Why britain is Orwellian

While its likely mostly Karma, is another reason why britain is so orwellian is because they dont have guns to defend themselves for a tyrannical monarchy?

Will that become the fate of America if we give up our guns?

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pretty much


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Yeah it's all good when it's all good but if just one million people get mad enough what are they going to do? Slaughter them all?

If you only knew how bad things really are. Theyre gonna psy one part of the population to kill another.


The Brainlets comparison

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You have all the guns you need, I don't see you doing much with them.?

Problem with britain is our kids are educated to be too soft and we have no racial unifiers left.

I do not think it is guns. It is a problem of culture. UK people have the communist disease however not community. In fact UK purposefully inhibits necessary community by disruption of UK culture with imports of African and Muslim criminals.

US people do not sent for prison when teaching the pug to Hitler salute or to perform this salute them selves.

That guy is going to remember the humiliation of this event and work to improve himself and be a better man. He should thank that nigger for the lesson then kill him.

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the problem is we killed all our best men in the first days of the Austro-Serb war which led to a large scale destruction of family units, starting the decline. Then the second world war happened, which we lost and as a result became occupied by the US. This resulted in two major things, the deliberate destruction of European and Asian power to leave the US as the world super power (USSR managed to at least put up a defence) and a cultural revolution which led to the 60's, the 60's being the widespread removal of British culture in favour of a nebulous interpretation of US culture and individualism. Church, State and Education all mutated beyond recognition until what we have today.

Every community here has 'community leaders' except for the white community.
If a black kid gets stabbed, community leaders are on tv talking about it.
Why we have no white community?

>the problem is we killed all our best men in the first days of the Austro-Serb..

They were a bunch of fucking mongs who deserved to die, they glorified war and they bloody got it in spades.

Easy fix. Just hire some fat christian boomer bikers to speak for the white youth. They are easy to get on board for shit like that.

They would be derided by the media as institutionally racist for only talking about white community issues.

Over the last 30 years I've watched my nation crouch down to invaders, we're so weak, 30 years ago that OP picture would have been impossible.

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Mask the whiteness by by forming a coalition with groups who help homeless youth and runaways.. Throw in a few darkies and you have yourself an intersectional approved white outreach group.

the lads who died went for Crown and Country when that ment something, it's the political actors who put those lads into that situation

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In UK they all go to state care. Here they are all islanders these days. Or else like 25+, kids don't bother running away any more when they can escape I to technology so easily. Kids dont even go outside these days let alone leave home t
before age 35

Because you do not create this. UK people have no sense of community. Shared history and culture is widely rejected in favor of communist and modern wokeness.

create a go fund page for weapons for our british brethren. like william wallace said, "they can take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!" Get off your hands white man! let us unite! Unite the U.S.A., Ireland, Scotland, U.K., Russia, and Australia! UNITE US! MAKE US ONE! MAKE US WHOLE! MAKE US AN EMPIRE!

If I win lotto I'd donate money to all the alt-right and nationalist groups in the anglosphere.

I can only agree with you.
In my life I have watched my community diminish.

To steal a bible quote, I am a voice crying in the wilderness.

Urban centers are easier to rule over with an iron fist. Australia has shit laws, but they never reached Bruce in Alice Springs mowing down boomers with a FAL.

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I am sympathetic.

This post advocates conspiracy to trafficking arms in violation of ITARS. user glows in the dark.

shit nigger ive been trying to fund a boatload of arms to my british friends across the pond since 2016. Ive asked them to contact the IRA, squash differences and take the island back. Call who you want, hell i dont give a fuck, FBI, US MARSHALL, ATF, INTERPOL, U.S. MILITARY, ROYAL ARMY. Fucking call them all! I wont be the only one to die, I guarantee it!


>tyrannical monarchy

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