Fellow Kekistani's Unite:




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Other urls found in this thread:

start by review bombing, but keep it food related, say the service is bad etc, non political, this will be hard for them to overcome, let's destroy the business, fuck the website/

They have the right to refuse service to anyone. Learn your burgers. The correct response is not angered retaliation, but giving them their own medicine.

brit has a point
plus some fine gentlemen already dropped it once

Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.

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Lmao this board has turned into a bunch of snowflake faggots

>fellow kekistanis

Kys OP



>Fellow Kekistani's Unite
translates to
>deluded people pretending they are part of an imaginary place
cut your dick off, without us, kid

>Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.

Republicans are to dumb to understand that.

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Agreed - already started!

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>They have the right to refuse service to anyone.
Can I refuse to serve blacks?

Don’t care


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Yep you're little Drumpfkin's times is up.

We will crush fascism in the buds by removing those who support it from any and all right thinking communities.

You fascist filth shouldn't be allowed to breathe the same air as humans.

This.. republicans are usually just bitter white trash.

you can refuse to serve democrats.

Exactly if this happened under the DINDU president to a Negro Press Sec everyone would be screeching right now and the store would close!

we won, why would we be bitter?


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If you retards are going to make bait tier threads and then immediately leftypol them up before they take off, you really shouldn't be here.

Fucking amateurs

Don't do any damage to give those jews insurance money anons.

Meanwhile for negative EU Fags here - enjoy your Muslim Ass Rapping & bombings!

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A few hours ago the number of review was nearing 10k, now it's barely over 1,000, yet the score hasn't budged from 2.2. Also I found it rather telling that the 1-star reviews supporting Sanders are by far the highest up-voted.

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The Red Hen kicking out Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was a really bad business move. Mixing politics with anything is never a good idea. The Red Hen is learning their lesson the hard way today as their restaurant rating is sinking like a rock.
read the comments!

Notice the address? I wonder who changed that? Feel Good Man!

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Leftists are complete brainlets.

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I don't want to breath your air either. It's full of soi flavored gay

Hello Mr Secret Service, why dont you ask the NSA. Not your private army.

>REEEE a privately owned business told somebody that shares my political views to leave!
>right wing social justice squad, active!
This thread is cringe worthy as fuck. What OP is advocating isn't even worthy of being called a raid. You're just lashing out because you're triggered.

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In fairness this isn't much different than denying someone a cake. maybe it's best not to whine about it and just not give people like them business. Certainly I would deny service to any prominent democrap or open borders advocate at this point.

So I can refuse to serve you in my business since you’re a faggot?

you don't. they had every fucking right.

This is disgraceful and this restaurant must be boycotted, buy on the other hand she shouldn't have posted this with the Press secretary account. This is a dangerous precedent, i don't know much about the U.S laws but i assume there must be some kind of law against a federal employee using his position to retaliate against a private entity/private citizen's exercising his 1st amendment rights.

This. When did the alt-right become the equivalent of SJWs shouting down lectures?

They are down to 905 reviews now

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absolutely this. you cannot become a fucking hypocrite. support this expulsion and then bring up the christian bakery again, lefties need to drown in their own shit.

If you'll notice the first post Immediately called for "downvoting" the restaurant. I think it's pretty obvious who's to blame here.

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Two things I am doing that you have no control over and have to just learn to deal with.

1. Review bombing that shitty restaurant
2. Voting Trump in 2020 and R down the ticket in 2018.

The baker had no problem baking the cake - it was the word on the cake the couple wanted - biz was fined $500,000 and had to close

They're already refusing a paying customer.

The way I see it, discrimination is perfectly acceptable in business, or at least should be. It's already a double-edged're denying someone's money and those who disagree with your policy won't give you any of their money.

If I ran a restaurant, and someone from the establishment Swamp came in, like a John Podesta or a Robert Mueller, I'd tell them to get the fuck out.


Make a serious review about the food or bad service without mentioning politics like said.

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That's weird, the score is still showing up as 2.2 to me, but it does look like the highly upvoted (~3k+) 1 star comments have disappeared.

>Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences
It actually is.
Freedom of Speech:
the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint.
literally freedom from consequence you bootlicking retard.

LOL! Normies are doing the reverse posting 5 start reviews but it's not the correct restaurant - there's another business in the District of DC not related - the correct one is in Lexington, VA

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I wanna know where the "right" to refuse service even is in the law. Its either there or its not and it applies to everyone or it doesn't.

From the government, plebbit

These people don't get that they are CEMENTING their future losses with this kind of behavior. When the left wins, the right pretty much accepts it and is like "THANKS Obammer :(" pouty, maybe a couple jokes about Michelle having a dick or questioning his birth certificate but in general nothing that major.

But when the RIGHT wins, it's 2+ years of daily attacks from the ENTIRE left on anyone from Trump to wanting his kids to be raped to wanting his staff to die to wanting anyone with a red hat to be attacked tortured killed on a daily basis, anyone who even SOUNDS conservative should have their careers and families ruined etc. Absolute authoritarian fascist psychotic rabid foaming at the mouth TDS destruction of ANYONE who doesn't share their beliefs.

It's going to be so easy to get conservatives out to vote from here on out, all we have to do is say "look how much they not just attack and demonize you but as a group they ALL cheer it on and support it like some kind of medieval torture or, ironically, actual Nazis dehumanizing and attacking the Joos...this is what they do to you and how rabid and aggressively attacking they are when they aren't even in do you think they're going to treat you, your career, your friends and family, your children, your attempts to eat at a restaurant or even be out in public if THEY win? Remember how they cheered Sanders being thrown out and wanted Trump's kid to be raped to death and they all celebrated those ideas? That's what they're going to do to ALL of you if you don't vote and keep the right in power"

>getting triggered enough to review bomb a restaurant
>voting solely based on a letter
You sound exactly like a leftist.

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Again, there is nothing you can do about it. Please understand you have no power to change that fact.

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Bake the cake bigot


Isnt "red chicken" slang for heroin as well as satan?

Pretty sure that only applies to government and police action against you. If you say some really dumb shit and you own a shop you can't say you're protected from people willingly choosing not to shop there or people protesting you.

Review bombing is a possible consequence however these websites are not government owned or enforced. Having people say they found a rat turd in their soup is a lot less of a price to pay than say having a bunch of niggers send you to the hospital and burning your store down because you shot a robber who happened to be a nigger.

>fellow kekistanis
be less cancerous

Over 37,000 on Facebook

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Wait, so SJWs chimping out at universities is not abridging free speech?
When did Jow Forums change its mind?

Point out where it says "only the government"