You'd vote for me in 2020. Right, user?

You'd vote for me in 2020. Right, user?

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I’m not a commie basterd

H-Hello I'm Bernie Sanders and I would like you to take yer underwears off, c'mon fund the bernie campaign boy, take yer underwears off and sit on my lap, sit on Uncle Bernie's lap, yeah c'mon keep contributin', keep contributin' and I'll get you your free healthcares and whatevah kid, now come here, and sit on my apple, good good, now sit on my apple, oh, sit on uncle bernie's apple boy, c'mon oh oh aooh aooh c'mon keep contribootin' aoooh AOOH AAAHH, you hurt uncle Bernie! Ah you chipped my apple! Now clean yerself up, and don't tell anyone I told you to take yer underwers off, okay sonny?

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vroom vroom

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Maybe if you grow a spine.

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Is he running as a Democrat or Independent?

i'll say yes if it means you'll divide the democrats against trump again

Fuck off Jew

Vote Bernie for the first free helicopter ride.

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no you bent the knee and paid for 3 houses plus jewish.

Remembet when the bernie baby died of sids? That shit was cash.

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Trump rules this dimension with 10 iron fists

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hahahahahahahahahahaha OP you commie fuck, i just died from laughter!!!


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ok grandpa, will you buy me an xbox now?

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The most confusing part of 2016 was how quickly libs abandoned bernie for hillary....I recall her being hated so Im confused at that.

Many MAGAmen today are disillusioned bern victims, a lot of folks joined us because of it
Best part is since our side has the truth, they can't switch back to the left if we screw up, so the scope is on them

Unironically yes and would have voted for you over Trump had that bitch Hillary not stolen the election. Unfortunately, I had to vote for Trump.


Hi Ghost!


You should hide, Bernie, I see a couple of 18 year old nigger girls coming up. They might take your mic.

>Many MAGAmen today are disillusioned bern victims, a lot of folks joined us because of it

This. A large portion of his original fanbase liked the anti-establishment message he had to say and the absolute trainwreck of his concession to Hillary Clinton and the DNC in 2016 made people realize the Dems were out to fuck anyone who didn't conform.
I cannot understate how much of a fucking mess the DNC was. It was a big disaster, and an entertaining one at that.

yup hes allready shown his true hand

I'm torn between voting to have you turned into soap or lampshade.

Adopt strict immigration like Trump does and we’ll talk about it. I personally agree with socialist healthcare, boomers are fucking cancerous.

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Pinochet was a neo-liberalist Jew puppet. He killed as many far fighters as he did communists.

I was a total Bernie Fag even way before the primaries.
Now I can't stand him. I have a friend who went through the same transformation (from Bernie to Trump).
A bernie 2020 campaign would be pathetic but also pretty hilarious

I’m sure it contributed to her losing.

no refunds

Absolutely not.