Please stop with glorificiation of the White race

Abortions, population decline, consumerism, liberalism, gender equality, hookup culture, individualism - all of these behaviors or philosophies are accepted in full faith by most white brothers and sisters. White people are, mostly, cucks and if you think that's not the case look closely at your people at work, school, college or even at gas station.
With whom are you planning to build an ethnostate? With these degenerates?

Attached: Apes.png (719x485, 425K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>make a wish cause about to die
>wish that I can address the world in a live press conference from my deathbed
>the world all watching as I an 11 year old transgendered man who is also a boomer with AIDS and ass cancer looks at the reporters, CNN, BBC, AL-Jazeera, Brietbart,Huffpost, they all come out for the dying boy boomers last wish, all cameras live pointed at his old boomer features
>Shit self and die on live while never doing more than grunting a disturbing and sexual grunt at all the reporters, wasting everyones time and confusing them all
>uhnguuuuuuuuuu uhnguuuuuuuuuuuuu uhnguuuuuuuuuuu
>awarded nobel prize and college fund because white
This is the world we live in and you cant deny it

white women are.. fucking amazing. Op is not white

Attached: StephanieSunderlandPhotography-81.jpg (1200x800, 291K)

>most aesthetic race
>most technological, philosophical, artistic and scientific achievement beyond all other races
>at the same time
Hey ooga boo, take a walk on the wild side. I said hey nigger nigger, take a walk on the wild side.
Sage all niggers.

>White people are, mostly, cucks and if you think that's not the case look closely at your people at work, school, college or even at gas station.
Well I live in an area that got mexicans so almost none of those people are ever white anymore except for me.

I agree that the white race has fallen, but most of these ideologies are jewish narratives pushed on whites. Not to be a negro about it, but when you're fed nothing but nihilism from kindergarten from your catladie teacher its hard to not become indoctrinated at least for a while.

Whites are gaslit into thinking that abortions, liberalism, consumerism etc are their values.

A very sincere thank you to all the intellectually honest, hard working and perseverant white women.

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No they aren't, they're shit. Better than other races but they're still absolutely fucking shit.

you are not wrong on most of this but it is our job to bring them back. same goes for all races. bring people back to the good as much as you can. remove the bad influences that have corrupted.

genuine question so please don't deflect.

if you had 3 daughters today, do you personally know 3 men you'd be able to give your blessings to marry them?

>having daughters

>deflects because you don't want to have an intellectually honest discussion

>raising a daughter for 18 years just so she can get fucked by some guy
It's like a form of cuckoldry.

you're a worthless piece of shit

Let me guess, you have a daughter.

This is why arranged marriages existed.

most white women are in fact chaste and high quality ladies

44% of white women will have 2 or fewer sexual partners IN A LIFETIME (including their spouse and all forms of sexual contact)

Attached: CDC Females.png (1798x1080, 453K)

>most white women are in fact chaste

Yes, I know very respectable men that I believe would be able to take care of them and respect them, but if I had three boys I wouldn't be able to "bless" them with 3 women to marry them.

when I have children, I would feel more blessed to have daughters. They require more engagement, strong father figure and attention than sons. They have a greater ability to absorb a father's character and love than sons. A good man prefers daughters because of the obligation they require.

>A good man prefers daughters
This is a joke, right? A good man always prefers sons because a son is a continuation of a family dynasty. As the same gender as the father, he carries on the paternal lineage and carries the name of his forebears forward. A son can carry forward his mothers lineage in the case of an absent father, sure. A daughter however, marries into the family dynasty of her husband and thus, takes his surname.

you currently know 3 single men (not already married/in a monotonous relationship) that you would allow to pursue and marry *your daughters (hypothetical) ?

if you genuinely do, congratulations. I know decent guys that could make decent husbands for some but I don't know one man who has these 3 qualities, intelligence, character and high quality genetics (physical)

Not really. I work at a subway and have given every white girl that ha s come to work at it my famous footlong. Those bitches aint' loyal.

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tell that to your princess Harry
meaningless meme class hierarchy. a crown makes not a king less inbred , a name carries not quality genetics when spouses are chosen for the quantity of land instead of quality of character/physical

>3 qualities, intelligence, character and high-quality genetics (physical)
Those are just 33.3% of what I considered for my selection. I added honor/morals, mental strength, race, family values, hygiene/order, and good, stable job/career

given the decrepit environment white males have allowed subversives to shape, our women have managed to maintain their unique and hard earned traits. We white men are blessed and will restore our environment to a state befitting of our women.

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> believing women's answers to surveys.


> I have only had two sexual relationships, and these were both in committed relationships

> apart from that time I was gang banged by the football team

> and those times I was drunk

> also not counting holiays

> also days I felt sad

race is a given and above all qualifiers. The rest I agree with and place them in the character traits category

it's surveyed anonymously with a margin of error included. I believe it because of my experience with anonymity, I find it near impossible to lie when I post anonymously specifically because I'm the only person who knows the truth.

>white race support degeneracy

try again shlomo.
hint: look at their noses

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Either way, my point is, I probably know more than three that fulfill all of those "requirements" if dealing with males, but if I try to think of a female that is loyal, just that, only loyal I know none. So, saying we don't have a problem with our females, is disingenuine and just dangerous to the race as a whole. Something must be done about it, besides destroying those who generate the sick propaganda that makes them lose their way.

legitimate issues exist, no female has ever denied that about their gender. The disconnect is when low tier males use those issues to attack the majority of high quality white women in a fit of impotent rage.

it's the equivalent of a prostitute attacking males who have standards with exhausted and inapplicable loaded and destructive terms such as muh dick, muh can't please a "real woman" etc

the fact of the matter is low tier males attack targets out of their measurable equivalent because they have no standing among men*

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I have to accept your answer.

>So, saying we don't have a problem with our females
I have never and will never suggest *every white female is sitting in their room knitting sweaters while fantasizing about a family/husband. To do so would make anything I say empty because it's clearly not accurate of the situation. I have stated precisely that our women have issues independent of men here .

Having said that, many problems with our women are because of broken families.

Aryan queens rule.
thots go directly into the trash.

Real Aryan queens are submissive wives and good mothers. Loyal and loving homemakers.

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>I believe it

Oh sorry I stand corrected.

You must be a woman. You believe your subjective feelings amount to anything at all.

Tits or GTFO.

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I wished things were differently

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I mostly agree with the overall message except your words ring of a person who has authority to discard someone uninterested in your desires. Your word choice has the female equivalent of "only alpha studs allowed, anyone not an alpha into the trash".
It's more productive to specify hard traits rather than meme descriptions such as alpha/thot.

Betamales go directly into the trash with thots and nasty man hating feminists.
If you have a problem with that you can forward your complaints to your trash bin residence you pathetic BETAMALE.

The hard traits were specified.
>submissive wives
>good mothers
>loyal and loving homemakers

Whoa dude, im sorry that the place you live in is cuck central

>wish* vs being a changing force
Things are created through force upon matter. Nothing happens without a force exerted upon it. I genuinely think positivity and encouragement are a force significantly more powerful upon our women/men. Encouragement is a catalyst where as negativity is an extinguishing force.

some are in fact burned out yet people try to extinguish them with negativity. use the limited force you have to be a catalyst in worthy women.. there are many out there who could use a word of appreciation.

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easy with your roar king. You don't intimidate anyone, but attract attention to territory you aren't equipped to defend. Read my prior posts before you go limping

If I posted shirtless selfies you'd cry about this place not being Instagram. Believe it or not, I'm a white European male

Typing like a faggot doesn't earn my respect.
Know your place. You aren't an alpha yet.

you bore me

Sweet dreams to all the remarkable white women out there.

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0:45 to :48, so pretty. If only I could find and reprogram her.

Women are malleable by psychology and will do whatever is status quo. They will follow their men to death unless Jews brainwash them otherwise.

That is why you had women Siege Hieling in Germany and clamoring to become Hitler youths. Women back then were genuinely proud to serve their country and men. They loved being housewives and raising children.

I know this because my great grandmother raised my grandfather in Germany in the late '30s. Even my grandmother has a lot of loyalty for not only Germany but Europe and she is traditionalist like women should be. My family including my mom hates how women behave these days calling it absolutely immoral and insist I get a decent white Christian woman.

So what we basically need to do is restructure our culture. We need to reintroduce good family values and morals. Reintroduce a nationalist identity and a racial awareness. And we need to make sure we don't let power slip out of our hands again.

>dyed blonde hair (bimbo tier)
>dog on bed

Subhumans confirmed

First and second from the right needs to be inseminated.