard for America.

Leftists don’t give a fuck about communism, they just want black bulls to replace white people.

We need T for two terms on account of the SCOTUS appointments. Also second term he'll be entirely free to discard public opinion and do work as necessary.

Literally nothing in this post is true. Its more of a fantasy than the conspiracy theories regularly falsely credited to Jones. There is a concerted shill effort going on right now to just assault and lie about Jones in every thread that mentions create a false negative consensus.

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AJ is a Shill, Trump is a Shill. Gas them all.

Hes prolly saying it so the globalists dont get any ideas about killing trump and starting a civil war.

There goes another great President.

Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Richard Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Patrick Little - Formerly controlled opposition cryptokike, now openly Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
Eddie Bravo - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist

>Man who's not right about anything except frog sexuality says thing

Scott Adams predicted the same thing awhile back.


Trump 8 years, it was already prophesied. God does not lie.

Now sit back and relax.

I unironically love Jones-senpai but he really needs to lay off the whiskey.
Trump's doing 2 terms. He doesn't have a choice anymore. People would fucking revolt. Everything he's accomplished would just be swept away into the dustbin of history.
Maybe Alex is on the money though; maybe Trump really thought he could do it in one term. Obviously that's not gonna happen though.

haha cuck

Why should he?

he is going to finish up his list, put his name on the wall and retire like a fucking champ