
Since the debate has opened again in Italy, what is Jow Forums's opinion on vaccines?
Are they all necessary? Or only some of them? Or maybe none?
Should they be obligatory for all children and enforced by the state, or left to the discretion of each parent?
Are the unvaccinated children to be left out of schools or not?

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Salvini is unironically the light of our world

we could use a plague

if you don't have vaccines the immigrants will bring disease

Vaccines are a scam and damage people but you should do the research yourself.

Anyone who thinks vaccines are bad or cause autism is a fucking degenerate with subhuman IQ

You should also stop taking any form of medication. That's where they get you. Also rubbing alcohol? Soap? All bullshit. We'll have fun living to the ripe old age of 26. Fucking moron.

I don't see why people hate vaccines or latch on to the idea they are harmful. Making them mandatory is a violation of human rights though (except for immigrants since they are choosing to accept it as a condition)

the aluminum in vaccines enter your bloodstream and never leave. white blood cells attach to the aluminum and that's all - it can't do anything about it other than stick to it. when the white blood cells are called to another part of the body where there is injury or infection, the aluminum is released upon arrival so that the white blood cells may do something else. this is likely the cause of why so many football players with TBI's end up retarded. TBI's weren't ever a cause for concern before vaccines, and back then there was even more contact and less protection.

I love the anti-vaxx issue because it's one of the few things stupid cranks on all ends of the political spectrum can agree on.

News flash dipshit, the overwhelming majority of diseases had already plummeted into obscurity decades before vaccines. To top it all off, they had to pull new diseases and change definitions just to make themselves look good. AKA: "curing" and "eradicating" polio, all the while AFP which is identical to polio skyrocketed at the exact same time, but it's "not polio," convenient.

Reality is vaccines don't do anything at all and you're a sheep dumbass if you think injecting yourself with pseudoscience is going to actually immunize yourself from diseases that most of the time mutate before you ever get your shit vaccine.

It’s all bullshit from the flat tax / tax evasion amnesty man. I’m ashamed there are people in my country who fell for this con artist.

Yh bro and fuck leprosy God cured that shit not medicine. Shit is so cash here. I get piles of pussy
t. posting from leper colony

this sounds like serious bait, but cite your sources. diseases like polio were only countered by vaccines

Vaccines are an easy way to insert whatever (((they))) want inside you.

Should be voluntary.

Ad hom away cause you are dead if try to argue facts.

tried and tested vaccines = good
experimental shit = avoid like plague until it becomes tried and tested

Parents should have final say though.

t. FEMA employe

>find some random disease that normally would come and go like the seasonal flu
>get the media on a fear campaign
>cattle scared shitless
>rush out shitty vaccines that maximise profits
>make all the shekels
>naive retards who fell for it get sick, some get permanent narcolepsy and other issues
This happened, by the way, it's not just something I'm making up as a greentext. Happened right here in Sweden with the swine flu (which killed way less people than the seasonal flu, but the seasonal flu did not get massive media coverage). Somehow, there was never any public discussion about how the supposed testing and safety regulations failed, and how it could happen again.

By all means, if you want to get yourself and your children injected with poison (actually benefits me due to herd immunization), but I'll stick to the few vital ones that are worth the tradeoff.

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I nearly died and was hospitalized from adverse reactions to vaccines but the doctor wouldn’t report it to the FDA because I didn’t die.

There are a lot of vaccines that are useless and they are only provided to appease the lobbyists.
There are also some vaccines that genuinely help preventing diseases.
However I'm not sure whether providing immunity to all people is a good thing. Let the weak and old die the natural way and the rest will be better off in the long run. Part of the reason for degeneracy of modern Europe west is that we have too many weakling and old people and also we have forgotten about death and plague. It has even become taboo to talk about such things.
Medieval ages were more advanced in this regard as people treated death and disease as normal part of life. Nowadays people are like big children.

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Address AFP dumbass, it's identical to polio and only saw an incline when polio was being "eradicated."

Dumb niggers actually think vaccines are saving the world lol

Go ahead, look up measles data, almost 40 years before a vaccine was manufactured and licensed to be used, and at that point, measles had already plummeted to nothingness.

Just a single example.

vaccinating a newborn baby is fucking cruel. the baby cant handle that bullshit.

Does anybody here have a good reliable source on the negative effects of vaccines? Or is all this anti vax just as unscientific as the gender pay gap and the gender theory?

reminder the whole "vaccines cause autism" thing comes from one British scientist who gave autistic kids unnecessary invasive surgeries with faked data and when he got caught he got all his qualifications revoked and his work unpublished so he simply went to America and tried the same scam and of course it worked this time since Americans are scientifically illiterate morons

and he was also only talking about the MMR vaccine, but dipshits think it applies to all vaccines since they have no idea what even a disgraced con-man is talking about

>Does anyone have any scientific evidence to back up the claim that sugar is bad? Or is it just a bunch of fat advocates trying to shift the blame?

So... You don't have any source on the negative effects of vaccines. You just point to another thing implying it's related. Do you have any source?

>Gender pay gap is real, look at this source on toxic masculinity

>Are you trying to tell me doctors would ever mislead you for money?

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Note that aluminum adjuvants are only used in some vaccines and not live, viral ones, like measles and mumps etc.

Also note that an infant receives about 4.4 milligrams of aluminum in the first six months of life from vaccines, they receive more than that from baby formula and breast milk

>I repeat
the amount of aluminum found in vaccines are less than the amount found in baby formula and breast milk

Infowars is for entertainment you brainlets

Again. If you don't have any source on this you are just as delusional as feminists over the pay gap.

>Obviously men have oppressed women through all history so the pay gap is real.

How hard could it be for a smart guy like you to back your believes with only one source?

Why do they have aluminum in the first place?

Whether they're necessary or not, they should be optional and never forced on people.

Forced vaccination is just going to lead to abuse, and is a direct violation of people's natural rights. (That is, the right to their own body - something that liberals are usually 'arguing in favor of' when it comes to abortions)

>b-b-but muh herd immunity
Doesn't require everyone to be vaccinated. The amount varies for the disease in question. Some, you could never hope to prevent through herd immunity because they are too infectious. Others only need 20% of the population to be immunized. Not that it matters - if you don't want to get disease X, then you can go and get the vaccine. If you don't want to get the vaccine, well then you've made the choice to risk infection and that's simply fair play.

So really the argument being made here is that we need to forcibly vaccinate people for the sake of those who can't get immunized - the weak and frail.

Well frankly the weak and frail's rights don't trump the majority of the population's rights, and more pertinently, it's not society's job to change everything for the sake of a minority. That minority instead needs to take precautions knowing the problems they live with, and if the society is kind enough, it will voluntarily adjust where possible, but it should never be forced or expected.

Truthfully the forced vaccination shit is just a vehicle for avoidable dystopian bullshit - whoops we vaccinated an entire generation of white kids and it turns out it makes 80% of them sterile, our bad :^)

You don't force that kind of shit without the power to do it (weak and frail sure as fuck aren't powerful). Game theory: Weak and frail don't rule society, so why such a strong push for forced vaccination? Reason: Ulterior motive. If there's an ulterior motive and you don't know what it is, it probably isn't good for you.

there are few things here and there

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>breastmilk and babby formula are injected directly into the bloodstream
>calling us brainlets

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I’m sure Ritalin is a good solution to your misbehaving child too because a doctor said it’s good too, right?
Obviously vaccines aren’t as bad as antivaxers claim; but blindly sucking big pharma’s dick without any form of hesitation is more autistic than a freshly vaccinated child. It’s like taking Exxon’s word that climate change is fake.

I know it's a nuanced topic but I cannot discuss it with my friends and co-workers (all in favour of forced vaccination here in Italy) if I don't have a single source, it's ok to doubt about some things but it's even better to know everybody is wrong and back it with evidence.

ITT: soccer moms shitposting mom science

you do realize that injection isn't the only way something gets into the bloodstream right?
>watches infowars unironically
>thinks he isnt a brainlet

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A good question to ask here is "cui bono?"
What does the government gain from making people retards, imposing a drain on itself and denying itself more cattle for its workforce?

because they do far more harm than good

and the good they do is questionable

natural selection
I don't want to live with anti-vaccers
let them die desu
I'll spit on their graves

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they're full of mercury and other toxic things you're not supposed to be injecting into your blood stream
they cause brain and neurological damage, in children it causes autism and this will be discovered when you get big pharma from destroying evidence
most of them dont work
most of them are not well tested
last years flu shot fucking failed spectacularly and caused the so called 'australian flu' from last year

the faggot vaccine peddlers want to keep selling this shit to governments because they get loads of money, meanwhile they don't take it themselves

antivaxers are healthier and have less disabilities
thank you scum

you do realize there's no liver in front of the needle filtering shit that would be harmful to dump directly into the bloodstream right?
>still prattling on about infowars

the intestinal wall prevents a lot of stuff from getting directly in the bloodstream
I swear you fuckers have never had a science lesson in your life


oh the irony

I am really surprised that so many 'redpilled' people here still love vaccines, I sincerely hope your kids end up as vegetables because of your stupidity

trump is anti vaccine, once he clears out the whitehouse, he'll be going straight for big pharma, the source of disease for most of the planet

The thing that really pisses me off is the black and white thinking. There are benefits to vaccines and there are drawbacks. Everyone gathers at either one of them, because they are completely unable to see the gray scale...

what is 'leaky gut' and why do the symptoms resemble mild autism?

I don’t keep the stats handy because I’m personally not an antivaxer. I am anti infant vaccination from my anecdotal experience with it though and anti forced immunization. However, I also support other entities’ right to deny service/access to non-immunized people. I just get bothered by the complete blind following of doctors, who are essentially big pharma paid shills. They’re routinely taken to “conferences” to “learn” about medication when in reality it’s just a drug sponsored vacation. History has routely shown that they’re complete whores that push whatever they’re paid to push. Blindly accepting their word without any suspicion or questioning is not a good habit to have.

>they're full of mercury and other toxic things you're not supposed to be injecting into your blood stream
>they cause brain and neurological damage, in children it causes autism and this will be discovered when you get big pharma from destroying evidence
>most of them dont work
>most of them are not well tested

[citation needed]

I'm pretty sure most aren't reported cause 'it's not meant to happen' according to the lies they were fed

>Are they all necessary? Or only some of them? Or maybe none?
some of them are, maybe not all 77 or whatever number they are up to these days.
>Should they be obligatory for all children and enforced by the state, or left to the discretion of each parent?
yes but Im type of person who thinks the state should heal kids against their parents wishes (blood transfers,etc)

I wouldn't post after demonstrating that I didn't know the difference between intravenous and oral.

yep, and they must be made the same way as in the past
today's vaccines are made differently
different process = different effects/sideeffects

newborns are subjected to about 20 different shots, far more than newborns 20 years earlier were getting
no wonder people are dumb as shit now

so wait a while. I got my first 3 when I was 2 and did not get the rest till I was 14

>making people retards
easier to control
>imposing a drain on itself
it's taxpayer funded and either gives no fucks or is giving itself further """need""" to ste-- i mean, to collect taxes
>denying itself more cattle
muh automation; cattle are going from asset to liability

there's plenty of info on this, educate yourself, I'm not going to wipe your bum for you

if you're too dumb to care about your own health, then I hope you do get vaccinated

'doctor knows best'
you don't get to choose, especially when he doesn't have kids, and doesn't take his own medicine

Vaccines are not necessary to live.
They are, however, extremely useful and can save lives.
Vaccines were one of the white man's most ingenious inventions of building up immunity to the filth of the world surrounding them.
If you don't vaccinate against the most commonly dangerous diseases you're just gonna end up being another corpse on the pile once the plagues hit back. And they will hit back now that the continent is getting flooded by vaccinated and diseased migrants.

Most vaccines are useful and you should vaccine your kid.
The state should not FORCE you or your kid to get vaccines I don't give a shit about your "herd immunity".

>There are benefits
sauce pls

Italians are not fucking white... this pic fucking proves it

This graph is just flat out wrong

the one thing trump and deniro agree on is vaccines cause injuries because they've both seen it happen first hand, one of deniro's kids is autistic, and the jury is out on whether baron is ok

look at the media jump at anyone even slightly skeptical of vaccines, the same lying media that jumps all over trump, USE YOUR BRAINS

Money and ease of control. The government doesn't really exist as an entity, at least not if you think of an entity as something with it's own well being in mind. The government loses money, but the friends of people in the government as well as the people who bribe the government make a killing off of vaccines. Yeah the government loses money but why does the politician care? His buddy is raking in billions (and he's getting a part of it). Just look at the weapon's industry: it's all about siphoning as much money from the government as possible.

The government is just the middle man: the people work and pay tax, which is then passed on to the private corporations via funding. The government isn't the noble that takes the peasant's tax, the government is the taxman, the corporations are the nobles.

those are official gov statistics
they're from commonwealth records if I recall correctly

when your huwite daughters and huwite wife get crippled by vaccines, who will you blame?

will you shrug it off as a coincidence or mistake?

>you don't get to choose
Well in my case it was not state mandated and my mother is a doctor.

I will blame video games.

interestingly enough, japan has banned the HPV virus because they noticed a pattern of injury


thy are thy devil, also condoms

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you are lucky
over here they're trying to force everyone to be a good little vaccinated farm animal

if they could, they'd make laws to do it

Looking it up the 10 vaccines are;
> polio
> hepatitis B
> tetanus
> measles
> Haemophilus influenzae Type B
> diphtheria
> mumps
> rubella
> pertussis
> varicella (only for children born in 2017 or after) [Chicken pox for fuck's sake]
Recommended are;
> anti-meningococcal B
> anti-meningococcal C
> pneumococcal vaccines
> rotavirus

Found the jew.
Stop the divide and conquer bullshit already.

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if you tell them to practice proper hygiene in their home countries, they wouldn't be thriving with diseases

They should be voluntary. If you don't want to get vaccinated and die, then that's your problem. Let the weak die. Our ancestors didn't have vaccines and they survived the black plague, darwinism ftw. Only the strongest should survive or we'll be living in a society ruled by weak faggots (if we ain't already).
Also (((big pharma))) can go suck a dick

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well I think it should be law, mostly because population here is uneducated and often does dumb shit like feed kotleti to a 2 month old but if there was a vote I would probably not support it because of general government incompetence. The key is picking a good setting, meaning not all the vaccines and not 0 vaccines but I doubt they have the capacity.

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>easy to control

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I think stupid people should be quarantined

Still mad about side switching hans?

everyone is born stupid, so if we did that there would be no population left. Its not their fault they were born in a rural village ,right around the civil war.

I knew that plenty of you here are retarded, but I couldn't have guessed that so many of you are proper windowlickers.

A big point of vaccines is herd immunity though

You get parts of the community who won't vaccine and it ruins overall effectiveness
I had to get a load of vaccines going into the Army, I doubt they would want us to become autistic

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Based Salvini knowing that the elites are just using vaccines in order to create more austists in order to create capable austistic rocket engineers in order for the alien elite to be build spaceships in order to escape planet earth its all part of the plan man

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Be careful with this type of redpill.
Think about it for a second. What will you do when third-world mongrel with poor hygiene will approach you ? Personnaly, I prefer being up to date with my vaccines.

apparently that quote is fake

Thimerosal, a preservative used in many vaccines, slowly being phased out, is dangerous.

>dry humour

i hope anyone that doesn't vaccinate their kids actually ends up losing their kid to some disease that would have been easily prevented by a simple vaccination.

Thats the only way these animals learn.
Because they'd rather listen to some tinfoil hat retards than to literal mountains of evidence.

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this one allegedly is too

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>Let the weak and old die the natural way and the rest will be better off in the long run.

Why don't you just die of hunger since you're too weak to do photosynthesis, huh?


gib mountain of evidence pls