
Hi lads. I'm studying antisemitism.
Please explain your own antisemitism to me in particular.
These questions might help yo if you are not that creative.
(scale: 1= strongly agree - 2 = slightly agree - 3 = neutral/don't know - 4 =slightly disagree - 5 = strongly disagree)

1) Jews are more loyal to Israel than to [this country/to the countries they live in]

2) Jews have too much power in the business world

3) Jews have too much power in international financial markets

4) Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust

5) Jews don't care what happens to anyone but their own kind

6) Jews have too much control over global affairs

7) Jews have too much control over the United States government

8) Jews think they are better than other people

9) Jews have too much control over the global media

10) Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars

11) People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave

Feel free to add your gender (male/female), age and religion if you'd like to.

Attached: scienceguy.jpg (750x770, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What kind of Jews? Different versions have different goals (secular but ethnic, practice Judaism and ethnic, just practice Judaism, etc)

Jews in general.

>Hi lads, I'm studying the reasons why people dislike the group of people that conquered my country, and which I'm not allowed to criticize or question

Saged for utter retardation.

Attached: ultimeme.png (1032x1296, 47K)

You somehow dont mention degeneracy in any of your questions

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There's no such thing, that's why he's asking you.

I'am allowed to critize jews or Israel as much as I want here in germany. Germans do it all the time. As long as you don't wear a Swastika or deny the Holocaust nothing will happen.

you don't have do use my questions if you don't like to user. go on and explain on your own

1 to every point, now fuck off

Alright thank you! I think you are male but would you care to tell me your age and religion?

Anti-semitism as a term is a misnomer and disengenuous. Jews are not a Semitic group of people, some are, but there are also thousands of other Semitic people no one has an issue with. Jewish people practice a religion which preaches supremacy, incest, pedophilia, blood sacrifice, murder, genocide, slavery, and dishonesty. Read the Talmud if you want to understand why every single culture has persecuted the Jewish people.

don’t you think it’s odd you can deny Rwanda, Katyn Forest, or the Killing Fields but not the holocaust?

>8) Jews think they are better than other people
"God's chosen people"

Yes the German word antisemitisch was first used in 1860 by the Austrian Jewish scholar Moritz Steinschneider (1816–1907) in the phrase antisemitische Vorurteile (antisemitic prejudices) to characterise the French philosopher Ernest Renan's ideas about how "Semitic races" were inferior to "Aryan races"'.
Well the word might be a bit misleading but I am talking about the modern usage of the word as in hostility to, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews. Pretty much synonym to "Anti-judaism"

Well it made kinda sense immediatly after the second World War but I think the policy is kinda outdated now and should be reformed.

Nice dub_s
I don't want to do a quiz tho.
Did you make your bed today OP?

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no I didn't. Pretty savage huh?

“Semite” was first used in the 1700s, by the Gottingen school of history, and derived it from Noah. A nonsense term from a book of historical fiction.

You must make your own house perfect before telling others about theirs mr. antisemitism.

Shove your questions up your ass and go piss into the wind.

1. 1
2. 1
3. 1
4. 1
5. 1
6. 1
7. 1
8. 1
9. 1
10. 1
11. 1

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thanks you for your contribution user.
>poll takers

> I think the policy is kinda outdated now and should be reformed.
Will you come then to protest for freeing the political prisoners? There is rally in just 7 days

1 to everything, male
some of these aren't even a matter of opinion, but simply facts. Could you please further elaborate on your study? Do you do it for university or something?`
Additionally to your questions I want to point out, that jews are actively furthering "degenracy", that is things that are directly harmful to society in the longterm. For example they are highly involved in the porn industry.

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>Will you come then to protest for freeing the political prisoners? There is rally in just 7 days
Well its the law at the moment so nobody is unlawfully imprisoned..

>Well its the law at the moment so nobody is unlawfully imprisoned..
what a cowardly excuse.
When injustice is law resistance becomes duty

I also want to add that the §130 is a big mess, it doesn't calrify shit and is therefore lending itself to punsih pretty much anythnig, according to the whim of the judge. Nowhere does it say what the actual fuck is even meant by "holocaust denial", it's a big subject and it would normally require clarification as to waht exactly is legal and what isn't. For example take this incidence:

Diese Sätze, gesprochen auf der Gedenkveranstaltung für die Opfer von Dresden, kosten Alfred Schaefer 5000€ + Prozesskosten:

"Meine Mutter hatte gesagt in trauriger Stimme:

'Wir konnten das nicht verstehen. Warum Dresden? Das waren doch nur Frauen und Kinder, geflohen aus der Hölle von dem Osten. Das waren doch keine militärischen Ziele.
Es waren Frauen und Kinder. Und Kulturgut.
Höchstes Kulturgut. Venedig... Venedig von Deutschland.'

Und diese Erinnerungen wurden dann langsam - wie eingeträufelt in unsere Gehirne - ersetzt mit anderen Geschichten. Nämlich, dass die Deutschen so böse waren. Sie hatten aus den armen Juden Schrumpfköpfe, Seife und Lampenschirme gemacht.
Diese Stimme von meiner Mutter wurde mit diesen Geschichten ersetzt. Und dieses Einträufeln dieser Lüge hat nie aufgehört. Es wurde immer langsam gesteigert. Mit Filmen wie Schindlers Liste. Es hörte nie auf. Und diese Märchen, die sie eingeträufelt haben, in unsere weichen Gehirne, wurden dann mit einem Namen versehen.
Und das war "NAZI", ok?

please talk english. this is an international board

it was a citation, the rest was in english.
The judge ruled this to be an illegal expression.

citations can be translated. this is an open discussion not a dialougue. not all people here are capable of speaking german you know

antisemetic? I'm not antisemetic.

May I ask why are you anti white?

see it's a baseless question

alright! care to answer the questions above?

1) Jews are more loyal to Israel than to [this country/to the countries they live in]
2) Jews have too much power in the business world
3) Jews have too much power in international financial markets
4) Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust
5) Jews don't care what happens to anyone but their own kind
6) Jews have too much control over global affairs
7) Jews have too much control over the United States government
8) Jews think they are better than other people
9) Jews have too much control over the global media
10) Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars
11) People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave
Feel free to add your gender (male/female), age and religion if you'd like to.

great thank you for the effort user!

things may get lost in translation, google translate is also a thing, I'm pretty sure it is okay to cite things in other languages on Jow Forums, as long as it is of political relevance, which in this case it is.
Also could you actually reply to my points? It seems you are jsut making excuses, since you have no sound response.

jews are the historical enemy of whites (and all other) peoples with whom they have come into contact. Everything the jews do is to undermine their host nations and reap a disproportionate amount of the spoils; 43% of jews ARE the 1%. Just think about how unlikely that is to happen normally. That doesn't happen through smarts, there are more 130+ IQ whites than there are jews in total, this is happening through criminal racketeering. jews are the ultimate mafia.

So Give a (1) to every item on your list for me.

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Sure thing cia nigger on a related note can we get a reddit memeflag I imagine I could get a lot of (oyu)s out of it.

well we can both agree to disagree on this issue

>things may get lost in translation
>google translate is also a thing,
nigga what?

Why don't you just look up the over a HUNDRED accounts of Jews getting kicked out of countries?

Oh wait, the histories have been scoured once they finally got full control.

Do you even know why the Jews were blamed for your own countries ailments? Do you? Do you even know what hyperinflation is?

> It seems you are jsut making excuses, since you have no sound response.
>well we can both agree to disagree on this issue

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>1) Jews are more loyal to Israel than to [this country/to the countries they live in]
2, they are even more loyal to their local kike communities
>2) Jews have too much power in the business world
>3) Jews have too much power in international financial markets
>4) Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust
>5) Jews don't care what happens to anyone but their own kind
>6) Jews have too much control over global affairs
>7) Jews have too much control over the United States government
3, who cares about the mutts
>8) Jews think they are better than other people
>9) Jews have too much control over the global media
>10) Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars
>11) People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave

interesting. thank you!

thanks for your post user!

Read Culture of Critique, it's boring as fuck because Maconald is a dry writer - but it's chocked with good information. I think his other two books are good too, but they're very expensive compared to CoC

1) 2 (Depends on the Jew, mostly this applies to zionists, not commies, but commies have been known to express such sentiments)
2)2 look up "Jewish percentage at Harvard"
3) 2 See above.
4) 1, to the point of interferring with education. Plus they ruined the History channel with this continual kvetching.
5)2 Some not all but Judaism is the only racially supremacist religion and it shows. Just have a look at Palestine.
6) 2 See the bit about Harvard my dude.
7)1 Politicians have to sign a loyalty pledge to Israel to get anything done in American politics
8)2 Some not all but it is a fundamental principle of the religion (God's chosen race etc etc)
9)1 How is this even a question? 2% of the population owns every major media outlet? Of course they have too much control.
10) 2 Not most but they are responsible for WW2, specifically Jewish Bolsheviks.
11)4 They don't, but ironically every Jew thinks they're hunted and oppressed. The reality is most people are too dumb or too lazy to care about Jews.

Also I suggest you read their holy book the Torah.In it they explain many times that non-Jews are not really humans, they are put here by god to be your slave. They can sexually abuse non-Jews, kill them, etc and god will not be affronted.
Their religion itself teaches them that non-Jews are just here to be exploited to the benefit of Jews.

I think this goes without saying that not all Jews believe this stuff. It is however culturally relevant to them. It goes hand in hand with when you hear the term "Chosen People."
It is, without a doubt, ethnic supremacy. It is Jewish supremacy. Something that I believe is illegal in your country to partake in. They get a pass of course since they are in control.

thanks for the effort user!

Male, 19, Atheist

Most don't just hate the Jews, they hate the Jew for influencing and subverting their country. They are our enemy for their subversive ways of control, manipulation, etc.

I believe that it's in the interest of all that you'd study their influencing starting from 1910 till current day my friend (if not earlier). A rather unbiased look at what both sides have to say instead of already assuming the "Anti-Semitism" label for our side would be the fair and honorable thing to do.

Take care with your study, hope you change subject to what I just said. Good luck!

thank you for your contribution

No worries, is there any way to contact you privately? I'd really like to see what this is about.

>It's antisemitic to be as critical to Jews as you would be to anyone

This isn’t even antiseniteism. It’s just a bunch of facts.

>1) Jews are more loyal to Israel than to [this country/to the countries they live in]
>2) Jews have too much power in the business world
>3) Jews have too much power in international financial markets
>4) Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust
>5) Jews don't care what happens to anyone but their own kind
2 - they also care about niggers, for their own benefit of courts
>6) Jews have too much control over global affairs
>7) Jews have too much control over the United States government
>8) Jews think they are better than other people
>9) Jews have too much control over the global media
>10) Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars
>11) People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave

Name: Jordan B. Peterson
Age: 56
Religion: Domestic Cleanliness

I thought he was part of that pre-imperial Dragon cult?

Ahh research, Jow Forums is a fucking gold mine of unfiltered information and thought, good hunting user

1 to all, male, Taoist.
What we call Jews aren't even Israelites or Hebrews, they're shiftless khazarian gypsies who converted to Judaism circa 1200 because it was convenient for their scheming.

Ok but first define the word semite for me then define the word antisemite for me, definitively.
If you want meaningful data then you have to clearly define the parameters otherwise the whole exercise is pointless

Not him but historically, jews have been disproportionately involved in promoting pornography. Jews in Hollywood have promoted 'free love', race-mixing and feminism through their movies/tv series. Jewish-owned and operated media and magazines have also attacked and undermined the nuclear family as well as promoted homosexuality.
Not to say non-jews haven't done those things also but jews are always heavily involved.

1) Jews are more loyal to Israel than to [this country/to the countries they live in] 1

2) Jews have too much power in the business world 1

3) Jews have too much power in international financial markets1

4) Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust 1

5) Jews don't care what happens to anyone but their own kind1

6) Jews have too much control over global affairs1

7) Jews have too much control over the United States government 1

8) Jews think they are better than other people1

9) Jews have too much control over the global media1

10) Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars1

11) People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave 1

Anti-judaism (isn't Christianity seen/ blamed for this, even though Jews hate Jesus?)

Many Jews, not all*

Yes to all.

Jesus Christ Felicia Day has aged horribly.

Lmao at these cucks.

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I don't understand these questions, as I'm not antisemitic.

Perhaps you're projecting your innate German traditions.

Personally, I believe that Mel Gibson is the second coming of Jesus Christ and that he is infallible. He said all the worlds wars are caused by the jews and he also showed us how horribly the jews treated him 2000 years ago with his biopic, "The Passion of the Christ".

Attached: 1524750149165.jpg (400x400, 52K)

>1) Jews are more loyal to Israel than to [this country/to the countries they live in]
>2) Jews have too much power in the business world
>3) Jews have too much power in international financial markets
>4) Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust
>5) Jews don't care what happens to anyone but their own kind
>6) Jews have too much control over global affairs
>7) Jews have too much control over the United States government
>8) Jews think they are better than other people
>9) Jews have too much control over the global media
>10) Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars
>11) People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave
>Feel free to add your gender (male/female), age and religion if you'd like
Agnostic from Muslim family

thanks lads

Don't you mean the Talmud, user?

I'm not anti-semitic, I'm anti-asshole.

Attached: Hitler Did Nothing Wrong - actual bottle!.jpg (460x643, 59K)

>1) Jews are more loyal to Israel than to [this country/to the countries they live in]
they are loyal to their community first, israel second, and the customer third
>2) Jews have too much power in the business world
>3) Jews have too much power in international financial markets
>4) Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust
they're not all dead yet, give it a while
>t. related to popular surviving author
>5) Jews don't care what happens to anyone but their own kind
they care about goyim like the farmer cares for his livestock
>6) Jews have too much control over global affairs
>7) Jews have too much control over the United States government
>8) Jews think they are better than other people
>see palestine, the state of
>9) Jews have too much control over the global media
>10) Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars
>11) People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave
absolutely. I adopted this mindset not from the zeitgeist here but from the attitude of my jewish mother.
She got our whole bit of family alienated from the rest of it by constantly asking for gibs.
>90s kid

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thank you for your contribution