If they split everyone win

So how does everyone feel about Califorinia splitting up?

Seems like if that happened you would have everything split up and the poor and rich would be separated. Plus then the government will know which one to destroy until there is nothing left.

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It will give the Democrats like 4 more electoral votes. Depending on how they split it up. But also it is an ungovernable shit hole. I honestly don’t know how I feel about this.
t. California native living in Washington

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Democrats wouldn't let it happen, they would lose all their votes they already get 55 free ones from the start. if California splits then the western half, which from what know is mostly republican, would send votes to the right. but as the user said depending on how they split it up

Reminder that we passed that proposition that ballot initiatives have to be enacted within five days so if this passes, they have five days to figure everything out.

That bullshit passed? Jesus

Yeah I could see something absurd happening. Especially when all the progressive celebrities want to stay around the racist rich people even though they hate them and talk about them 24/7. I guess when it comes down to it even they would rather be safe than experience true cultural enlightenment.

they have 5 days to figure what out?
Protip:you're about to embarrass yourself
best option is pic related

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Quarantine the area marked in blue, due to both mental illness and bodily diseases. Then make it into a labor camp with minatory abortions.

After one generation, all of California's problems will be solved.

It's a bad idea. Better option is to just pass national voter ID laws and totally change immigration laws to discourage illegal immigration and keep non-whites out generally

I don't know, Jewfield sounds alot nicer and welcoming rather than New Israel

I don't know, Jewfield sounds alot nicer and welcoming rather than New Israel.

>t. California native living in Washington
No one fucking likes you here except other californians. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY STATE!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Californians are like aids. They are spreading and fucking up every place they infiltrate.

I'm for it splitting up, but like you said the hypocrites in Hollywood would complain and shit

no they dont get 2 more governors. its shot down. get rid of the beaners or deal with no federal funding

I get what people are saying about creating more liberal states but wouldnt it be better to break them into smaller chunks and take over the more reasonable parts with the Californian central bureua of wrong think?

This is absolutely the best option, but won't happen because dems are the ones orchestrating this. Your map groups all the major left-wing population hubs into one state, meaning the result will be:
1 blue state
1 red state

vs. the proposed borders, which would result in
3 blue states.

All you would get out of it are 4 more Dem senators. Calirepubs are the flakiest of Republicans, having dealt with 30 years of compromise and political correctness conditioning. They're not like the Republicans of Oklahoma or Texas, they're more of centrists. Therefore, they must not be trusted to have their own seats because their complacency is exactly what caused Cali to fuck itself in the beginning.

Only the uninformed and shitlibs think this is a good idea, all three would be blue states. Jefferson or no deal

>southern california
>is mostly to the east of california

State of US geography

I say give it a chance, I think if you divide it a certain way then it would help both side but mostly the right if we let cali keep the seaside and city areas but give the more inland areas their own state, they will can't give out more then what they already have in electoral votes if given time the inland areas would continue to get tired of the liberals and turn more conservative. They may be flakey but they are tired all the same.


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I've been out of the loop fellers, is this an actual thing happening?

T. DNC shill
No one is buying the shit you're selling. Everyone knows that the state is going to be carved up so that your party rules all three mini states.

what does the electoral college look like?
if it isn't appropriate to their contributions to the sovereignty of the US, then no one wins, you nigger.

And may I ask sir which party are you implying, Left or Right. Oh and don't get triggered if I say sir, cause you don't identify as that

fuck you, memeflag. you're a dime a dozen and worth less.

This is the first time this kind of thing has gotten on the California ballot, at least that I'm aware of. There's a ton of democrats against it. It's not going to pass. Voting yes is good, so that we can demonstrate support for the general idea, and actually split the state in a way that isn't retarded later down the line.

every time this stupid thread about splitting california into 2, 3,whatever states, I have to remind you kids: THEY ARE NOT GOING TO GIVE CALIFORNIA TWO MORE SENATORS. NEVER.

Voting yes is good so we can demonstrate the state of the most electorally important state in the US and how their ideals rip the country apart.

Your salt gives me strength, please continue

They've drawn the map to make sure Democrats get 4 more senate seats. It's a Jew trick.

2 democrat senators becomes 6
This is the only outcome
Fuck you

Humboldt county natice here

Suck my big white cock SoCal

Another California native living in wa here.

There are plenty of us, and unlike the Mexicans you wouldn't know we're not local unless you asked.

this is a concept lost on you fucking worthless "college grads" who have been brainwashed by communist marxist professors.
i fucking dare you bastards to try that shit in any other state. go forth and show the rest of the nation what happens when liberals and their lack of morals and principals fail.

>All Californians are lefty fags

you can't meme, fag. stop appropriating others' culture.

>gets called out as a DNC shill
>what party?
Wew, you're a smart one. Maybe Reddit is more your speed

Honestly I thought they would divide it buy three but give the more populated area the few left over. Of course it is possible that money talks and changes this, but either way it would be harder to garner all 55 electoral for either side with this result.

Isnt california literally the backbone of the US economy? you kind of owe them

Hypocrisy is a prerequisite for liberalism.
Open borders mean no nations mean no identity mean no responsibility to your fellows.
I identify as an American and soon all those like me will treat traitors as they should be.
there will be no blue waive, but a crimson tide. you will all lose your freedom for trying to take my identity and the sovereignty of my country.

you make it seem like I stay here 24/7. I may snoop here but I do have a life outside of watching people screech about stuff.

It would give Democrats more seats, at least 4 more senators. We cannot afford to lose senate seats as our majority right now is razor thin.

Not sure how this would work. For starters, CA has extremely complexed water issues. I’m in Southern CA, 65% of our water comes from Northern CA.

It’s still doable, my region is consuming less water than it did compared to the 80s despite the population growth.

the whole issue is honestly like classic ethnic separatism in everything by name

>state overrun
>people alienated from government
>people split the state to regain government control

They're gonna get 4 Democratic senators for free. People like Maxine Waters. Trust me, nobody will win. Not even Californians.

>at least 4 more senators.
>would only create 4 more senators
>at least 4 more

Hail New California. 3 Californias is for fags.

civil war next?
nah. too many guns in the hands of civilians.
the people will have control and the government will work for the people.

And here I thought that you where the lib. But I was mistaken. And no not a part of the Democrats.

>inb4 government bombs and drones
they wont and cant or there's nothing left to be governed. this is not africa after all. we have an infrastructure, as shitty as it's become.

It may or may not help republicans. California is too big, and they deserve representation. Regardless of party, you are not American if you argue them to stay together,

i'm not a "classic" republican. but i believe in the republic. no more than any new liberals are "classic liberals". right?

Oh I see that, thanks for pointing that out. Didn’t think that through.

The problem is that the way these lines are drawn are bullshit. The reason to split the state is to give Republicans the ability to govern themselves, and it seems the current suggestion wouldn't accomplish that. Putting the Bay Area in a separate state from LA is a pretty big red flag in that regard.

You're giving New Israel too much clay. The cities should be connected by tiny strips of unpopulated land.

>California is too big, and they deserve representation. Regardless of party, you are not American if you argue them to stay together,

if you "fix" california then you have to fix a lot of other states, which is why IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN IN YOUR LIFETIME.

I vaguely recall that Texas legally can split into several states, but that might be a myth. All the other states will never change because it would open the door to chaos.

They use to call the results on fucking election day before they even counted all the votes you communist fuck. That effectively neutralized rural areas. This splitting up shit is equally bad, go fuck yourself.

Of course not, it just seemed more feasible to split the three up rather than hoping that on some magical whim they all decide to work together. Which from what I've seen will never happen unless something catastrophic happens,

>f you "fix" california then you have to fix a lot of other states
Virtually no other state has this problem in this quantity. The reason it's such an issue for California, is, among other things, the fucking size of the state.

How about not having winner take all system for electoral votes?

i remember reading something like that, but it might have been some hypothetical from somewhere. i know what you're talking about. TX isn't going to split any more than it will become a mexican territory.

All three go blue.
One red, one blue.

no, actually, that is the whole point of the issue - why have a war when you can just split the state?

but it can also escalate to a silly point, something like south texas becoming a state (once it turns full mexico), because this is just how people must operate. Can't openly say "the illegals are overheating the system", so you want a 'small government"

with large liberal urban shitholes, full of leftists, any division only goes to strengthen the left, as the electoral college will give them even more votes, albeit, for their respective shitholes. It's a trap.

or mass exodus.
CA, i could see losing its self to mexico save for federal intervention.

I don't like the idea of creating such massive states like that. If We can split off a single massive red state from California, we can surely split that state in a reasonable way so that both are still red.

Lol, I remind these absolute fucking retards in Colorado the same thing. Looks like we understand how to grow an economy, and we aren't still living in Kikefornia for obvious reasons.

san francisco and los angelas need to be part of the same state, otherwise, it's a powerplay for democrats and willfully ignoring the interests of rural areas that brought support to this issue in the first place.

>California is too big

No it is not. Might as well say "Texas is too big and we must split it into states". It is just that there was no assimilation period, so it's all downhill. Hell, even Germany is still trying to make East German regions richer, and they are still poorer.

Texas can split but they won't yet or maybe ever

as long as we are allowed to say "too many mexicans here", there's no fear of losing anything.
our constitution covers that, although it's been overridden in several states. which is their right as long as its residence agree with the state.

It’s not going to happen. People in California can barely do more politically than “march”, let alone get a job in their real lives.

You’ll hear bitching and threats for years and years though.

California is solidly a liberal-run state and therefore a perfect opportunity to observe liberal policies in action. Californianons, what's it like living there? Give us your perspective.

the country was built for the citizens. we don't lose anything but a country when the citizens abandon it, is my point.

Texas will go blue before this happens and Repubs will never win an election again. We'll be held hostage in our own country by illegals and anchor babies who vote to take our rights and taxes.

Yes as long as they keep the larger liberal cities together and the coastline then the eastern side should go to the rebublican


But, but... if you do that, the rest of California will go red and decisively non-commie.

You don't understand. USA is not some European mudslime cavern. California is far more important than Texas, and in the current system it is destined to stay blue forever. Divide the states influence and we have progress.

If it splits 3 ways how many delegates will the Republicans get?

Who cares, the tidal wave will destroy all 3 of them anyways

That only depends on how you split it, especially since California is already so far gone. If you split it as currently suggested you're just creating 3 liberal capital cities.

Under that map, it's looking like it might be none.

It would depend how they split it

As long as SF and LA are spic-infested liberal shitholes (which they will forever be), whichever state they occupy will be blue. Better to group them together where they will cause less electoral college damage.

??? Compare California to the size of the thirteen colonies. Rhode Island, Conneticut, Delaware. States are supposed to be small. And I never said anything about Texas. If you ask my opinion I would also want Texas to break up.

States should allow representation of different groups of people. The people in North Texas are nothing like Houstans. Same with the NorCal and SoCal differation already exists. So it should become official. In the name of fair representation.

>If you split it as currently suggested you're just creating 3 liberal capital cities.
San Diego county is not THAT democrat dominated. The overall area has more democrats than Republicans, but it's not by much.

This map won't work, Everything not on the coast and everything north of Fagfrancisco is red. NONE of them would want to be in the same new state with Fagopolis. I could see two states: SF to LA + about 40 miles inland, And then everything else. I would feel sorry for the mostly reds in San Luis Obisbo, but being between New Tijuana and New Sodom, they are doomed anyway.

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Oh lord. The blue Texas meme... again.

I mean states should try to be as circular as possible. Having New California include San Fran without giving up San Diego would just make the state too long.

yeah, at this point everyone is just trying to abandon ship, YET the perception in journalism is that it is this hyper-advanced utopia of a state. so weird.

the problem is that places to flee will run out eventually. plus, even if you split a state, the other side are still citizens, so they just request more help, or move to a rich state and the cycle repeats.

California firefighters and Police are making 200k per year, wait till the pension debt has to get settled. good fucking luck

You're naive if you think liberals would agree to break up this state in a way that'd ever benefit republicans. It's better to just keep California whole to serve as libshit containment

>You're naive
you underestimate the wave of hate thats coming friend, its going to be apolyptical prepare yourself.

well then i think the democrats will just find a way to torpedo the vote or some other schtick. right now they have that "texas will turn blue" obsession, so who knows. i dont think it will split honestly, just fed up people venting and that's all.

Probably none, it's gerrymandering with an entire state rather than counties.

Agreed. Keep all the commies in the one place most likely to be permanently destroyed by natural disaster.

stop praying to kilauea user, it's not healthy for you

>YET the perception in journalism is that it is this hyper-advanced utopia of a state
It's so fucking eerie. Californians are fleeing the state and shitting up the surrounding states yet people act like it's myriad of problems don't exist because there's a bunch of fags there and that's somehow good. Now the Californians leaving to other states are slowly taking over the governments and trying to enact the same policies that destroyed California. It's the same thing that happens with immigrants from South America: they bring their retarded ideology with them and don't realize that's why their home was so shit.