-The White race is going to die. -The USA will become brown, like it was before European colonization. -Europe will/must take more immigrants because the native population is getting older, and the young population does not want to work in shity jobs. -In Russia the Slavic population is declining, while the Asian and Brown Caucasian population is growing. -The European alliance (Nato / EU) is also breaking (Thank Trump for that)
Destroying the entire ship, instead of dumping the toxic cargo. Nigger, you truly are retarded.
Justin Cooper
Daily reminder that if civilization collapses in any way you niggers will be the first to die en mass. Before the bombs and bullets rain down on you, you will murder and consume eachother like that rabid savage dogs you are. You will go back to small 200 people tribes roaming around the bush. But with the technological innovation that currently exists it won't be long before the remaining White and Asian people come to finish off the dirty nigger savage you are.
Jace Reyes
The stench of envy is palpable. Suicide is strongly encouraged.
I live in Florida and I can tell you with certainty that the US is no longer a white country. The bottom half of the US is already brown and when I went up North the shitskins were probably 10-20% of the population there too.
Now I'm in the land of mutts - even the white mutts look nothing alike and there is no way they would align with each other, too separated and different.
USA is done for. Europe is next. I'm completely blackpilled. I watched a soccer game last night at the bar and saw ACTUAL white man on the screen - can't even remember the last time I saw un-mixed white people like that IRL.