Is doxxing an act of violence?

Is doxxing an act of violence?

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Yes, I think so.

doxxing is what pussys do

NOPE but we should dox the hell out of leftists

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It has become part of the culture war. If the other side is going to do it, then we have to as well.

There is no place for a moral high ground in war.

Yeah especially if you're going after American citizens children like the left is. So far they won't resort to any real violence because they are pussies and know what will happen if they do.

thats not an argument, thats like saying, if leftists start throwing poop at us then we have to as well

It can range from dickish to life-destroying. Definitely depends on the intention.

> Is doxxing an act of violence?

Have the balls to ask the right question. Was doxxing an act of violence when Trump did it, or is it only considered violent when the left does it?

Womp Womp

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I'm okay with doxxing Eric Clan but not just any people who has different opinion.

Doxxing the everyone ICE is irresponsible and unethical. Not all ICE agents are detaining children. The ones they doxxed in Otay Mesa for example only detains illegals with priors.

>Doxxing the everyone ICE is irresponsible and unethical.

Bullshit. One could argue that Trump doxxing a sitting US Senator was ALSO irresponsible and unethical. Yet when he did it, all of his supporters laughed, clapped, cheered and called Lindsey Graham to harass him to the point where he had to change his number.

So I'll say it again more bluntly. If you cheered and continued to support Trump when he doxxed Lindsey Graham but you're angry about ICE being doxxed by the left, you have just proven that you don't really give a shit about doxxing. Your anger is fake and your base motive for opposing ICE doxxing is political, NOT moral. In which case, fuck you.

>William Sherman logic
spotted the yank

The left says that Doxxing is journalism and the highest way you can express the first amendment.

>If you cheered and continued to support Trump when he doxxed Lindsey Graham
I didn't. Now what?

If you're assuming I'm a Trump supporter then you're wrong.

> The left says that Doxxing is journalism and the highest way you can express the first amendment.

What a coincidence. I know a president who feels exactly the same way. Faggot.

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Yeah now what nigger ?

>So this is the power of the first ammendment

Obsessed much? I'm not even addressing any political affiliation and you keep on bringing up Trump.

Here we go again. The same bullshit argument from the right.
"It doesn't matter how many people actually did what you said, your argument is invalid because I did not."
Shovel that crap elsewhere. The right apparently loves doxxing even if YOU don't. My argument is valid regardless of the claims of one anonymous poster.

Nice coattails-comeback, Kevin Malone.

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I just said I didn't cheered for Trump, retard. Your whole argument relied on that.

Exactly. And if it's the power of the First Amendment when the right does it, then it's also the power of the First Amendment when the left does it.

I mean you can fit any action as an act of violence if you think hard enough

It's an act of war, actually.

Showing up at people's homes to protest their political beliefs is clearly harassment. I'm quite frankly amazed more of these liberals haven't been tossed in holding cells. For whatever reason, the right is being a giant fucking pussy about dealing with the left. We're supposed to just sit back and watch and let them eat themselves. Well all I see is them whipping each other up into a frenzy and us doing nothing about it. Great.

My argument doesn't rely on any input from you, Einstein.