Explain This

Newfag here, How is it possible that there is a lot of people claiming death threats to other people in this forum without getting caught for criminal, illegal activity for saying something kill all the Jews, murder all of that Arabs etc?

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Other urls found in this thread:





come on

Learn English. There is a very simple answer and it has to do with wording

Because they know we are fakes littles bitchs!

It isn't, this site is one of the top sites in the west.

police are paid by the government whether they convict criminals or not. in fact, convicting more of them makes their numbers look bad.

They are simply a scare tactic, like a moving walking propaganda billboard.

Kys newfag

Because everyone here can handle the bantz unlike your faggot ass. Now kys, op.

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death threats to individuals directly is not the same as a dopey 'kill all ' comment.
The credibility level matters.


This is one of the worse baits I have ever seen in Jow Forums

Save all the Jews

Attached: puppies.jpg (640x604, 70K)

Unirronically kys

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Womp womp, kys newfag

Cause pol is all talk no bite. The best pol can do is raid twitter polls

This place is known as the dark web, it cant be traced


they are popular
they can, you IP is known to your government.

It's upheld by the supreme Court. Eat a dick schlomo

fuck off nigger

Lurk two more years before posting again fag

je suis non

Not criminal in the US. It’s not specific or credible.

Not a credible threat and is protected under the 1a.

Are you retarded? is it legal to say something like kill the cops in public?

Go back to r*ddit, you fucking jizzrag.


Kill all jews is not a death threat. It's a pro-hygiene position.

T.basement neet

>Not a credible threat
>west is the best

>Newfag here

Stopped reading here.

I hope OP gets his throat slit by Muslims in Europe before we can Holocaust the Jews again

just stop bergur

Because Pol is a rightwing safe space and nothing notable or of any real importance transpires here despite what the general Jow Forumspulous would otherwise claim.
This is real right wing shitpostting laddy

Because saying these things has never been against the law in America. Duh

Meant to post pic

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How is this shit legal? aren't we somehow allies?

You can make things up. If you are good at it and have a good memory (modern tech helps) you can control people/events/interactions. Or you can pay people to spam accounts on Twitter. Though I do suspect / wonder if we have due date.

I can say anything I please, short of shouting “Fire!” if there is no fire, because I am a citizen of the United States of America. Your government does not exist, and should not exist, in order to keep you or anybody else—no matter what color, no matter what race, no matter what religion—from getting your damn fool feelings hurt.
-Kurt Vonnegut

Niggers do that all the time, so yes.

gas the kikes race war now

It's legal because your laws don't supersede ours.

At least in America, advocating for violence against a person or group is different from saying that you are going to personally commit that violent act.

Except in a few very specific circumstances (like inciting a riot), you can't be charged with a crime for just advocating violence.

because they're not specific threats against persons and we do not actually advocate violence

it's just memes, even the intel companies on here are laughing along with us

Would you really live in such a shithole?

nigger, cause we have free speech in the US,

I actually am gonna kill the shit skins and jews!
Who is with me!!!!

just look at him, guy was a vegetable for most of his life. the computer did all the talking

t. retard
I know you’re used to having your thoughts policed, faggot
We’re not big fans of that here
this thread is cancer

I always call for the legal hanging of certain national politicians, I feel it's within my rights.
They did commit high treason...

and ur flag is super gay

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We are anonymous in this site, there is no real threat since we don't know each other.

Also Donald Trump's wall protects me.

most law enforcement around the world is a complete joke when it comes to the internet and has no idea how it works so just being an anonymous site kills a lot of police attention

however if you go really above and beyond the all of edgy duty and write a detailed threat to do a terror attack or mass shooting or something you might very well get your ass arrested by the FBI or your countries equivalent since the admins will cough up your IP when demanded

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I've seen a dutchfag threathen a school on here, he was arrested within 48 hours

faggot nigger jew kike, die in an oven

really makes me think

OP heard about our 56%er Antifa chum who is going to prison for threats.

But you can say “kill all commies” because commies aren’t people.

Isn't the first rule of the site literally "only an idiot would take anything posted here seriously" or is that only /b/

You're allowed to not like people

You shouldn't post shit like "I like you guys don't go to X tomorrow"

you have to post in facebook with your real name for police visit.

I can't believe your FBI thing is that retarded, no wonder 9/11 happened.

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>I don't like x
>I will kill x

reminder that in your cuckland country it is illegal for you to ask for evidence that supports "The Most Well-Documented Atrocity in Human History."

All kikes should die. All shitskin and kike pets should die. All white cucks that allow their countries to fall to babyshit leftist/globalist tactics should die. die DIE DIE

College tuition in Israel is capped at $2,890


Hope dressing up as a pirate and attacking white people in the street will help Antifa morons pay off those $100,000 student loans the Jews so happily gave you the day you turned 18. You will be a slave paying off their loans for the rest of your life, while their own will prosper. Never vote Jew. Take your country back. Exterminate the lizard people and quiet their snake tongues. Believe nothing they say or their lies.

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Saying I wish kikes were put in ovens isn’t a crime, Schlomo.

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It's very interesting seeing someone completely confused by the concept of free speech. Remember to be proud and count your blessings, lads.