Uh-oh, Mike Huckabee went WAY OVER THE LINE this time

Folks, we can't have these kinds of personal attacks in America, this is WAY OVER THE LINE, what happened to decorum and politeness in the political dialog ????

Attached: 5270565376753664.jpg (464x371, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:


would you allow this man into your restaurant to eat, after this kind of Tweet ????

his choice of table

get him to tweet this

Attached: pelosi-mexicans-ms13-narco-gang-criminal-stronger-together-democrats.jpg (680x1010, 124K)

or this one

Attached: pelosi-ms13-face-tattoo.jpg (1024x1012, 110K)

wow epic haha dude like im just pretending (haha get it) to be retarded (wink wink) haha

or this one too

Attached: schumer-mexico-first-america-last.jpg (840x538, 61K)

Fucking based

>tfw we have yet to see the apex of shitposting as policy
I audibly whistled at this. What a beauty.

Free meals for life



It's just fighting fire with fire. So Dems are now saying Trump, the GOP, and Trump voters are all Nazis. Ok, so then the Democrats are MS-13 fans who want to bring in as many criminals and human traffickers, including child traffickers, as possible, illegal immigrants are their main priority!


Huckabee did nothing wrong, while savage af, Pelosi dug her own grave with this one

Attached: 27749893_1631764566869931_7869051464665198029_n.jpg (600x468, 23K)

Yup. They chose their alter and we are going to kill them on it.


clowned. I support mc hucklebee now

Attached: eJwVzFEOgyAMgOG7cABoKdLWyxiiBl1UiLCnZXefe_3z5f-Y932Y0Wy91zY6t-xtLvdiWy93yqvNpeRjTXVvdi6nS72neTvXqzdH (553x573, 94K)

Attached: ms13-600x400.jpg (600x400, 78K)

Shame Trump hasn't posted one of these.

How can they keep a steady supply of gang members when they kill so many people? Wouldn't they eventually run out of people?

For free

Wonder how many faces these guys have cut off. I'm sure they're reformed though.

Meal on the house

it's unfair to judge people for tattooing their faces

Wetbacks multiply like roaches.

You say
>Decorum an Politeness
I say
Whited Sepulchres
We've had enough politicians hiding their decites behind niceties and wordcraft while lying, cheating, stealing and murdering.

this is quite appropriate when considering what would appear to be a lie she claimed that that her grandchild wishes for brown skin and brown eyes

>Folks, we can't have these kinds of personal attacks in America, this is WAY OVER THE LINE, what happened to decorum and politeness in the political dialog ????
I think his tweet is dead right. Screw pulosi and ms 13 turds.

The cunt is a fuckin traitor

MAGA Mike Huckabee!!

Can't cuck the Huck.