...are you fucking with me?

when was this shit!?

Attached: Capture.jpg (1600x900, 300K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Feb 26, 1993 you illiterate retard kid.

February 26, 1993

February 28th, 1993. It says it right there

so, is this why the gulf war started? this makes a hella lot more sense on why people opposed the iraq war because they saw the turn out of the gulf war, and then we go to war.. for the exact same tower? like, they pull the same shit twice in a row?

No. We attacked Saddam in 1991 after he invaded Kuwait. We then attacked Saddam again in 2003 because we believed he had "weapons of mass destruction." The American education system is truly a failure

>gulf war

Attached: 3.jpg (1218x1015, 212K)

you need to be at least 18 to post here son.

Yeah, I remembering it being on TV, the first WTC bombing. It was a pretty big thing, until the Timothy McVeigh bombing out did it and everyone forgot about it.

No, the first Gulf War happened before this bombing, in 1990 to 1991. Which I also remember. I was much more younger and born in the end of 1984, but the first Gulf War was a bigger event in the media, and I remember it being more important than the first WTC bombing. ..... Unless you meant the second Iraq War, which you called the Gulf War by accident???

bear in mind the campaign to "dumb down" Whitey. we don't wanna hurt the feelings of our non-producing chocolate snowflakes. they need to be coddled, given participation awards, special trophy's and their angelic being constantly reinforced

Americans have literally turned retarded.
I saw a fat, unkept man yesterday at the grocery store who spoke exactly like the future people from the movie “Idiocracy”

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This thread is fucking embarrassing

Donald mentioned this in this interview:

Although you've probably started googling around because you saw this exact vid in the first place, but still, posting it for other people anyway.


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>until the Timothy McVeigh bombing out did it and everyone forgot about it.
I've always thought how super-strange it was that McVeigh got executed so quickly.
Given what you said, do you think that the OKC bombing was a government false-flag/instigation? To what ends?

(Waco was pushed to [1] discredit militia-movements, [2] take focus off Clinton, and [3] discourage Americans from buying/selling/acquiring guns [hence ATF].)

God you are stupid. Iraq invaded Kuwait you rube!

welll.... I mean you're not wrong. I was like, one when this happened, I didn't know what the hell was going on, my parents never talked about it, I mean, shit, I hardly remember that shit. when 9/11 happened we allll had a big meeting in the gym it was a big event, but no one said "ih yeah, this happened like, in 93 9 years ago" none of that shit, not a word. and you know the system: "slavery is wrong and remember the holocaust goy" we spent MONTHS on that shit, I had to look up maos revolution and stalins ON MY OWN cause I hardly remember shit about it.

...and my american history teacher also sucked ass because he never mentioned spain and france were involved and britan liberated slightly after NOOOnononono, that shit went out the window, it was "in 76 we declared independence from Brittan, and we killed all the poor indians, and bought Louisiana, and blah blah blah" and they spent hours on the civil way, but also no one mentioned some of the black people were native americans in the mexican-american war.

Theres audio of a william cooper show where he says FBI fags supplied the materials for the first WTC bombing and there were swat raids shortly after to tie up loose ends.

>do you think that the OKC bombing was a government false-flag/instigation?

If it was it was the most backasswards clusterfuck failure in human history. Prior to OKC the Federal government had broad public support for cracking down on the militias, everyone thought Waco was a suicidal pedophile ring, Randy Weaver was basically an unknown, and the ATF had pretty much free reign. The Federal Assault Weapons Ban had been rammed through, a number of cities had handgun bans, gun control in the US was at it's high water mark, handgun bans in major cities were common, AR-15s were relatively uncommon and undesirable, concealed carry was uncommon, and the gun culture in America largely revolved around hunting.

Then McVeigh blew up a truck, the feds retreated for 20 years, and the NRA basically got everything they ever wanted and more.

Should be raised to 30.

Israel did that one too. Josie Hadas was the name of the Mossad agent who provided the explosives and the van

Pretty sure we attacked Saddam only because he shot scud missiles at Tel Aviv and Israel threatened nuclear retaliation

How do you not know about this op? it's not a secret. i learned about it in school but that was before holocaust class was a thing.

Yeah, us 30 year old boomers need a safe space from this Gen Z trash.

>so, is this why the gulf war started?
No, you fucking retard.

>I've always thought how super-strange it was that McVeigh got executed so quickly.
It took years, it wasn't "quick".


I'm not sure you know the meaning of that word.

Daily reminder that 9/11 was planned since at least 1190 or possibly earlier.

Holy fucking shit get off Jow Forums. Are you 12 or something?

You sound like a sincere young man but asking easily-searchable questions also makes you sound like a "give me a quick rundown" troll

There used to be infomercials for some cleaning shit and one of the selling points was that it was used in the wtc after the 93 bombing.


Even Biggie Smalls rapped about it. Are you sure you are over 18?

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>being this new

Being white means you're a boomer

Why is this even a gif

reminder that 9/11 was a ritual sacrifice and the towers were only build to come crashing down on that very day

Attached: 911 meaning 3.png (1920x1513, 622K)

vid plz?

o.k. basically: hisorically I know everything up to like, 1980's and after that the entire 90's I know nothing about the world events I was NOT paying attention, was born in 92... didn't give a damn, did not care, started caring again maybe... when I was in 12th grade I guess? this was just in between my radar you know...

Do you remember the Golf War trading cards? I had the entire set :D