Dead to Me

Dead to Me

If you’re a Trump supporter, you are dead to me. I do not want to see you, hear from you, or even acknowledge your existence.

I do not recognize you as a fellow citizen. In fact, I do not recognize you as a fellow human being.

There are children – terrified, traumatized, innocent children – who are locked in cages right now, crying for their parents. YOU put them there.

There are parents suffering the emotional torture of not knowing where their children are, or how they are being treated. YOU are inflicting that torture.

I used to feel sorry for you because your own abject stupidity had blinded you to the obvious fact that you’ve been had.

But seeing children locked in cages, crying for their mothers and their fathers, put a quick end to any sympathy I may have felt for YOU, the people responsible for their fear, their suffering, their endless tears.

At this point, the only interaction with a Trump supporter I would welcome is an invitation to their funeral – an event I would happily attend in a red sequined dress, a festive feather-strewn hat, and a bag full of fireworks to mark the joyous occasion of their removal from our midst.

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Don't hate be because I'm beautiful.

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I know you want nothing more than to kneel me down and shoot me in the back of the head.
I want the same of you :)

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t. Facebook normie boomer

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Chosen People

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I agree, just deport them together, a lot less whining to deal with.

Now can someone explain why wasn't this considered at all?

Then get off our board you jizz bucket.

>innocent children – who are locked in cages right now, crying for their parents
>YOU put them there
>YOU are inflicting that torture
Man, you make me feel like my life is way more awesome than it actually is. Thanks, I guess.

I don't think about you at all.

>If you’re a Trump supporter, you are dead to me. I do not want to see you, hear from you, or even acknowledge your existence.
wew they still get a vote though. Good luck with that copy pasta man.

>But seeing children locked in cages, crying for their mothers and their fathers, put a quick end to any sympathy I may have felt for YOU, the people responsible for their fear, their suffering, their endless tears.

You are using children to push politics and you are hiding behind children to protect yourself from criticism. You are the worst kind of scum and I can honestly say I hate you.

lmao another shill. We don't care dear. And btw i can tell you are female, i'm so happy i'm not like you. There are leaders and followers in this world, there are those who follow the leftist narrative (you) and those who follow Trump thinking he is the next messiah. I am neither. One thing is for sure though, Trump is not locking children up in cages, you are just listening their lies and subversion of the truth.

>There are children – terrified, traumatized, innocent children – who are locked in cages right now

Do you play dominos on pasta or cheese, skippy? Take a long walk off st. james island, shill.

If you had any friends you wouldn't be here, so shut the fuck up already.

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You sound like a child. This is why you continue to lose.

>you’re a Trump supporter, you are dead to me. I do not want to see you, hear from you, or even acknowledge your existence.
And yet you're here amongst us which invalidates your entire statement.

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Trump put a stop to family separation during detainment already, because he actually gives people what they want. Law is still being enforced, and kids are with their families while awaiting due process. Why so upset?

> I do not want to see you, hear from you, or even acknowledge your existence.
so i come here because none of those things will happen here, you sir are a faggot

I have a couple of liberal friends who are doing this right now. One of them even went so far as to steal 250 dollars from me that I gave him for some work he was to do on my car before he just up and disappeared. But you know, the tolerant left and all; they're definitely the good guys.

>Reddit spacing
Back to r/Communism you go!
Get saged faggot

Why are all of you idiots obsesses with going where you are not wanted and making nuisances of yourselves? We don't want illegal aliens in our country, and don't want you on our board. If we felt like listening to your idiocy, we would watch CNN. Now get out.

>If you’re a Trump supporter, you are dead to me.
Then fuck off, snowflake.

This is the worst pasta I have ever wasted my time reading and I only made it to the second paragraph.

This is not a discussion, this is a blog post.
Saged. Call me back when you want to argue on equal terms like an adult, this is an adult site after all.
>I don’t want to acknowledge your existence
And yet you still do.

Dead people still get to vote right?