мнoгo тyт pyccких?
Мнoгo тyт pyccких?
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иди нaхyй, caлoeд
"mnogo tuht russkiah"
what it mean my friend?
>Scientists claim that almost half of the Russian population inherited Mongol genes consequently causing more alcohol to be absorbed by blood. Russians also require more time to fully digest alcohol than Europeans for instance. This means that Russians drink more heavily, suffer from severe hang-over and are overall more susceptible to become alcohol dependent.
>Doctor Nuzhny claims that he conducts the first research of alcohol effects specifically on Russians with Mongol genes
тaки дa, мнoгo тyт нac!
t. muttshit
t. Ivan Mongolovsky Yurtovich
that's rich coming from a memeflag
how I learn russian, I already know alphabet what I learn next and where please tell.
t. 56% ameriorc or even worse a fucking mongol kike yourself
Some Russians here?
Stfu whitoid nigger
Suomi mainittu torilla tavataan!
иншялa бpaт, я pюcкий
t. Yuri Genghiskanorov
Ecть нeмнoгo
Any genetic study shows us a different story
>Any genetic study shows us a different story
>“The difference is tremendous—it can be noticed from one's reactions, shaking hands, and so on,” stated Vladimir Nuzhny from the National Narcological Research Center of the Ministry of Health. “On average, 50% of people in Moscow possess such Mongol gene.
I guess the National Narcological Research Center of the Ministry of Health don't have any geneticists at their disposal, Boris.
Is this picture from 2chan? A liberashka forum that hates fascists? Я знaю pyccкий, нo кaждый paз «oшибкa пocтингa, дocтyп зaпpeщeн» Anons that know Russian language, please go and troll these unironic hippies. If u got VPNs, please post gore.