Study history

>study history
>become a monarchist

Anyone else?

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How exactly is hell a democracy when it's ruled by Satan?

has there ever been a system where a leader was elected by the people but after that served for life so they could never retire and cash in favors

I'd be for that system whatever it's called

Ancient Rome was similar to this, Caesar was appointed to be dictator for life.

Yes it's very common, big thinkers were a fan. Also after a while the self-congratulatory premise of modernity as the age of reason looks ugly.

>study history
>hate the nazis even more
happens every time

Lucifer rules by way of subterfuge. Subtle tyranny is so much more malicious than overt declarations of mastery.

This exactly. One can only hope the Karadordevics are eventually restored.

>mexican intellectuals

Democracy vs Autocracy is always interesting topic. Tell me why do you prefer autocracy to democracy?

Me too

Can we unironically make trump king?

>There are people on this board who's life dream is basically become a cuck to someone else.

Oh the irony.


if only

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hmm. I can see that in democracy and the corruption that comes with a larger system but what would we do if the autocrat leader dies? Assuming he was a great person how would we decided on another leader that is just as great?

Its not to be a cuck but to have a strong leader that the people are willing to side with. Why would i want to die for a government that takes no importance in its own people?

Just get rid of the 22nd amendment

no, they are both autocracies

/thread closed

Become national socialist you dumb faggot


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I'd rather be ruled over one than by many. 550 some politicians trying to run the country while 1/3 goes up for election every 2 years does not make sense.

No, but we can make him God Emperor.

Monarchy was nice when it was actually feasible that when the people felt their needs were not being met they could put the head of the king on a spike in town square

>Become national socialist
>you dumb faggot
Oh the ironing.