Probably about to be fired

>work for fortune 500 company
>won't say which but 30% chance you are a customer if you live in the US
>internal daily updated forum board that automatically pops up when we log in has about a dozen new stories about changes in the company and celebrating employee accolades or monthly recognition
>company has gone completely full liberal SJW and spouts diversity is our strength and queer pride
>this latest LQBTREURR2andsometimesY story pops up and says why we MUST acknowledge and love our queer co-workers of color
>employees can write comments and by golly did they implement that to dick suck themselves off as every single person agrees with everything the company does
>I ask why only PoC? Why are we excluding white queers? Why do we have a new memo every other day showcasing the exploits of female workers, of black workers, of immigrant workers, I've been with the company for 6 years and never ONCE seen anything celebrating white male workers
>go on to note that historically over the last 5 years 42 out of 50 of our top performers across the entire company were white males racking in hundreds of millions in profit yet absolutely NOTHING about their race or gender
>comment gets a lot of likes but no one puts their own name on a reply chain
>2 days later my comment is removed

So yeah looking forward to being jobless within the week. It is just the fucking hypocrisy of it all that eats at me. They will spout how diversity and queer support is making us stronger and throw parades and daily parties for anyone who isn't white and male. Yet the ones who are actually making the company money and run are a vast majority of white males they refuse to recognize. Does nothing to help the company and erodes the moral of white men who are blatantly being ignored despite their results.

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Other urls found in this thread:

nothing made me hate niggers and faggots more than the diversity shit the left is forcing on us. I was a pretty chill dude before. now I want a race war and murder everything that's brown and moves

sounds like you'd be happier working somewhere else anyways

>They will spout how diversity and queer support is making us stronger and throw parades and daily parties for anyone who isn't white and male

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I'm perfectly happy with the work and the customers. It is this invasive toxic vile anti-white anti-male liberal SJW focus that has poisoned this company. For years none of this was an issue. Just these past few years it is just a daily wave after wave of implied anti-white hatred. Everything is targeted to make white employees feel bad or guilty. It makes no fucking sense why this is suddenly now a thing when the company was doing even better without it.

Jesus, that can't be true...since when (((they))) are so open about their plans?

You'll have a good case that any non pozzed lawyer would take, that'll let you make the rounds on Fox News and eventually Infowars to make a few extra shekels.

Get a lawyer ready. Be proactive and if they fire you, you're ready.

Maybe it depends on when you start to notice enough to identify the jew double speak ability.

Go on Tucker, go public with it if they fire you for simply being white and male. Write a book

my company has the same thing

wanted to comment nigger faggots the other day but didnt cus I'd get fired immediately

tell me OP is the website board blue and very disorganized?

I work for one of the “big 4”’s and boy do they shove that shit down your throat on the regular.

Just in case someone thinks it's fake news.

Click "continue."

You're the hero we don't need but deserve, user.

This is like the 4th or 5th thread I've seen about someone posting an elaborate story about something autistic they did that's going to get them fired. These are fear-mongering shill threads designed to scare you into changing your opinion. Fuck every single one of them, they're all fake.

I fucking hate Intel. I doubt you work there, but they've also gone full retard.

Racists shouldn’t have jobs. I’m glad you outed yourself. GET FUCKED!




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>every other day showcasing the exploits of female workers, of black workers, of immigrant workers
literally ussr 2.0

except that instead of migrants there were minorities and the poorest (in the past) classes

tell them your gay.

>we MUST acknowledge and love our queer co-workers of color
This one always gets me. Why am I forced to *love* people I don't know, and only for superficial things? There are very few people that I love, but that doesn't mean I hate everyone else.

I was going to mention that we're all Marranos who have to hide our right wing sympathies in the mainstream. But I was reminded of a history podcast I listened to describing how the marranos were not crypto jews/crypto Muslims. On the contrary they were thorough Christian converts, but that ended up being their undoing. It made their old Jewish/Muslim friends hate them as apostates, it made old Christians hate them because the Jew-marranos would go "I'm not only a Christian but I am genetically related to our lord and Savior while you are not, hah!".

So old Jews would go and tell the old Christians that "Shalom Shalom goy I mean sirrah, it turns out mister Rodrigues is actually lapsing back into Judaism! He's not a good and proper Christian!", and end up profiting from Marrano Rodrigues getting inquisitioned. In retrospect perhaps it is not us who are the Marranos, but rather those traitor white men and women who become avowed social justice warriors. Which gives me hope they will have their comeuppances when their LBQTERRERU2&Y and POC 'allies' turn on them. And perhaps there is a role for us to help that process along, to try and crucify all these apostates from being normal human beings.

"Love isn't Inclusive, Sven. That means it is bad and you are wrongloving. You need to be inclusive with your love. That you love your wife more than your co-worker is wrong."

>won't say which but 30% chance you are a customer if you live in the US

Guessing it’s a cell carrier.

Quick OP, tell HR you're gay or you're fucked.

Literally me.

Let me venture a guess: HR is run by women?

>Actually working

Document everything. Hopefully you have taken a screenshot of the comment. If you get fired and sue the company they must produce all the documentation during discovery. Your deleted comment is on a database somewhere. You can show the firing was disciriminatory. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING.

Textbook gaslighting user. They know the truth, you know the truth - everyone does but that’s not the point. The point to to pretend like everything the Left has agitated for worked perfectly and you are supposed to state untruths for acceptance.

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This guy knows. I work for a company run and operated by Jews who make money scamming banks and federal/city government by getting contracts through their (((contacts))) in government and all I do is undermine them at every turn. They even pay me $160k to do it. I love it.

Better to cut ties now and forge a new path. This will only get worse. Try to work for yourself.

Pretty solid guess. I would bet it is there, or any similar company.

wear a dress to work and come out as trans to keep your job.

If you weren't larping you would have posted evidence of this with the post they put out about fags. I doubt you have the forethought to have saved your own post or what they put out. If you get fired it is your own fault for being such a faggot.

>go on to note that historically over the last 5 years 42 out of 50 of our top performers across the entire company were white males racking in hundreds of millions in profit
yes, goy, the (((white))) males are making all the profits

>applying logic to liberal beliefs

Sorry user but that's where you fucked up. Hopefully you get wise and start up a redpilled family business to pass on to your white sons (you plan on having some right?

Our company is going full feminist mode and is hiring/promoting people based solely on the fact they are women. It's really sad, I just want to leave, but it's everywhere, so you can't escape it.

Can u pretend you’re Jewish and not actually a white male and you were just commenting about the white ethnic group as an outsider

Wow, if you were a democrat, there would have been all sorts of free lawyers to help you....


>"As white people, we all need to recognize that we no longer have a place in the world."
>Emily Goldstein

user, they were and still are Jews. You don't "convert", or "atheize" your way out of being a Jew. It's in their blood.

Ya blew it.

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If they fire you for stating facts then collect unemployment and sue the shit outta them

You sound like the type of factor that needs “recognition”. Let me guess you still celebrate your birthday? Pathetic.

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The only recognition you need is you pay. Now shut the fuck up

I mean outside of social court that SJWs exclusively run on twitter, facebook etc, we are still a land of laws and firing someone for saying what you did could probably be sued over easily. Also considering they deleted your comment, probably nothing will happen anyway.

My company has also gone full sjw, changed their logo to a "pride" one for June, etc. I do wonder if they'll get any pushback from the pajeets they've brought in to the development group.

>revealing your power level
Not yet, my friend

I assume you work for Toronto Dominican; so you'll be fine. You'll just be sent to like 9 months oh rehabilitation training

That's what I get for phone posting

If white men are already making top profits, why would they need additional moral support ?

We encourage queers and PoCs because they do a shitty job and we hope they do better.

It's Toronto Dominion you dolt

check this out:

This. I always take those "guy got fired for a tweet" stories with a grain of salt because it costs an arm to fire someone without cause and business is still about money.

>Because white males are actually functional, while the rest of society needs a fucking cheerleader section to accomplish anything.
That's the latest profit squeezing strategy I guess.

Anybody with half a ball would already leave and let them enjoy 100% queer staff.

Good why would you want to work for such a filthy degenerate scumhole like that anyway? Betraying yourself and your people for shekels?

Name them so I can boycott them.

You aren't alone user, these businesses will destroy themselves just so their public image appears PC friendly, it's fucking insane. Any white man with talent needs to start his own company and build the future.

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Tfw white men get so mad they build their own company.
>>No diversity bullshit, pure meritocracy 60% white men 30% Asian men and 10% other answering the phones.
>>Ends up dominating the market. HR non existent. Orgies in the restrooms are common but everyone gets the job done.

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If you didn’t screencap your post and consult a lawyer the minute it was removed, realizing that termination was likely, you’re a fucking mental dwarf.

It’d be the easiest fucking case of wrongful termination there is, and the settlement would keep you in the green for years.

I'm not religious, but the more I hear about shit like this on a routine basis, the more I start to think the Christians were onto something with the idea that there's a Satan working his influence in the world to lead all of humanity to a state of absolute degeneracy and moral bankruptcy. It really feels like society has been possessed of some demonic evil leading people to celebrate homosexuality and perverse sexual activity.

You stupid faggot. Why would you let them bait you and respond with a non-anonymous account?

pretty sure it'd literally be illegal to even try.

Don't even have to wear a dress. Just tell everyone you identify as a nigger faggot tranny but wish to present as a white male because that's who you see succeeding in the office - prompting you to write your post.

You should start dropping covert red-pill material like "love your people". It drives SJWs absolutely batshit crazy because they know they can't say shit about it without exposing their anti-white racism.
Bonus points if you put up flyers all over your workplace with that on it and cause the SJW leadership to bitch and complain and accuse white people there of being racist. It'll start turning the SJWs against themselves.

I assure you, it’s pretty much the same in all the Fortune 100 companies. My company strives for diversity. Funny how after years of seeking diversity, all the mission critical/cannot fail jobs are held by white guys. The diversity crowd spends a lot of time in meetings and shiving each other.

Let them celebrate their "Black Excellence" & "Gay Pride" and realize that they only push it so hard for the sake of their self-esteem. Blacks have the lowest average IQ and the highest incarceration rates. Gays hate themselves so much that kill themselves constantly. We don't need social validation, we have reality.

the white males are earning all the profit for the (((company))), not their wallets

We are living under a witch hunt, your company was just protecting itself. You only needed to play along, until this is all over.

There's a reason the Marxists call the right "reactionary." The right only asserts itself when the leftists get out of hand and begin fucking over society. The right is merely a normative reaction to the excesses of the left.

Companies who hire based on any criteria other than "will this person increase shareholder value" should fail.
Public perception and government funding can be beneficial to shareholder value, and that's probably the biggest reason companies have for diversity hiring.
So the problem isn't stemming from within the company, but from a very real, increasing institutionalized bias against non-diversity.


> they do a shitty job
Then fire them for doing a shitty job. It's a business, not a social welfare agency.

CPA and former big 4 here too

the big 4 push the diversity and women meme so hard, and yet the production is almost all white males getting the job done. The big 4 spends all this money on directors of diversity and hiring more women, and yet the white males do most of the work

Remember of course that virtually no one believes any of this drivel. Its designed by legal and compliance to thwart the diversity racket sheister lawsuits and shakedown rackets. Kikes find poc or dumb whores and promise them cash for lawsuits. As long as you treat it as satire it is very amusing at some level. Its like soviet propaganda in many ways, with a chinese/asian twist. The more stridently and mindlessly you follow and cheer the scam, the more you grovel, the more the dictator will befriend you.

The white males who run you nigger, faggot, cat lady, worshiping excuse for a commercial enterprise are doing what they are told to do because they are self centered little faggots who were promoted to their positions because they will do what they are told to do.

Here is what you need to do:

1. Shut your mouth at work.
2. Do not leave a social media smoking gun.
3. Don't fuck off at work but don't do the companies work. Prepare yourself for self employment/small company employment. Teach yourself to code or a trade or investing or make a business plan for a business you can start. Do the minimum to not get fired, conserve your mental energy and work like hell at all other times to get your next pro-white male career going.
4. Get and stay out of debt. If you get canned, this will help you immensely. I was fired for criticizing a nigger at work and was unemployed for 13 months, with a family of 4 and I had just signed a mortgage but I had savings. I came through because I didn't have to make car payments.
5. Not all good business models are unique, some are boring businesses you can buy out, improve operations, and make a profit.
6. Once you get a business going, only hire white men, it costs more but in the end it's cheaper in theft, insurance, maternity leave. Use only white professionals for legal and tax. Make sure their politics are your politics.
7. You are going to get fired, pushed aside, passed over, so parasite off your shitty employer until you can make your move.
8. Set a date to get out and do it. Later you will have wished you started sooner.
9. Gotta go, I have some invoicing to do. I'm out in November.

"Love yourself for who you are."

A lawyer is useless, they seldom win for whites and then you have a record of suing an employer. Make an escape plan and leave.

Once you know whether or not you're fired, try to redpill everyone at the company through that forum

Do you notice the employment pressure building? No? Because you are an obtuse faggot? We're not done with you cock sucker.

It's not illegal, but it would be extremely expensive since being equal opportunity (read forced diversity) gives nice tax breaks.

Most engineering firms have whites doing the engineering and women and coloreds doing all the admin shit.

You knew what would happen if you posted that. Be honest, you want a change in your lief and used this a a vehicle to force you to move on.

Knew someone who worked for Deloitte. They would send out monthly pride emails to the entire firm. Some guy complained saying he didn’t want to see that shit and he got reprimanded


HR is woman dominated and a fucking cesspool of drama and shit. Never again i wanna have to deal with their shit.

good for you lad

just delete it.

Nuclear option. Tell them you have mental disease like depression. It is a protected class. Have them officially update your employment file to denote this finding from your doctor. My employer was coming for me all stealthy as they like to do (maybe after a doxx attempt) and this stopped it cold. The HR fat ass cat ladies REEEEEEE was delectable.

Checkmate bitches! Slicked back Landerschnitt 88 rocking, still taking your jew's gold and now you know why I'm so supreme.

Lucifer was given control of the world until the Messiah comes. Even after he rebelled against the Creator, he's in charge.
He's referred to as the "Prince of the power of the air", which is a good description of tv, radio, and wireless.

I would have just done an auto delete rule. I think he was a Christian minister which is why he got offended. His blackness was what led it to just being a reprimand and not expulsion

>Tell them you have mental disease like depression. It is a protected class.


>They will spout how diversity and queer support is making us stronger and throw parades and daily parties for anyone who isn't white and male.

Yeah, that's the marxist jews for ya.

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Top fucking Kek! Do this!

9 of 10 normies who like/agree w that shit do it just to signal, deep down they are really starting to hate this shit
Now well have 1 less white man working a good job and having a future to try to save our nation. All bc you lost your temper.
Not worth it. You did EXACTLY what (((they))) wanted you to do.

If possible try getting a job working with the defense department, it's very anti-PC there. And people there respect hard work and dedication.

Did you screenshot any of this shit? Might be helpful when lawyering up

Why are you such a racist piece of shit

Lmao the poor white men

Yea I am a tiny bit worried about accidentally showing my power level at my workplace. Its a fucking libshit infestation, but purely surviving via white males. My manager literally said "i'll need to find a female next year, the team needs a bit more (((balance)))" fml