LOL Rethuglicans completely destroyed

LOL Rethuglicans completely destroyed

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fucking white males?

Americans farmers refusing to sell food to blue states is next.

>only illegal immigrants know how to cook

I don't eat out anymore. I have to cut back on the salt.

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pic related was a comment i screen shotted from an article about immigration

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>implying working immigrants give a fuck about the politics instead of just desperately getting any job given to them

Retard alert

only people of color can make food that has any taste. adding spices is too complicated for simple white minds

By the looks of it... The working class

No one gives a shit about the perspective someone of a different race or ethnicity or gender or etc. brings. It’s irrelevant to every single scientific field, the only place where this subjective shit could ever matter is Literature and they don’t need to be here to give us that. Also “immigrants are more innovative” yeah right. Just like the “immigrants commit less crime” bullshit that’s a broad stroke that doesn’t mean anything. If you look at the immigrants in question (Hispanics) that’s obviously not true for either statement.
Seriously how can shitlibs say stuff like this in earnest?

They don’t give a shit about the politics in their own country so the chances of them caring about what goes on here is next to 0 asides from topics relevant to their racial group.

Worse than that, libshits know these horribly paid high stress long hours positions are basically slave labor and they know who works those jobs yet glorify in it. As long as the illegals stay on the plantation al is cool for the Dems.

Yes. If being from a different culture mattered in any empirical way then we’d have fifty different types of calculus and a dozen seperate laws of physics for the same natural processes. But, thats not the case. Your “perspective” if anything is a hinderance because it relies on subjective, sensuous experience. Perspectives give us goat shit religions and astrology, empirical knowledge gives us science. The rest of that fucking nonsense he typed is cherry picked from statistics that lump o1 visa immigrants in with illiterate Juan. Juan’s lawn and drywall service is not a business that is helping the United States and it sure as fuck isn’t winning a nobel prize (yet.)
Embleer frith, that stupid post pissed me off too.

>embleer frith
You like Watership Down? Fucking awesome book.

I do indeed. I end up swearing in rabbit all the time. People either think its a foreign language or it resonates with them like you.

This is the most fucking Boomerific shit I have ever seen. That generation is absolutely fucking cursed, I tell you.

Hmm... I wonder...

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>only people of color can make food that has any taste. adding spices is too complicated for simple white minds
Fuck off Caniggerian....

fucking a white males?

Definitely not the Jews I take it.

Yup. Of course even though this is common sense this guy would still regurgitate some tripe like.
> “An America with Foodtrucks on every corner, sign me up!”

Would love to go to restaurant where I know all the people in the kitchen are white.

or maybe republicans could stop being child abusing pieces of shit and people wouldn't have a problem serving them.

>tfw there are people that unironically believe this
If we didn't like spice why did we colonize whole subcontinents in pursuit of it.
We love spice so much we committed genocide to obtain exclusive access.

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what a racist thing to say - what, black people are your servants? YES MASTAH I MAKIN' YOUS SOME BURGAHS QUICK LIKE.

Reminds me of this vid where this lib girl basically say ,” what will you white people do without spics doing menial labor like being maids or mowing your lawn?!?!?”
Funny stuff because you can tell she was waiting for applause for what was meant as a gotcha moment that backfired horribly.

That's awesome. That book had so many insights into primitive culture, the nature of warfare, the blindness of the masses, and the writing style was wonderful to boot. It really made for a convincing world that humans could see themselves in, but it also offered a sense of genuine wildness. I believe that Adams did a lot of research into rabbits to write it.

Who the fuck is talking about immigrants? This is about illegal aliens.

>Shareblue shill

Your boss molests kidnapped illegal children on a daily basis

Can you fucking imagine being proud of your people being the laboring underclass and thinking it's a victory?

Applies to both.

What the fuck does that even mean? Contrary to liberal belief, illegals don’t cook food at every restaurant. Also, liberals can’t fucking cook so they project and assume that conservatives can’t



Yes! They actually advocate for this. A food truck, a drywall handyman and Bethlehem Steel all are a business—only one of them is going to provide a community with a good standard. Those pieces of shit are so terrified they might have a reduced benefit before they die they’d raze the country to the ground to avoid it. People always talk about the lame fantasy of going back in time to kill Hitler, but the genocide of the boomers would be my fantasy. Mine would actually save the world.

>who's going to cook the food?

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As if your party’s elites didn’t consist entirely of kidfuckers

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Spice? You must mean seasoning. Niggers don’t like spicy food they like seasoned food which means Lawry’s seasoned salt. This is literally what niggers are referring to when they say seasoning. Sriracha is too spicy for niggers


>what is a cook book

So they only want brown people to come to this country so they can make food for them? Thanks for the slave labor!

They twist words to fit their agenda. According to them:Founders, settlers, and pioneers=immigrants. Illegals, migrants, smugglers/gang members=also immigrants. By conflating these two very different kinds of people, (((they))) can accomplish cultural destruction and get Dem votes.

Maybe that's what those high verbal IQs are for.

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>only illegals know how to cook
what did he mean by this?

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Yeah, it's not like the highest ranking Republican in Congress literally admitted in court he fucked little boys.

Oh wait, he did.

Sounds good to me.

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this is extremely racist right?

>conquer the globe for spices
>only diego and daquon know how to use spices
get fucked you maplenigger retard.

>implying white people don't work in professional kitchens
And maybe they'll finally get paid decent wages when this brown artificial surplus of foreign labor is expelled.

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What happened to "He will not divide us"?
Is it a different kind of division if you're segregating yourself?

HAHAHA. Those stupid Republicans will have to raise wages to get American citizens to cook for them Hahaha oh wait.

Loved the interludes of the fables of el ahrairah with the main story. The two most striking human analogies were the behavioral sink of cowslips warren and the totalitarianism of General woundwort. But notice even Adams had the rabbits thriving more under woundwort than cowslip? I think thats very telling.

>implying both parties' elites aren't kidfuckers
Don't be naive, kid.

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Implying I think the republican elite aren’t also kidfuckers. Most elites are doing fucked up shit and need to be hanged in public. The day of the rope and a societal reset can’t come soon enough.

Democrats are the ones with an underclass to cook gourmet meals for them 5 nights a week.


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If America is lost, the rest of us will have a much easier time making a good living. I'm all for it. Resucklicans aren't people and I'd still be helping out Demofriends.

so what kind of food will republicans eat?

Spanish food, Italian food, French food, German food, British food

what are dems going to eat?
mexican food, chinese food, indian food, the blood of young children

if all the conservatives stopped cooking food and being chefs and stopped growing crops and farming, the liberals would starve to death because they can’t cook or grow/kill their own food and the illegals would have nothing to cook for them

>Fight continental wars over spice trade
>Whites don't use spices
pick one and only one you stupid nigger.

Eh I only really eat at one restaurant and the cook is some Puerto Rican guy that wears a MAGA hat so I'm not worried.

Republicans will be eating cuisine. Demoshits will be eating nigger and spic garbage. Enjoy trying to eat healthy when tyrone and juan are deep frying everything.

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now you know how we feel with the roads argument

Fast food industry can crash, and minorities are rarely even allowed into true high-class dining, whether it be as a worker or a customer, unless it's as a corporate exec's pet diversity hire, showing the little nig a taste of the high life before tossing him back down where he belongs. None of this world's truly great chefs are shitskins, just a bunch of retards tossing a pound of salt, butter or spices onto a slab of poorly cooked meat and calling it a masterpiece.

It is indeed. The fact that the rabbits in that warren also weren't allowed to make any reference to the past was as well. I thought that one of the main themes in the book might have been that lack of resources, more than anything else, leads to conflict and austerity measures of the sort imposed by Woundwort.

I really must learn more about Richard Adams and what sort of man he was. I remember reading that he said he intended the book to be nothing more than a fun story, but somehow I don't think so.

This. One normie historian whose videos I like to watch occasionally said: the elites have more in common with themselves than they do the people they govern. Even if they're ostensibly "better" than the bastards who are relatively open about the evil shit they do, they're still cut from the same cloth.

I can't wait until those hubristic motherfuckers are on their knees, begging for their lives on national TV. That'll be a truly great day. We'll make it there.

i love how they acknowledge that brown people are only there to serve them

You know, it had never occurred to me that part of cowslip’s warrren was erasing their past. That’s chilling. They had to recreate their reality moment by moment in order to keep up the illusion.
That seems to remind me of another group...

>believes this is coming from boomers
I have something to tell you, user. These people hate illegals as much as everyone else. Who is making Social Security go bankrupt? It's isn't the young working American citizens, it's the illegals and their kids that are getting money from Social Security reserves cross-shoveled their way by Democrats in Congress. When these reserves are finally insolvent, the "boomers" will be cut off. People younger than them already have accepted that they are fucked on Soc. Security, but the boomers still hold out hope for collecting most of what they have paid in.

>Kelly Osborne
Leave it to a wealthy girl of British heritage mostly raised in upper-class America to make such a statement

It's strange that another Englishman, Orwell, predicted this sort of past-erasing culture, especially considering the sort of anarcho-tyranny and general madness that's taking hold there now.

When I was younger, I used to think that 1984 described a fascist system, but I realize that's blatantly ridiculous now. There's a reason it's called Ingsoc.

That's a good point. They do seem to be upset that young men and young people in general are opting out of kids though. But that's not a terribly informed opinion of mine I guess.

>who is going to do low paid menial labor
The same people who already do these jobs in places that bother to enforce immigration law:

this. whiteys food as bland as their skin. for centuries these niggers plundered foreign lands and took our wealth back with them. now when the foreigners turn up in their countries these fuckers have the audacity to say ‘we want our country back’. you shouldn’t have left it for foreign shores in the first place. keep crying snowflakes because over the next few decades you are going to get extinct. look at other animals, a white peacock is rare, so is a white tiger. so on and so forth. the universe will it. enrich yourself and move on or get fucked. Peace.

White men and women. A few Asians.

Uh oh maybe you should poo in the loo
Peace. ;P

Your public deification crisis invalidates your assessment of the world. Also,
>We want our country back

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I actually looked into the "immigrants earn more Nobels", it is true but guess what, it is mostly west european immigrants earning Nobels. No mexicans, nicaraguans, sudanese, or some other shithole tier.

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>what ethnic underclass are these racists going to exploit in their restaurants?
>we own the brown people

>imagine being so racist that you honestly argue in public political debate that republicans (white people) don't cook, that only mexicans and niggers cook.

Who’s going to invest in the democrat only restaurants?

Nobel prizes are just jews and commies giving awards to each other for pr. no one seriously cares about it.

It's thinly veiled racism
He's /ourguy/

Nigger minds cant comprehend the spice trade.

based leaf
wh*Te dogs BTFO

Clearly OP has never been to Utah.

Stupid Nigger
Black beasts BTFO

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Chic-fil-a seems to have it covered.

Yes, Orwell was always presented through the filter of anti-fascist but the only aspect of fascism they really copied was a vague concept of nationalism. The erasure of the past, the destruction of words, doublethink, entertainment created by machines to be easily replicated. No one could confuse these things with any “right” leaning movement.

A simple google and phone post proves you’re wrong

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Look at whiteys comprehending trade. thought you wanted tariffs white boi.

Leftists want brown people to come here so they can illegally vote Democrat. Many business owners and consumers want them here to lower the cost of goods and services. Nobody actually gives a shit about them. Both sides want to keep them in limbo in order to control them. The properly ethical thing to do would be to expel them, build the wall to keep them out and then offer to help them fix their own country so that they don’t feel the need to come here in the first place. But you won’t hear any traditional partisan actually say that.

Whats wrong nigger can't find your own board to post on have to come to whitey to find right wing discussion.

I thought you wanted a street that was designated and a wide left hand?

Ridiculusly clean kitchen is fake, but point is valid.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA White people can't make food.

HAHAHAHAHAHA only Mexicans know how