The walmart FEMA camps are being used to hold children in large fenced cages!! no parents guardians at all....this could be some pedo child trafficking shit!

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my meth junky neighbour actually came over a few nights ago screaming about this. apparently most showgrounds (for travelling fairs, agricultural shows, etc) in Australia are being "renovated" for this purpose. It's exposed a lot of people to asbestos, mostly work-for-dole conscripts.

If someone says 'BOOM' before revealing some news, there's a 90% that 'news' is bullshit.

eathier your stupid or a kike. thats true..there are multiple sources reporting the same story. dont be so quick to doubt shit you moron.


It's what beneath them that's important not inside them.

Attached: FEMA_Camp_-_Barrett_boss_fight_room_concept.jpg (2000x1125, 295K)




kys, fag

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Kike detected. prepare the gas chamber

But Jow Forums told me there weren't any kids in cages. Trump wouldn't do that.

Good find OP. This shit is FUCKED UP

Trump isnt the one doing it though. its fucked up government kike and kike shills like the clintons and obamas.

Cool, glad to know I'll be taken care of by the gov and walmart!

P.S. I used to give this shit some thought. Don't. It's Alex Jones dribble.

>t. mental illness

the evidence is in front of you..there are multiple sources on this story....and your just going to deny it like the stupid american mutt you are? ok...dont start crying when the kikes take you to a FEMA camp.

What kind of mental gymnastics is that? Trump doesn't have full control over the border patrol and ICE? Onigger and Hillary do?

With swift pleasure.

You’re talking to a Migapede dude they suffer from mental illness.

>Thinking the president has any power over shit

you have to be a special kind of fucking stupid to think Trump has power over everyone in the government.

Man my thread is sure bringing the kikes and glow in the dark CIA niggers out from hiding.

>entire gov
Of course not, but he absolutely DOES over ICE.
Fuck off you stupid kike shill

the kike shill is you. trying to disinfo this shit like a bitch. fuck off jew.

Taste like chicken.

Nice comeback retard. Go tell your boss Jared that the goyim know

They're either used to hold kids that they rescued from potential child traffickers or they are used for child trafficking. Either way it's going to effect the "child soul harvesting" business in some way.

I mean when they see a topic like this it's a kin to a moth to a flame.

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Walmart > Martlaw

ok im a kike for trying to expose FEMA camps that are holding kids in cages to diddle or sell off to kikes who want to diddle them? that makes no sense...dont you think a kike would be doing the opposite of what im doing you retard?

Agreed that FEMA is shady as shit. Now if this was 2 years ago and Onigger was prez id be onboard. But its trump now, and FEMA deathcamps are still operating without oversight (just ask Sen. Markey) which leads me to believe its just businesses as usual. Trumps a NWO kike puppet and your trying to hide it