You know, there's one thing about Trump's rise to prominence that's really underrated

In the early to mid-2010s, many of us on Jow Forums were aware that the CIA, FBI, NSA were cataloguing countless amounts of personal info based on the things we posted, which was obviously something that could be abused in horrifying ways. Imagine, for instance, an Orwellian torture chamber ala Room 101, except that they use all the info they had on you to psychologically optimize the best form of torture.

Now, I'm not sure about you, but if you're anything like me you probably pictured that the individuals in those departments were generic looking tall muscular white men with an apolitical bent and a naked lust for power along with the privilege to abuse it without any form of accountability. Hypercompetent demons in human skin with technology far more advanced than anything us peons will ever use, who were simply "above it all."

Then comes Trump, a 70 year old corny baby boomer with dyed hair who talks like a narcissistic simpleton with no self-awareness, who in the process of running for the highest office in the world broke all the rules, only to win anyway, forever changing the political and cultural landscape.

Then you find out that many of the deep stage agents you were so wary of, turned out to be utter dweebs like Peter Strzok, whose cringe inducing attempts at flirting with ugly lawyers get unearthed for the world to see.

Or SJW, XOJane writer looking cunts with textbook virgin walk posture like Sally Moyer, who you can just imagine gulfs down multiple pints of coffee a day on top of SSRIs and weekly therapy sessions in order to avoid having a personal break down.

Thank you for shattering that image, President Trump. We now know the people that make up the powers-that-be aren't nearly as threatening, imposing, or competent as we thought they might be, and that's a tremendous first step towards actual change.

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underrated whitepill wall-o-text

thanks op

please write an ebook

DeusVulter is a nigger faggot

nice trips but BomQ is da real Q

You know when i read the Turner Diaries i completely dismissed Pierce's depiction of the LEO's as unrealistically incompetent. As it turns out he was right again forced diversity and the long march have fucked up our law enforcement agencies really bad which is great for the siege pilled among us

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It's true. The little doggie pulled back the curtain to reveal the scared faggot. Now it's time to crush that faggot.

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It’s been an admittedly bumpy ride, but at this point it certainly looks as if a lot of the things DJT has been doing are maneuvers to get out from under the Deep States grip. Now that Russia appears to be behind him, he’s almost back in campaign mode. If things continue along this path, we’re in for a very interesting year or two. What do they have left that they can throw at him? Physiognomy is real and becoming realer: liberalism really is composed of the dregs of humanity. I don’t think civil war is even an option anymore. Pretty incredible to see how much has changed in three short years since an escalator ride for the ages.

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obviously they're still a problem, but we now know they're beatable. I don't want to diminish Trump's accomplishments so far, but you have to ask - if he managed to change things so much since mid-2015, imagine what others (including us) can do to change the political landscape / overton window in another 3.5 years.

>being so deluded as to think you're not still being watched and timeline'd
Jow Forums used to be a lot better than this

Nowhere was this implied. Read more to improve your comprehension.

Build the wall! Of text! And feed us white pills :)

OP is basically saying the DJT election has outed the Manipulators of US Society as incompetent virgins. I can read and I know 100% that OP is a faggot.
Nothing is going to happen. You're still on an ant farm.

You were scared of the government? lol
You're not really an American, then.

t. Scared Kike

no shit we're still being watched. What's different is that I now know that the people watching me are just like the redditfags who complain to me IRL about how frustrating dating in 2018 is.

>Nothing is going to happen. You're still on an ant farm.

We'll see about that. It's clearly not as hard to break free when you have a clearer idea of what the enemy is like.

t. anal annihilated kike mod

Opinion discarded

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He's sort of got a point. The texts between strzok and page read like 12 year old girls.

Absolutely. Completely accurate.

>siege pilled
Mason is a Satanist and probably a homosexual. But literally a Satanist. Black Order. He's a faggot whether he sucks dick or not. Either do what he says and go live innawoods or throw that book in the trash, where it belongs.

Dude, Jow Forums has been compromised since 2006.
PRISM has got every keystroke logged since 2011.
Joogle Inc has been recording your voice even when your phone is in your pocket and storing the data in the Utah Data Center since 2013.
Lots of shit is going on that doesn't even get a mention and you have the naivety to open a thread about incels? Cmon man, how long have you honestly been on the web?
This shit gets even worse than /x/ wants to discuss. We are basically all cattle turning a grindstone that makes hamburger for our masters.
Trump is just a blade of grass in the swamp. He may stick out, but he alone will never drain it.

Based white pill.

Why do I keep seeing this ant farm shit?
Is this bot code?

It's a euphemism that came to mind after I witnessed a bunch of UFOs in 2014.
Even if ayyys don't exist; someone out there is flying around in shit that transcends our wildest dreams, while we fap to illuminated screens.

womp womp

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No shit all of that is true. The thing is, the people who run that are arguably worse off than we are.

They have the same kinds of fears. They make the same kinds of mistakes. They whine, cry, shiver, sweat, and bleed. They got to where they are mostly through kissing ass, not through genuine talent and competence.

Bump for decent bread

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>little doggie

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I thought you were going to say how the data mining was used to write the script for the white hat counter-revolution

Nah, a lot of them we're selected based on their competence and abilities during military service.
They may still be human, but the ones running the show are the cream of the crop, so to speak. People like Soros and Rothschild may have money, but the true elites don't even have need of money, just the will to manipulate human destiny.
They probably also never post on this site...

even more were selected to fill quotas or through nepotism or notable subservience

look at what a dofus Comey turned out to be.
They are only intimidating because they have the power of an enormous bureaucratic apparatus to abuse

That much was obvious if you were listening to his confirmation hearing. He's like the turtle in that parody image... Some cruel bastard put him in a position far above his competence level.

True. Hunter was even better. You read that yet? Widely available including on archive dot org

The hammar and sword never rest
neither should you.
Do not lose faith, or let your guard down

Likely, but the fact still remains that we are in their glass box and have little knowledge of what their true motives are.
I mentioned predestination, but it might even be speciaton or something even more bizarre, like the Festival of Sacrifice in 'Berserk'. The worst possible scenario may be something akin to Roko's Basilisk or that new agey 'higher/lower vibration' shit...
We simply can't know, and being in our limited scope of observation of these kikelords, must assume the worst. Trump is a small sparkle of hope for peace and I'll hang on to that dream, but popping white pills to make me us feel better is just another technique that (((they))) employ to keep us from finding the Final Solution

ok i get what you saying

Gotta see further than the politicians, user. Gotta follow the money and look for agendas

>In the early to mid-2010s, many of us on Jow Forums were aware that the CIA, FBI, NSA were cataloguing countless amounts of personal info
Speak for yourself faggot.

The part in hunter where the agent is talking to the protagonist and explaining how jewed the FBI was is the first thing I thought of reading this

Q predicted this

That's why we call the "CIA niggers" (thanks to based Terry) - because we no longer hold the fictitious illusion that they're this all power organization filled with super smart scary expert operators who only do the things that they do because they're so smart and they know secrets which we could never imagine.

They are actually the niggers of law enforcement, chimping out and fucking shit up on the world stage - looting, thieving, conniving, drug dealing, backstabbing niggers.

Physiognomy is very real.

People that are evil and weak often show it in their appearance.

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it's worse that they are those kind of people. people like that are self righteous pieces of shit who will ruin those with differing opinions mercilessly

I have never been afraid of the alphabet soup. I respect their authority and try to give them support when I'm able to. Of course if they do something stupid I'll make fun of them for it, but that goes for anybody.


It is not the strong you have to be afraid of, but the weak and sickly who have nothing to lose and will pull down everyone if given a chance.

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I feel the same.
Although during the 90s I was ready to stage an insurrection against the alphabets, but then they staged OKC and cured everyone of those thoughts.
That only works once though.

Of course.
Posture is all about taking responsibility having the courage to face unpleasant realities.

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I find those who are truly strong are more likely to be merciful, where as those who are weak will make full use of any opportunity they get to be on top and they'll keep kicking you when your down.

did this bitch get sentenced to life in prison yet?

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Kek, any time you feel bad think to yourself, you’re smarter and better looking, with more personal integrity, than any actual real life intelligence worker or federal superspy is likely to be. If you asked out the ugliest girl in your town and got turned down by her you’re actually doing as well as these nerds.

What’s happened to,our national security infrastructure? It’s truly frightening.

There should be a movie adaptation for the Turner Diaries, would be super fun to watch.

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So what you're saying is they aren't the omnipotent gods that see everything they have painted themselves to be, but rather nerdy faggots who look like Edward Snowden and usually have a snowflake mentality?

We already knew this. lol

The high levels of governmental imperfection were the obvious bread crumb trail to the inadequacies of the individuals chosen for these roles. Text book college idiots.

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>these frumpy looking pieces of shit work for the FBI
>they were tasked with investigating hillary clinton, whilst simultaneously being 100% anti-trump and 100% in love with hillary

holy shit. do liberals need this spelled out to them, do they not understand what this means.

oh, oh no no,
hah, hahah

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>We now know the people that make up the powers-that-be aren't nearly as threatening, imposing, or competent as we thought they might be, and that's a tremendous first step towards actual change.
The Jews we worry about are even bigger dweebs. Look how they name themselves on twitter and tighten the noose more every day. The cat is out of the bag now the entire white wold will know very soon about their bullshit. Every corner of the internet is inundated with our memes. Palestinians are btfoing them with KITES! And their women have succumbed to the same degenerate shit promoted for us and are racemixing like no tomorrow. Honestly khazar milkers are the best way to defeat the Jews.

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Bump for white pill.

Yes they are truly just a bunch of idiots with no backbones or morals. Thats whay thy are allowed to be in those positions, because they do exactly what they're supposed to and dont question it.

too long; read anyway

they look and act just like what I always imagined an "Obama appointee" would

You'd laugh at the incompetence of our cyber depts in Germany.
You are alredy adding a signigicant barrier to their investigation, if you use a non-XP non-Windows OS, kek.