Why did nazi germany declare war with russia?

why did nazi germany declare war with russia?

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The pair claim that as well as an undescended testicle, the leader of the Third Reich suffered from a condition that left him with a ‘micropenis’ – less than two inches long.

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bump someone tell me from non-biased sources!

There were a lot of reasons, most notably the fact that Russia was planning to invade Germany, hence the rushed nature of Operation Barbados.

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why was hitler trying to expand germany all the way east?

Bolshevik jews killing 20million people might make anyone kinda wary.

He wasn't, he wasn't trying to expand all the way west even. Hitler offered a peace accord which would have restored the majority of french territory in exchange for “wohlwollende Neutralitat” – rendered as “well wishing neutrality”. Hitler saw the very real and very jewish threat of communism that was spreading in Europe and Asia.

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Both of those will help you make sense of what happened.

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He wanted to maximize the number of white people he killed. He was a classic pied piper operation.

Germany needed oil.

Hitler wanted to crush communism and the (((people))) that created it. Also Russia was arming up at an alarming rate, building thousands of tanks and big guns. They obviously wanted to invade Europe, and Germany first

Why do you even bother hating the jews? You see to think they're omnipotent super heroes with unchallenged wit and cunning. Jews are intelligent, but they don't run the world to the degree you imagine, especially not back in the 1940s

His best general Rommel thought hitler was incompetent and begged him to end the war to save German lives so hitler suicided him.

Everyone makes mistakes, some are just bigger then others.

Jews didn’t supply hitler tetraethyl lead, General Motors and standard oil did.

Because the Soviet Union was weeks, perhaps days away from launching it's own attack on Germany.

Read the declaration for yourself: archive.org/details/TheFuehrersProclamationToTheGermanPeopleAndTheNoteOfTheGerman

Bet that's what your mom said.

*Operation Barbarossa

But overall you're right. There's some indication the Soviets were going to break the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Of course, they were also negotiating to join the Axis and the invasion caught them way off guard.

The two regimes could probably never coexist peacefully. You had a Jew founded communist regime bordering the Third Reich. They had already fought a proxy war in Spain, Germany had signed the Anti-Comintern Pact, and the Axis was united by opposition to communism. There were other factors, too. Hitler hoped to colonize the East and prove the racial and ideological supremacy of his regime. More tactically, he wanted access to the massive Soviet oil fields.

He also underestimated them. Not shilling - just a fact here. He looked at the Soviets' defeat against Poland in the war from 1919 to 1921 and probably thought "We took Poland in six weeks - Poland beat the Soviets." He thought that Stalin's murderous purges of the military leadership had ruined their organization (somewhat right here). He got overconfident - the Wehrmacht seemed invincible until 1942.

i understand the communist threat, but i don't know why he had to expand east at all though. why the expansion east? it's easy to seem that he wanted land

How did the jews convince Americans of German descent to kill their cousins in Europe? Media control and manipulation.

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Hitler hated communism and made it his mortal enemy. he didn't hate Slavic people just communism. plus he wanted more land for the fatherland

oil,without that no more blitzkrieg and without blitzkrieg no more winning battles for germany

>More tactically, he wanted access to the massive Soviet oil fields.
Germany was getting almost all it's oil needs from Romania. So it's kind of stupid to suggest that Hitler would launch an attack for oil fields that were over 1,000 miles away from Germany.

>He also underestimated them.
Read the Halder Diaries for that time. The Germans estimated there were 200 Soviet divisions, 170 massed along the demarcation line.
Six weeks in, they had encountered 360 divisions.
There was an entire second echelon to the planned Soviet attack that the Germans had no idea existed.

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so why the expansion eastward?

This was actually the Anglo establishment that ran the US in the first world war. There was significant prejudice and suspicion against midwest germans particularly in the south and northeast. They rallied to the US Army completely however and it was soon forgotten

hitler was a drug addict, he'd lost all sense and reason months if not years ago. to understand his thought-process, you must always remember that he was totally jacked up on meth during all waking hours

I showed you why and sauce where you can look it up

Hitler was a moron.

Should have finished off Britain first.

Instead he starts a war on two fronts.


Actually it was Roosevelt that pushed the UK towards war. Want sauce?

bolshevik subhuman communists is why. mongrel asiatic russian thievery.

Disagree. Stalin trusted Hitler so much that during Barbarossa he ordered some of his generals not to fight back because he believed it was German generals trying to spark a war on their own accord

Sauce or making shit up.

USSR was infested with kikes.

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>why did nazi germany declare war with russia?

They needed the oil fields and wheat fields. Germany was going to run out of oil.

>Doesn't know what he's talking about. Talks anyway.
Germany didn't have any oil, idiot. They were getting what they needed from Romania which was also under threat of invasion from the Soviet Union. Look at a fucking map.
>What's a map?

Hitler became Jew wise to the Soviets and Communism

Why fight WW2 on German soil?

I never stated Germany had oil fields. I stated they were going to run out of oil. There's difference between these two statements.

The Romanian oil and their synthetic plants couldn't support them. If it could have then they wouldn't have had fuel shortages during their initial invasion and even worse during their 42 offensive.

You seem to be the person that talks about stuff they know nothing about.

In the Halder Diaries, he make no mention of fuel shortages at that time. Explain then why the Germans would start an invasion for oil fields that were over 1,000 miles away. Protip: You can't.

(((Nick Duffy)))
You ever notice that every year they come up with these articles and stories and shit about Hitler being gay, or being into incest, or some shit like that? Gee, I wonder why (((people))) would have to continually come up with bullshit about a long dead man?

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>to "struggle by all available means, including armed force, for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie and the creation of an international Soviet republic as a transition stage to the complete abolition of the state".
>founder: vladimir lenin

Can you kikes fuck off out of my country and to Israel so then when we come for you, it’ll make it a lot easier for us?

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Polonization of the ethnic germans in Poland was getting unnaceptable, from mere encouragment to leave to south africa tier farm murders terrorism

HItler had to invade Poland to save these Germans

Why was Poland allowing this to happen? They thought they'd win in a short and easy war and expand Polands borders west! Polish war council was basically "rightful polish clay" + jews telling them france would storm through the west with 80 divisions and Britain would resupply Poland through Romania with resources of mighty british empire.

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Beware the eternal Anglo. Gott strafe England.

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You're just making me hate jews more with this jewery.

Nazi Germany needed control of three main resources (in order of importance):
1) Caucasian Oil
2) Donets Coal
3) Ukranian farmland

That’s what (((they))) told you. And (((they))) never lie. Ever.

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Fuck Nazi scum, Germans are the real subhumans.


It was either strike first while the soviet union was weak or play on the defensive and get fucked into the dirt since you let the tens of millions of slav peasants arm themselves. Thanks to Hitler only half of europe fell to communism instead of the entirety of europe.

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>meme flag
>thinks anyone takes his opinion with even a grain of salt
>t. pic related

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A little more to it than that. Roosevelt ordered US Ambassador to France, William C. Bullitt, to urge the Poles not to negotiate with Hitler.

At the same time, he ordered US Ambassador to the UK, Joseph Kennedy to twist PM Neville Chamberlain's arm to make a guarantee to the Poles. Eventually, the arm twisting worked with Chamberlain lamenting that he hoped that the Americans and Jews were finally happy, but that he felt he signed the doom of civilization."

>Halder Diaries

Fucking Halder and other Nazi Generals blamed the failure of the War on Hitler (in spite of their own incompetence). Halder was an idiot who did not understand the STRATEGIC and ECONOMIC aspects of the war.

Placing all the blame of the war on Hitler and the other Nazi higher-ups also allowed for Halder to create the myth of the so-called "Clean Wehrmacht" as if the Wehrmacht weren't involved in atrocities against civilians on the Eastern Front.

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they sacrificed themselves to protect the west from the spread of communism

Be quiet mutt, you're probably not even white.
And look at the west now. So sad.

More like they were bankrolled by the West to both weaken Europe and contain communism.

The soviet union had obvious plans of taking over Europe with communism.
>Romania was neighboring the USSR.
>Romania has a lot of oil
>Romania can't protect herself from USSR
>USSR already took Bessarabia
>Germany guarantees RO independence
>Germany needs the oil for Wehrmacht
>Hitler fears Russian invasion of Romania
>Romania falls then German tanks are fucked
Hitler has promised Romania freedom and a place in Europe by having Romania become the agricultural state of the empire, changing food for machinery that Germany provides.
Romania is mostly agricultural and populated by peasants, meaning that industrialization is not worth the cost.
Communism's incompatibility with fascism/nazism is obvious, they are a threat to Europe.
This is your answer and also that Hitler needed the territory for the German population to thrive.

Hitler's Table Talk - Adolf Hitler

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>Must be some stupidity virus going around. Third person to come up with this nonsense.
>Caucasian Oil
Over 1,000 miles away from Germany.
>Donets Coal
Germany had enough coal from the Ruhr, the Saar, and Upper Silesia. Enough surplus of coal to make synthetic oil and rubber.
>Ukranian farmland
The already had control of Poland.

"If I do not get the oil of Maikop and Grozny then I must end this war." - Adolf Hitler

Just Read this, I'm not going to explain it. The fact is that Germany was running a severe oil shortage, and if they waited any longer than the Summer of 1941 to invade the USSR they wouldn't have enough oil to mount a significant offensive.

>Hitler's Quest for Oil: the Impact of EconomicConsiderations on Military Strategy, 1941-42

the human ambien in the second video has a lot of communist splooge falling out of his asshole.

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More or less true. After the war, the tendency was to blame Hitler for all the failures. Even those operations that Hitler was opposed to but let the generals go ahead with, e.g. Operation Citadel, aka The Battle of Kursk. "Why do we have to attack Kursk now, if ever?" Hitler to General Guderian, Heinz Guderian, "Panzer Leader".

But reading the Halder Diaries is fascinating. An insider's day-to-day look at the biggest military battle in history. Some of Halder's observations:

>The Soviets were completely caught by surprise initially, but after a week started to have an organized defense.
>Hitler was nervous about the whole situation. Halder was like "It'll be okay. Just stick to the plan."
>Roads in the Soviet Union were much worse condition than they thought. Heavier rain than expected made roads even worse.
>Ammunition expenditure was way above estimates. Some German units had to stop because they ran out of ammunition.
>Casualties were higher that expected. Especially worrying were losses among officers.
>Horse losses were worrying. Most German supplies were transported by horse wagons.
>Halder complains the the field generals do whatever they feel like instead of following OKW instructions.
>Kiev was a much tougher nut to crack than expected.
>Personal dislikes among generals was a problem. Guderian asked to be relieved if he was put under von Kluge.
>The Germans thought there were only 200 divisions in the entire Red Army. Six weeks in, they encountered 360.
>After the Battle of Smolensk, by October, most German forces were down to 60-70% of full strength.

because the nazis were actually jews who wanted germany to get raped by slavic pig-dogs. It was thier plan all along to devastate germany.

bump, reading replies now.

also, why the fuck did the United States enter the war? i fuckin hate communists but i have to feel like i allied with the soviet union and hate nazis for no reason

Because the soviets had a hard on for conquering Europe and were building up massive offensive forces. Hitler realized he'd be fucked and I don't even really think he thought he had good odds taking on the soviets when he did. If he didn't though all those arms would have been flowing over his border.
War against soviet union was a premptive defensive hail mary.

He could use the oil fields and shittloads of soviet military supplies camped offensively right on his borders but primarily he just didn't want to get overrun by soviets and they had an offensively set up army so hitler got a better fight if he attacked them. Also if you overrun western Russian the rest is basically snow and trees and mountains and some really deep lakes.

they're salty

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Why didn’t hitler make the French army fight for him after he took control of France? That would have been like an extra 30 million soldiers

>why the expansion east?
Because without the resources in the East, Germany would always be partially dependent on Russia. There exists a similar problem today with how much Europe is dependent on Russian natural gas.

Okay, you read this: archive.org/details/TheFuehrersProclamationToTheGermanPeopleAndTheNoteOfTheGerman

>"If I do not get the oil of Maikop and Grozny then I must end this war." - Adolf Hitler
If you look at the footnote reference, that comes from the Nuremberg trials. There is enough unfair process, false testimony, and fabricated evidence in the Nuremberg Trials that the trials are now considered an legal embarrassment.

And Albert Speer's postwar accounts are not to be trusted. Germany's attack was in June 1941. He didn't become Armaments Minister until February, 1942.

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Physics. Look up the laws of physics.

Because Stalinist Russia was ran by (((bolsheviks))), that type of kikes worse than the normal kikes.

Hitler loved fucking men!

In 5 years the Soviet Union was gonna be a massive fucking powerhouse. After WWII it had the strongest military in Europe despite losing millions of men from Operation Barbarossa. Germany had to invade and quickly take them out before they could fully industrialize and invade Germany first. Considering how close the invasion came to capturing Moscow, Leningrad, and Stalingrad it is reasonable to say that it wasn't the retarded move many people seem to think it was.

why did hitler think russia was going to invade them first? if they had the pact

The bald guy in the video made a very good point. I know many people on the internet claim to be experts and clearly can't show it.I'm not saying I'n an expert. I have a deep interest in history and know more than the average guy about WW2 in particular, and while the bald guys argument is convincing, I'm not fully sold yet. But it is a perspective I've never heard before. He definitely knows his stuff. Interesting take....

watching now

Because slavs are subhuman pieces of shit.

Roosevelt seemed fascinated with an eventual war with Germany:

"I said, 'What is the likelihood of war with Germany?' and he (Roosevelt) said, 'A very strong possibility.' I said, 'Will the U.S. have to go in and defend its treaty rights?' and he said, 'We won't have to send any men abroad any way.'" - Diary of Henry Morgenthau Jr., May 15th, 1933

Roosevelt wanted to start a war, but he didn't want his fingerprints on it. Roosevelt was the one to pressure Great Britain to make a guarantee to Poland and, at the same time, urged the Poles not to negotiate with Germany.

After war broke out, American public opinion was 80% against any involvement. Roosevelt started a secret naval war with Germany (see Kearny Incident, Rueben James Incident, Greer Incident) trying to provoke Germany into declaring war, but Hitler wasn't taking the bait. So Roosevelt provoked Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. This turned around American public opinion literally overnight.

Why did Roosevelt do this? There's not much evidence since many of his personal papers were destroyed. My speculation why starts with the letter J.

From Jewish Telegraphic Agency, June 19th 1941:

"LONDON (Jun. 18)

The entire Jewish and non-Jewish population in the parts of Soviet-occupied Galicia bordering the Nazi frontiers was ordered to evacuate into the interior of the USSR 'for strategic reasons,' it was reported here today. A similar order was issued also for the population in the Soviet-held territory bordering on the Lublin district.

Simultaneously the Polish Government-in-exile received a report that the Nazi authorities in occupied Poland have ordered the Jews there to make their own arrangements for the building of air-raid shelters within the ghettos. The order states that in case of air attacks the Jews will not be allowed to seek shelter outside of the ghetto. Several air raid alarms were sounded in certain parts of Nazi-occupied Poland during the last few days and separate air-raid shelters are being built for Germans and for Poles."


You could consider this a breadcrumb, if not a smoking gun.

damn bro. idk if i can believe all you're telling me..but damn.

i'm not sure what this is. the USSR ordered people in galicia to evacuate?

That's why nuclear is the future, that is until fusion becomes reliable.

Y'know, Stalin and Marx and Mao and fucktons of other people were pieces of shit and I don't have to come up with a moronic "his dick was small, only one nut, totally science, also he was an X and X is bad" ass pull to hate them. Because that is particularly fucking stupid.

i still don't get why hitler had to declare war in the first place..in poland.

If you want to read some books on the subject:

"Freedom Betrayed" by Herbert Hoover. Yes, that Herbert Hoover.
"Backdoor to War" by Charles Tansill.

The Halder Diaries. Note that in the US Army's English translation, the dates from August 14th, 1939 to September 8th, 1939 are missing.

If you were white, you wouldn’t need to hide behind a meme flag.

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>if you were white
t. 56%


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Have you researched how pozzed the French army were?

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Some more books.

"Poland on the Inside", Bertram de Colonna. A 1939 book describing Poland as it was back then.

"Death in Poland: The Fate of Ethnic Germans", Edwin Erich Dwinger, A 1940 book describing Polish atrocities against ethnic Germans.