Tax Interest 100%

Usury creates a parasitical class of extraordinarily rich people who do no work, control the media, and constantly propagandize us to ensure that we never question their role in society.

Think about it, you are taxed more on your labor which produces tangible goods and required time and effort, while they are taxed less simply for letting people borrow something that they weren't using anyway. On top of that, they collect profit no matter what, and demand money even though they know when they lend for consumption that people only agree out of financial duress or stupidity.

These people are leeches on good society, and let's not even get into banks who lend what they don't even own!

Say it with me pol, as your ancestors did. It's time to do away with usury. Without this system, we would have no debts, no mortgages, so property would be far more profitable, most assets would fall greatly in price, our cost of living would be unimaginably low, and we could finally enjoy our prosperity rather than slaving away for our debt masters.

Take the usury red pill, Jow Forums.

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I guess Jow Forums has become infested with Jews.

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Using usury as an excuse would be a great justification for the seizure of wealth from Jews and their banker ilk in a future European Fourth Reich.

"The pursuits of commerce would be as admirable as they are profitable if they were not subject to so great risks: and so, likewise, of banking, if it was always honestly conducted. For our ancestors considered, and so ordained in their laws, that, while the thief should be cast in double damages, the usurer should make four-fold restitution." - Cato the elder

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Absolutely. They don't deserve their ill gotten wealth.

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I completely agree, the problem is that the only way to change this is drastic, drastic action. Think about it, removing the entire concept of usury or passing enough legislation that the entire financial industry can't get around it.

That would require a revolution, or at least the threat of it. This is why I hate society and moderate people who have no understanding of how serious life really is.

If people don't actively kill their oppressors, they will never be free. These people will not stop on their own. The only logical way to have any hope that anything can be different, is to have a logical understanding of how to change the circumstances from their current state to the goal state or ideal state.

So, revolution on a mass scale.

The only reason Property costs so much is because of freely available loans.
Otherwise no one could afford the shit (and they would not become a slave to moneylenders), so the prices would come crashing down to what people can actually afford.

Same with University costs. Everyone can get government assistance, so the price of tuition goes up accordingly.
Same with Healthcare.

based optimates

>rabbi Curtis Yarvin's words
Moldbug's golems are active on Jow Forums today I see.

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>“The most hated sort, and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural object of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. And this term interest, which means the birth of money from money, is applied to the breeding of money because the offspring resembles the parent. Wherefore of an modes of getting wealth this is the most unnatural.”

People get it with university costs. Why don't they get it with literally everything else?

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Is mass default the only way to break this system?

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t. vote 3rd party or independents or shut the fuck up


Banks do no work? So why do they employ so many people? How would they pay their employees wages if interest was taxed 100%?

Maybe we don't need banks.

Lol, what independents are campaigning against usury?


Financial services are important though. Without them the economy would be less fluid and consumption, investment and everyone's incomes would fall.
Its important to be able to borrow money to fund a training course or to buy anything which is useful now and can be paid off later.

Like if you need a car to get to work but you have no money its better to buy the car with a loan than rent it or not work.

I've wondered for a while if this could be a point on which even leftists agree. They're all about capitalist exploitation, though they address their unease with papa marx' koolaid of labor value wizardry. There used to be a time when everyone understood the concept of usury and I find it hard to believe it's really been buried all that deep despite two centuries of "economics".

i would be curious to know about how many peoples parents actually explained to them in detail the banking industry, credit cards, loans, interest rates, etc...

and I dont mean just one time because thats not enough for a kid to pick up, it needs to be said several times and brushed up. For example, if parents need to take out a credit card to pay for something, they should sit down with the kids and tell them what they are doing, why, pros and cons etc.

But I dont think thats a common thing and it really seems most gen exers dont want to be bothered with that, I had to teach myself most of what I learned.. and I still dont know a whole lot.

The whole you learn best on your own is a crock of shit, the only way you learn is when you make mistakes and these have potential to destroy your life if your taking out loans or getting credit.

Gen Exers just seemed like they didnt want to be bothered at all, everyone hates boomers,or maybe I am just using my own personal story... but boomers would take their time out of their day to actually talk to be about this shit when I would see them for work related things.

Yeah that would be nice but it seems kind of a pipe dream, especially if the schools won't bother. Easier to just shut it down as immoral. Btw remember that usury is not the same money lending in general.

People who oppose usury are communists. They want free money. They need to understand that lending money has a lot of value. And should be paid for. If you want free stuff, go become a venezuelan.

Lending money only has value when the lending produces value, even when measured purely in terms of money. But usury bypasses all that by using papa sovereign's guns to ensure interests can be collected from anyone. Banks no longer share in risks in any true sense and instead resort to the craziest modeling magic to assess (define) risks.

Israel is doomed

Don't like banks? Go open your own lending business and lend money on your own terms. Or don't borrow from banks. No one is forcing you to borrow.

You must live on a different planet.

T. City of London patron

Usury is Jewsry. It is how kikes have screwed the goy.

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Do smell smoke ?