/nsg/ NatSoc General



Thread for discussion of the Jewish Question, Race Realism, Anti-Communism, the Aryan Ideal, Traditionalism, Racial Nationalism, and Racial Identity Movements.

Improve yourself, comrades, community, and folk.
> 卐 - SMASH (((MARXISM)))!

>The Optics of Ineffectiveness
>The Many Faces of National Socialism by Karl Radl


/NSG/ - pastebin.com/vPZPyDhK


>Diversity + Proximity = War:
>Race and Sex Differences in Intelligence by Helmuth Nyborg
libgen [dot] io/book/index.php?md5=1792DBBF0D866D2476E1455DD8DAFF0F
>Human Accomplishment - Charles Murray
>Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations
>Race Differences in Intelligence by Richard Lynn

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Other urls found in this thread:


National socialism isn't pagan, stormfag.

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>trying to divide christian and pagan
nice d/c shill

National socialism is simple.
One people, one government. If you're not with the people either because you don't identify them or you're a degnerate, get out.
And because the bankers used their corrupt banking system to control the government, the media, and the markets, they took measures to neutralize their influence.
All the rest is corruption.

You guys just cant spit out that jewish cock can you?
Christianity is not European, fuck off to Haiti where 90% of the population is Christian

friendly reminder the OP of /nsg/ threads is a Zionist Jew LARPing as a NatSoc. Enjoy the thread but do not give out any identifiable info. No Discord chats...nothing.

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Pagans, Kikes, and Atheists get rope before the niggers.

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>muh (((Siege)))

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What a shock, christcuck hangs his own race before his based black man.

apostates are not my brothers.

cool pic

thats not very christian of you, are you taking that from the jewish part of the bible?
christians have the good goy part for them, the old testament isnt yours.
be a good faggot and turn the other cheek, love your enemies

its been in europe for 1000years now. even if its not borned in europe its basically european now

Why should I support a bunch of fucking socialists when I'm extremely pro-capitalist? Because you want borders and culture preserved? Fuck OFF. You're statists all the same.

go fuck yourself apostate, did crusaders turn the other cheek?
No, they took the blade to their enemies.

I aint buying that peacenik revisionist bullshit.

>implying a modern national socialist government can't also be economically libertarian
also thanks for links faggot OP i'll check them out. western values is built upon christian values though so the whole pagan larping is a no-go. there's a difference between (((cuckstianity))) and christianity.

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your crusader heros butchered as many europeans as they did insects.
go read that goy slave book again, you obviously dont understand a word of it.
remember to be a meek slave on earth, your riches are in heaven, forgive evil, love your enemies

Every Christ has a rope waiting

and you all fall for the d/c obviously

reminder than europe is vastly christian and theres no way in hell a natsoc mouvement has a chance of being a thing without christianity

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Sup bros.

Reminder that Christianity is the enemy of the Jew. Jesus chastised the Jews over usury and Satanism. That's why they wrote in the Talmud that Jesus is being boiled in excrement. And why the Masons do shit like pic related to mock him still.

Christianity is antithetical to the Jew. That literal stormfaggots like OP can't wrap their heads around a religion initially spread among Jews being anti-Jewish is a testament to their lack of critical thinking skills.

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He said Christianity you dumb fuck.

Religion isn't important.

What's important is our people, myths are myths, and yeah it'd be great if everyone started believing in the cult of Thor, it'd make them strong, but they won't.

Plus banging on about it makes us seem like a bunch of weirdos, we need to be encouraging people to take pride in their history, that's the main thing!

It was created by Jews for low IQ cowards like Christians, it worked too

Turn the other cheek is not about continuing be kind to someone else, is to turn bad from a perfid situation.
Christianity is all about retribution, crowleyfag.

Liberia is 80%+ prod, is that your new ethnostate?

really though its the same for all christians not just for catholics.
I'm sorry to inform you but Hitler was not a christian.

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I never ever click on these generals, I had no idea you people even existed on.this site, I thought it was an urban myth.
Youd sure love the real natsoc board lol

>"Each one of us today may regret the fact that the advent of Christianity was the first occasion on which spiritual terror was introduced into the much freer ancient world" (...) It may be objected here that in these phenomena which we find throughout the history of the world we have to recognize mostly a specifically Jewish mode of thought and that such fanaticism and intolerance are typical symptoms of Jewish mentality.

So many NSDAP officials left their churches (like Bormann, Himmler, Rosenberg, Darré, Hess, Ley and so on) it even became a popular term:


And all of them followed his "practical advice" there, and acted like NatSoc officials. Some SS divisions had up to 90% of their recruits leave their churches before joining, and their manuals openly decried christianity, in the same manner as socialism. The churches had a long emnity with the NSDAP and even propped up militant groups like "The White Rose", due to things like opposing eugenics, in the middle of the war, effectively siding with the Rothschilds and the Soviets over the European people.

Thousands of priests were executed during "Kirchenkampf": en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirchenkampf and several generals formely associated with Political Christianity (which Hitler shunned) associated with acts of treason, like Paulus and the Abwehr military intelligence, being part of the "Schwarze Kapelle" who spied for the allies...

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Hitler also executed several priests during KIRCHENKAMPF. His symbolism and the fact that several NSDAP officials were openly non-christian should tell you something. The most telling thing was his "Positive Christianity" psy-op, headed chiefly by Alfred Rosenberg, an open pagan, and it stood that the christianity of the churches was "negative" because it was misused by jews from the very beggining.



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Hitler was not a christian. Hitlers Christa Schroeder personal secretary, Albert Speer Chief Architect, and Otto Dietrich Chief press secretary all said in there memoirs that Hitler was staunchly anti-christian. David Irving even writes about Walther Hewel a German diplomat and Hitlers personal FRIEND said "over dinner this evening, a wonderful talk on the roman empire and its displacement by christianity christianity has been one long act of deceit and contradiction Christianity is the revenge of the wandering Jew"
From David Irving The War Path 1933-1939 If you do not trust Irving you are not searching for the truth but the fill your mind with mental fucking gymnastics for your god damn shit Jewish religion.

Christians have a reason to shoe horn Hitler as a christian but the reality is Hitler was against christianity.

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Yeee boi we're back!

Is that why 99% of all the christians on this board aren't white?

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You people?

I'm pretty sure I made some dude from "The real natsoc board" who kept banging on about an "Old guard" flip his shit because I pointed out that his approach wasn't pragmatic and won't deliver real political results.

You are itoo much into history channel documentaries.

>this isn't a natsoc board goy what are you doing here? go find the "real" natsoc board there's a good goyim
imagine shilling this hard. nice attempt Goldensteinshekelsberg

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No, a fact is a fact and Hitler was not a christian. The NSDAP was staunchly anti-christian behind the scenes because if they weren't pandering to christkikes they would have never won. This applies to what Trump has been doing with christians as well.

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What can you tell me about pic related? It's very interesting.

it is NOT european.

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Look, you need to stop banging on about it.

You're making us look like a cult, when you do things like this people run a mile from you.

What you need to emphasize is the local problems such as crime, housing, economic deterioration caused by minorities and migration, and those are acceptable messages, and once the populist revolution occurs the NATIONALIST revolution is the logical progression, it's the only way things can go after that.

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reminder that ancient christianity forbids miscegenation and promotes good morals and values.

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you do not understand that we will never get a natsoc country if christianity is still the prime morality. hitler knew about this and used christians to get elected he was letting it fade into oblivion he could have done. Now though christianity is such an enemy of whites that it is no longer possible at all.

You need to stop typing like a kike if you want to assimilate

Really nice pics, user. Even if one is about worshiping ISIS.

>ancient christianity.
Nice out of context passage btw. You should clarify the OT it is telling JEWS not to race max however
By the time of the New Testament, Israel had become extremely exclusive, largely forgetting her mission to the nations. When the Messiah arrived, however, foreigners were present ( Matt 2:1-12 ). During his ministry, he constantly interacted with them, indicating that God’s love embraced the world ( Luke 17:18 ; John 4 ). A Roman soldier pronounced a eulogy at his death ( Luke 23:47 ). Death broke the hostile powers that caused human divisions ( Eph 2:14-18 ). In Christ there was no longer any important racial, linguistic, or ethnic difference ( Gal 3:26-29 ). Pentecost ( Acts 2 ) reversed the judgment of the tower of Babel ( Gen 11:1-9 ).

At the same time, there was the realization that while members of the church had their citizenship in heaven, they were resident aliens on earth ( 1 Peter 1:17 ; 2:11 ). Before the coming of the kingdom, they had to live a nomadic existence as strangers and pilgrims, much like the patriarchs of the Old Testament ( Heb 11:9-16 ). They must live in hope and faith, praying for the invasion of the kingdom and waiting patiently for the gift of a new Canaan, a new Eden, where they can reside with their God (Rev. 21-22). Meanwhile the church must act by helping literal strangers and foreigners, remembering her own identity and God’s love for the powerless ( Matthew 25:35Matthew 25:38Matthew 25:43Matthew 25:44 ). Hospitality (philoxenos, lit. love for the stranger) is to be a characteristic of the follower of Christ ( 1 Peter 4:9 ; cf. Rom 12:13 ; Heb 13:2 ).

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No no no.

I'm sorry, you will never convert the country to paganism, paganism is not a political force in the modern world and you need to accept that fact.

People aren't concerned about this, they're concerned about crime, lack of housing, jobs, their kids can't get places in the local schools. Stop barking up the wrong tree and making us look like a cult.

You are making us look silly.

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Hello Rabbi;
Hitler spoke very clearly on why we embrace the old Christianity... because we reject you.
Apologies if you're just a cuck who bought into the Jewish "pagan" anti Christian meme.

>reddit spacing
Who said I wanted to convert them? I want christkikery destroyed it is the only way.

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Sounds like the Alt Right, whatever that is.

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TIL that some of the Jews useful idiots believe that Hitler was not a National Socialist.
It doesn't get more cucked than that.

NatSoc is Christian you dumb stupid kike larper.

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Sieg Heil

wrong, read
it isn't just a meme but a fact. the NSDAP behind the scenes was against christianity so much so read

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If you want political results you need a political strategy.

People don't want to hear about Thor or Odin or whatever you're banging on about, they want to know what you're going to do about the Islamic crimewave, about Eastern European pimps and prostitutes, drug dealers, gang violence in the cities.

The solutions to almost all of your problems are hidden in plain site, the people are crying out for British nationalism, and all you have to do is give it to them by solving the "Crime" problem aka the mud problem, but you lot want to talk about Thor and Odin and all that lark, it's a waste of time and it solves nothing.

wrong natsoc is NOT christian.

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plain sight*

Stop spreading silly Jewish lies.

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Yes i understand Christianity is evil but Nazi germany was definitely a Christian country, although I have a question why was subhash chandra bose allowed to marry a German women if they were against rave mixing

This. Anyone who attacks Christianity is anti-Hitler.

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>for the joyofsatan.com LARPers in this thread

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BAHAHA you use Himmler like its proof again. Himmler was the most pagan of all of them and outright. Hitler was again pandering to get christkikes to vote for him.

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No use arguing with idiots like you.

99% chance you're a Jew trying to spread anti-Christian animosity.

it's telling the Israelites. reminder that modern Israel is not ancient Israelites. We are the Israelites that are in the bible. Israel in the bible is interpreted as = the ancient Christian church.
and yes, ancient Christianity. i make a clear distinction between christianity (orthodoxy/ancient) and (((cuckstianity))) (anglican/catholic)
hell God even ordered us to purge our lands of all foreigners, half-breeds and cleanse our lands of degenerates.
there's lots of good passages against degenerate behaviour etc.
to me, when the bible refers to israel, it refers to the sons of Christ, which is us. modern israel was created after ww2, they aren't israelites. it's got nothing to do with the jews. the jews killed christ remember.

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Weak case Rabbi. The fact they have a viking boat doesn't mean they're not Christian.

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This is what our enemies in the security services want us to be doing, they want us to be dancing around in the woods talking about Wotan and Thor and all of this spiritual stuff, because while we look like a bunch of weirdos we're harmless. When we're out canvassing the streets and talking about the migrant crimewave we're an actual political force, and the establishment don't want that.

I strongly suspect a lot of the religion-debaters are out and out spies from the Security Services.

>ID: Moses


I know its no use to argue with me because I am right. Every avinue you have to rebuttle would be BTFO. Thats one reason I don't even mention the table talks anymore even though they are 100% legit.

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Fuck off kike.

Again Hitler didn't even subscribe to the belief that the Israelites of the Bible were actually Aryans; in a speech he gave in Munich in 1922 titled “Why We Are Anti-Semites”, he referred to and disparaged Abraham as racially Jewish. Quit lying.

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O9A pls go

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SS and Ahenenerbe as iniciatic societies were luciferian-mercurial-wotanic, NSDAP was not.
Simple as that. What has been done that days was a trasition from a catholic lutheran christianity to a German Christemdom.
The priests purged were just fucking liberals that couldnt keep their mouths shut. Like many other subversive elements in those times that were put down.

Hitler youth attacked Christianity The first half of chapter 1 of the Hitler youth-leader handbook was explicit attacking Christianity and lumping Christianity in with Free Masonry and Jews. research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/hjhandbuch.htm

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nice sauce faggot

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These are the official lyrics of the NSDAP approved version of Silent Night:

Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
O wie schön! Welche Pracht!
In dem festlichen, trauten Raum
steht der strahlende Lichterbaum!
Weihnacht ist wieder da!
Weihnacht ist wieder da!

Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht –
Kinderschar, o wie lacht
Freude euch aus Herz und Mund!
Weihnachtswunder tut sich euch kund!
Werdet Lichtsucher all!
Werdet Lichtsucher all!

Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht –
Kerzenschein flimmert sacht –
Das zum Leben erweckende Licht
Sieghaft durch das Dunkel bricht!
Freuet euch und seid froh!
Freuet euch und seid froh!

> they de-christianized the song

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use google retard

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Correct, user.
Jow Forums is shilled hard by JIDF and their stormfag fools.
We need to redeem the stormfag and overcome the JIDF.

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Also image related.

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A lot of the people ITT are actual spies for the security services, or if not simply delusional.

Religion isn't even close to the primary concern, the primary concern is actually being a political force to be reckoned with and dealing with issues surrounding crime.

Crime = disproportionately committed by minorities, solving the crime problem will solve the minority problem, or at least lead people into that direction.

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>I'm right you're wrong!
>See my picture from the Rothschild's Getty Museum?
Oh fuck... did you really do that?

nice argument Chaim.
besides once we kick out the kikes (like the faggot above) and cleanse our lands of nogs and shitskins we can always part ways and have different ethnostates. a christian one with good morals and values, and the satanist pagan larper one where everyone are gay faggots.

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