EVERY single EU country must be BLACKED

EVERY single EU country must be BLACKED.
We're not going down alone.

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What a fucking absolute fag

How many/which countries are currently not cooperating?

Why there is so many shilling him here? He obsviouly is a Neoliberal kike puppet.

People should know at this point that accepting ooga booga migrants into your formerly all white nation is far worse than any sanction possible.

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good luck with you're EU.

Finally it all comes crashing down

I was curious myself.

>Migrant Acceptance Index

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Atta boy Mac. There's that Jupiterian leadership you talked about (faggot, hang yourself you gap-toothed manlet Jewboy pussy).

It’s good news actually. It’s mean ((( they are scared ))). We are winning.

rather sanctions than nignogs, will hurt our economy much less in the long run

You're not even taking refugees in yourself.
What a grannyfucking hypocrite.

isn't this the fag who said "call me mr.president"

That's why he's doing this, can't have a big backlog or they'll start looking for extra places to stick them. He's trying to force other countries to take the pressure off.

It's so clear right now.
Hasn't french masonry found anyone a little more smart than him?
Or can be that we are close,and nothing really matter anymore so they are showing their hand.
Les jeux sont faits.

This is gonna kill the EU sooner rather than later

open borders are not a mistake open borders are not a mistake open borders are not a mistake open borders are not a mistake open borders are not a mistake open borders are not a mistake open borders are not a mistake open borders are not a mistake open borders are not a mistake

So, the country that would give migrants the least amount of shit? They won't go there because it's fucking cold.

Yeah we really need these lazy fucks.

It's not hypocritical. It's like some duded who fought in ten wars demanding others fight the next one instead. He's still a grannyfucking faggot thought.

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And there are still people who think Macron isn't a big joke


Macron can go eat shit.
European nations are the homelands of whites.
Why the fuck should the third world come to the first world?


We would have never guessed
>le jupiter!
>le secret Hitler!
>le based macaron!

fuck every last globalist EU shill. you need regime change in europe bad

b-b-based macron is our guy amirite guys??

france is already high in shitskin
they just want to push it on others

The EU project has failed. It has to disband. I don't understand why these countries who fucked themselves with immigration want to FORCE it onto other countries that do not want it. My country didn't invite Hassan Hussein and Abgdogodhou Monghadou here, why should it take these immigrants?

Disband this fucking EU and start anew. A union for Eastern Europe and Western Europe. That way everyone can be happy and you can distribute how many refugees you want between yourselves.



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I agree, the rest of the EU shouldn't be forced to pay for Merkel's retardation. And if different EU countries start sanctioning each other now, what's even the point of having this "union" anymore?

This will kill the EU for good. I think it’s sad, the EU could have been a good idea if it was handled more responsibly.

You're putting sanctions on members of your own monetary union. You're putting fucking sanctions on yourself!

Merkel will go down in history as the destroyer of EU when we look back at it.

Macron seems to be playing both sides.

LOL! they cant do the sanctions if any two countries disagree with it, that is how poland and hungry buttfucking these cucks

He is revealing himself as a slightly less clowny Trudeau.
He will be reelected though (because Wauquiez and Le Pen are unlikable) but without a hard majority.


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>EVERY single EU country must be BLACKED.
>We're not going down alone.
Well if you put it like that, DEATH TO ALL THE FROGS

Zemu, bet ne pietiekami!

>electing a literal autist who fucks an old hag
well done france

have to say, 129 - 136 really doesnt surprise me. i heard they are all racist as fuck. however, how can israel be above any country when its an ethnostate? can anyone explain that to me?

We all stand a chance if you focus on not fucking up your country rather than fucking up others.

I love how easy this makes figuring out which Euro countries to visit and give my tourist bux to and which to avoid.

Macron confuses me. I am really not sure what he believes and what his goals are.

Glass house faggot

im white, but i would be more than happy to live in alaska. i know it gets cold af there. iceland doesnt appeal to me

Can some kind user post the gif/webm with the ongs boats "rescuing" people literally on North Africa's shores?
The One with the routes from satellite overtime

How can israel be an ethnostate when there's multiple races of jew and they're already 25 percent arab.

is there even one white man in your country? lol. i appreciate you making an ultra rare debut here though. whats it like where you live?

en guarde!

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7 + Italy if distribution of enrichment is not enforced + Baltics, Danes & Finns unless Merkel cracks financial whip.

All in all, nothing will be archived but empty words, blacking of Germany & France will continue as per usual unless Albania is bought to become the containment area. I'd like to hear from Albanons what are the chances for this.

If as per usual comes out, Merkel will end up in conflict where she causes collapse of her government or caves in & is seen weak within German & Europe.
Using EU budget is the last option President Jupiter & Merkel have but EU "constitution" prevents this in any possible situation and would require every single member state's approval, hence it won't happen.
This might cause some turbulence on markets for a small while but blackening of Franco-German axle will continue as usual.

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But I thought he was Thatcher in disguise, what happened?
This is so sad, and he supposedly went after unions and hippies.

we need UK, Italy, Visegrad group members , and greece alliance to make our own union. leave the EU to suffer its issues. we can stay civilized, while they go to shit

He's just pissed the admin before him took in so many, misery loves company.

>not electing your own government

Bravo Spain.

>there's multiple races of jew

> what he believes
what ever keeping his power requires
> what his goals are
to become President Jupiter and leave a grade A mark in history instead of becoming exactly like his predecessor

His goal is a federal Europe, or at least being remembered as one of the leaders who laid the foundation for it.

this time it'll be frogs and krauts against rest
round 3 commence

Iceland isn't even that cold really. It's just never warm. But those fuckers have literally no reason to be so inviting to outsiders considering just a few tens of thousand outsiders is enough to change their demographics by a huge margin, possibly irreversibly.

thats it. macaroon has gone to far. germany stop being faggots for ones in your lives and go far far right. your sweden and belgium and the netherlands only hope. they look up to you like a big brother. if you burn coal now what will become of white people?

Macronic Wars: Electronic Jupiter Boogaloo

>the EU could have been a good idea
Wrong. For one, you shouldn't force a bunch of different countries into one economic union if they're not all roughly on the same level. Eastern Europe is behind the Western countries economically due to communism being an anchor, and integrating them into one union would inevitably create a situation where some are scammed out of their money while others profit.
And on the political sense? I sorta understand the appeal of a United States of Europe (no single European country can compete with the US), but that idea would never work. Not only do europeans have a long story of fighting each other, but an USE would require everyone involved to give up their national sovereignty and identity and surrender a centralized government (so basically the USSR but capitalist)

An economic union of Western European countries and another union of Eastern European countries would've probably been the best option, as long as you weren't strongarmed into joining and blackmailed if you tried to leave.

You had better bin that illegal opinion. Diversity is your strength!

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Yeah, because that shit is helping.

Fuck this degenerate frog, Fuck him. He is as bad as Merkel.

Here comes the diversity you are about to be culturally enriched

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a big part of the US civil war was because the south was so far behind the north economically. Sort of like how the eastern european countries are now to the west in the EU. maybe now instead of slavery, immigration will be the lynchpin to set the thing off. probably not, but there are similarities.

> different countries into one economic union if they're not all roughly on the same level
It's not the level of development that's the problem but regulations differing so greatly within each states in every single possible sector. It's a nightmare to expand from outside into EU as a business unless you stay in the biggest countries or hire locals to run European franchise of the company.

it was supposed to be a military alliance and free trade zone originally but now we see a simple thing has turned into a monstrosity
not what we signed up for

Nice Proxy

It might have worked as an economic union (which it was supposedly intended to be if I'm not mistaken) but as soon as they started bringing more and more politics into it, everything went to shit. You are right, the EU countries have a too long history of fighting and opposing each other, you can't just erase these mindsets in a couple of decades.

Your type of country benefit most off the EU brainlet

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You all do realize his wife is getting blacked with his permission don't you?

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There's a problem in Europe. No two countries respect each other. The least aggressive 'country' in the 'EU' is shittier to neighbor than even Texas and California would dare be to other US states.

If these "new Europeans" are such assets and strength you'd think they'd be fighting over who gets to keep them all, not trying to force others into taking them. Does nobody ask this in the whole of Europe or are you put in prison if you do?

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jew is a religion anyone can join so anyone can move to israel

Yeah! Take that white Euro people! Be more tolerant or else!

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Are the headlines being switched around on purpose or am I switching timelines
I thought this faggot was acting like Jupiter and wanted to burn Calais to the ground and all that

>You're putting sanctions on members of your own monetary union
Yeah, this is completely retarded.
EU policies in a nutshell.

Australia's a lot higher than I was expecting

It's always been the "secret" plan you signed up for. Mashing European states into one superstate was always the hidden goal.

I don't understand Macron. Everything he does and says is contradictory to the thing he said or did previously

He's just a double faced faggot.
>France will accept no migrant, they need to stay in their first point of entry in the EU
>hurr durr, how dares the V4 not accept any migrant?!

Perhaps you did not notice, but he is, in fact, French.

Nice you gotta love the traitorous french always doing what they know best.

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>tfw Hungarian

You could also include Iceland and Norway. I think they'd be up for it if they get to create the foundations of the Union

>new Zealand
> Australia

Isn't it funny how the whitest white countries (except new zealand but the vast majority of their non whites are native maori, not immigrants) are the most in favour of immigration?


>TFW the taigs have finally outcucked us

Grazie, Giovanni

>UK in your list

Sorry bro but we need to fuck off, we're too cucked for visegrad + Italy

The French picked this cunt over Le Pen, just let that sink in.

>unless Albania is bought to become the containment area
Tell me what you mean and I'll try to answer.

Of course the Balkans has the lowest. They already deal with gypsies and they're poor as dirt.
They have their own conflicts to deal with.

What a total dick-gobbling niggerfaggot
I hope he is put into a rocket launcher and fired into the sun
Fucking fasgots like him deserve nothing but rope

I still dont get that.
I dont follow french politics in a daily basis, but Le Pen did a few interviews here in Spain a few years ago and she seemed to me based as fuck.

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>France trying to take control of the EU
based Macron

Elections are rigged all the time, kiddo. It happens in absolutely every country.

Because French elections are retarded.
It's not about what party gets the most votes, is about which party of the first 2 conforms better to the establishment, so the other parties will redirect their votes to it.
Le Pen needs the absolute majority to win, which is extremely hard.

Well that is the sentiment. Thanks for your honesty.
But French birthrates have been too low for over 120 years now. Unlike any in Europe.
Doesn't matter which Rothschild/Lazard puppet you elect. You have been dead since Napoleon's retreat, and most of you know it.

Oh no, Spainbro. Le Pen was indeed based, even despite her commie proclivities.