Hitler's Austcwich Vs Trump's tent city

What more proof do you need Drumpfies? Trump is literally Hitler and his supporters are modern Nazis.

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Womp Womp

holy shit please just invade us and get it over with so i can die in a hot war with you passive aggressive pussies

Only if it was true.

Ordnung muss sein.

>buildings are lined up for space-saving convenience

Jesus Christ, the niggers are learning. Maybe by the end of the century they'll realize sex makes babies.

Actually it’s not a terrible comparison, how they’re treating the situation is like how Jews were put into concentration camps may be different in some ways but still similar in major ways

Eat a bullet you faggot

I would be outraged if budgets for tent cities were being used on brothels, swimming pools, theatres, and recreational areas like they were in aushwitz

Womp womp.
Nazis rounded up people. We are just protecting the boarder. Go home. We make a million new citizens a year, 89% of this generation wont be able to afford a house, but boo hoo a few dozen kids get detained

Is it because the buildings are side by side and the tents are also side by side?
Oh fuck!

Womp womp, have you even seen a migrant camp in France? That tent city and the Nazi one is much better. Pick your battles shill

Can’t this be turned into something that is unsympathetic toward Jewish people. Comparing the holocaust to a holding tent before transfer to a proper living facility while awaiting extradition

Does the tent city have a gift shop?

Here's another angle of jewish execution chambers

Attached: Execution chambers.jpg (589x244, 56K)

in the nazi camps they only had playstation 1 and swamp coolers

Oh wow, two different places to hold people look the same? Better call every military in the world and warn them their barracks are a nazi concentration camp!

Wow camps look the same I hate borders now

But who is going to invade us then?

OP, be like the bear in this gif. Please jump in front of a moving vehicle and die.

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>tents arranged in a orderly layout.

FFS everyday im reminded the wrong side won the war.

So hitler really didn't burn the joos? Cool. I like Hitler now.


So much winning!

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The holocaust never happened but it should have and hopefully will happen in the future.

Kikes aren't humans

Fuck off you piece of shit faggot. White America has just awaken and you think you pussy libtard are going to take over America??? Come at country boy Texans with loaded guns. I fucking dare you.

s oyboy pussy faggot

We're reaching mass hysteria levels that shouldn't even be possible.

Attached: possiblewhyyes.gif (480x271, 2.05M)

Trump is literally going to redpill the masses on the Holocaust. Holy shit, he might just be a God.

This third picture is a random American neighborhood. TODAY. OH THE HUMANITY.

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It's like a real life holocaust!

This does prove the holocaust didnt happen, use this tweet to spam out infographs how the holocaust was fake.

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Too bad it's bullshit eh

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Do Americans actually believe this?


The left wants a repeat of 2016 I guess.. calling us Nazis and advocating for open borders will destroy them..

I wanted to play video games, but then libtards started shouting at me. "Video game privilege!!!!" Now all I want to do is play the game called Kill Liberals.

And just like at auschwitz, no one was gassed.

I hope he's making Mexican soap

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About half of America does. Those Americans are called liberals. It's a reality that we have to deal with every. fucking. day. I really really really HATE white liberals. I hate them more than I hate the jews.

>Everyone who disagrees with me is Hitler

Why haven't we gassed them yet? I'm starting to feel like maybe the holocaust was a hoax , and am sorely disappointed

You can't possibly be this stupid.

typical selfish political platform hopping libcucks, nothing happened before Trump.

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Dude, he's a libtard
Do you even have to ask?

Ughhhh, swamp coolers. Thanks for retraumatizing me

Obama built that

Only turned over a few, not all that were sequestered
It's mostly a nothing burger

In 75 years it will be socially unacceptable to question the 6 billion mexicans lost to trumps death camps

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Huge twist. America has a civil war, weakens itself, and then we invade them. We'll make them drink syrup and eat nanaimo! Canada will rule the world, and then everyone will be 'sorry'


Your literal hitler is besties with Netanyahu, ya mook

Has Trump hired a BR chef?

>Your literal hitler is besties with Netanyahu


ID doubt that, one of us can beat the shit out of ten of you , unless one's cripple, then it's only seven

I'll let you guys pay my reparations in advance if that helps y'all feel better.

Remember the 6 taquillion! Gringo.

^ this

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Leafs are weak.

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this is shocking, im literally shaking. the only humane way to fix this travesty is to open our borders for all. how can we fight so strongly for our rights while we trample on the rights of these hard working refugees? we say they are god given rights, god given rights are not restricted to artificial boundaries, these god given rights apply to everyone! #resisthate #thisstopsnow #timesup

>He thinks Trump is Hitler

true that german concentration camps were intended to house people in a humane way

Woah look at these people living in concentration camps

This is 2018 people!

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where are they supposed to put them, a Wal-Mart?

Post a fucking pic when they're being forced to work 16hr days labor, malnourished and gassed. That's when you can make a comparison you fucking piece of shit. He has nothing to do with this. The 9th circuit court of appeals declared that illegal immigrants crossing the border with kids must be separated from their kids. Guess what? They was during the Obama administration. Gee, why didn't he just put a stop to that?

Not to mention his campaign ran on protecting our borders as well. Go fuck yourself. All this time we get shit on for defending our borders and Australia doesn't get shit for how they address their borders regarding migrants. Spread shit equally, at least you faggot.

This right here. I keep wanting to reply to the Facebook posts with this info, but I'm not going to show my full power level

are they seriously belittling the holocaust like this

You say this like it’s a bad thing?


pic related is japanese internment camps

Attached: japanese-internment-camp-3.jpg (400x300, 52K)

>tfw trump may actually be hitler

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>we're back to "literally hitler" already

Liberals didn't care about the fema camps until they housed their pet shitskins

>libtards talk about the holocaust

>jews on left get offended and join Trump

Maybe auschwitz wasn't the death camp the jews said they were.

A-are those buildings.... Lined up in a ROW??!?!?

Death camps know use renewable energy? Wow the future is now!

how about this IS a 20 year old policy

> holding illegals pending deportation is literally the holocaust

The more hysterical you get, the more insane you look to moderates. Keep doubling down.

Because it wasn't. Death camp for jews was located in Birkenau, not in auschwitz. Auschwitz was camp for people able to work.

Where is the huge piles of ash of burned jews in Auschwitz picture? Nowhere.

Either camps are gassing nobody.


Whenever you arrest a criminal who has children, you normally have to separate the criminal from their children.
This is unconscionable.
We should stop arresting people full stop. Because of the children.

t. the Left.

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The guard are drowning the inhabitants to this lake.
Cause I'm sure the lake is not used for fun as in Auschwitz.

So if they just re-arrange the tents into like semi-circles or something we can avoid genocide. Phew.

aushwitz wasn't a death camp. The death camp was in Birkenau, the village next to auschwitz

Attached: Screenshot-2018-6-24 Google Maps.jpg (1014x778, 384K)

>Hitler drank water
>Trump drinks water
>therefore Trump is Hitler

Hitlers' was okay but Trumps' camp if you look closely at it you'll notice that it's surrounded by a big beautiful wall.

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UN painted on left building.
Build the wall. Problem solved.

> this is an indian village in the racist reservation
> this is trumps mexcian reservation where he keeps his mexicans

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All I see is how many fucking spics have crossed the border with kids in the last few months. My country is dying.

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>”Zomg drumpf is putting people in small buildings! Hitler also put people in small buildings! Drumpf is literally Hitler!”
t. Libsharts

> "Hey wouldn't it be alright to have a videogame character that was a woman or a brown person?"
> goes full spectrum 14/88 and ignites racial holy war