"Adult" gamers

When did you stop playing the time jew Jow Forums? Past age 21 is there any logical reason to waste time infront of a screen?

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I see you have a touch of dyslexia, OP.

Can’t quit. Normal life is just too boring.

>is there any logical reason to waste time infront of a screen?
you're doing it right now, you tell me

I have no life and no future so I play games sometimes.

What level armour does your character have, nerd?

Doing complicated prayers and liturgy is interesting and more fruitful, T.B.H., lad.

Yeah, when I run out of money to fund my degenerate purchasing on my 1969 AMC AMX restoration project.

Because my life is shit and I need an escape from the darkness that surround me so. At least i'm not shooting meth into my dick.

some of the best actually, but I need to collect a few more resources to repair my chest piece and legs

composing a full exegesis and unified cosmology is even more interesting and fruitful

Why not kill yourself?

I play games for the mental stimulation

but it's no gay all day bullshit just a few rounds of csgo or quake champions to keep those reflexes sharp

At least the time we spend shitposting here put Trump in office and is helping to redpill mankind. Browsing Jow Forums is definitely better for civilization than vidya

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>posting this on a website that's infinitely more of a timesink

you might as well be playing video games, they at least develop your spatial awareness

same question

When are you going to take up the moral crusade of shaming people off the internet/Jow Forums OP?
Why not follow your own advice and fuck off?
Are you just a preacher? A coward? Do as I say not as I do? Do you think you're special, smart and needed? Think you're different? Unique? You're not. You're just like every other faggot on this site. A mouth full of shit and a barrel full of lessons that you pass around but don't practice yourself.

Dickless, spineless, shameless, fat ass bug-eye'd loser virgin preacher.

Controller pleb

Because new people have just discovered Dark Souls, and I must bully them so they stop playing.

literally never had much interest in playing video games past age 18

I'm waiting for my real life to begin.

>is there any logical reason to waste time infront of a screen?

t. guy who watches crappy TV-shows and movies for hours

>Past age 21 is there any logical reason to waste time infront of a screen?
I’m sitting on my ass watching some Columbian niggers run a train on white Polish, whilst shitposting on Jow Forums.

Is this somehow a better way of spending time compared to video games?

Haven't been into gaming since the PS2 era desu. Had an Xbox 360, now have a PS4 that just sits there and collects dust.

I miss when games didn't hold your hand. I liked figuring out what to do on my own. The SNES will go down as the greatest console of all time.

t. autistic nord

not allowed to

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sucks to be you

Haven't touched a VideoGAY in about 2 years . Months after stopping vidya I got laid too.

Some games still do that. Specifically ones from small game companies or just some indie games in general.

By that i mean being harder not the hand holding shit

I never stopped. I'm 27, I just no longer revolve my life around video games. I'll play for an hour or so on weekends and that's it.

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It's been years since I've purchased a video game. The last consol I purchased was the 360. It sits at my moms house five hours away gathering dust. If you wanna play video games that's whatever. You should all take at least an hour every day to read though. Novels are great

if a game has a story that interests me i play it then delete it, if its grindy I use cheatengine.

>spend hours playing games
>spend hours watching shitty tv-shows

Geee... I wonder what's worse
At least when playing you are actually using your brain.

I still play into my 30s because I'm not gay and don't contrive silly girl like dogmatic excuses to cut fun out of life.

You can learn about real cultures and human psychology/social-interractive engagement from top rated tv shows and movies, shame it can't be said about bing-bing-wahoo 1UP retards.

I fire up my PS3 maybe once a month when I'm too tired to make shit in my garage after work.

Anyone who watches TV or movies is a subhuman moron. Your mother must have drank while she was pregnant for you to be so slow that you can sit down and just stare at a screen and do nothing.
Grindy videogame + good podcast is true master race.

Whenever I feel bad about my gaming abuse I think “people are vokuntarily watching Love Island”

The Jews have got me. Video games are one of the few things in life that I genuinely enjoy now. Engaging in normalfag activities is absolutely boring to me.

I have no social life, no friends besides online "gamer" friends, live alone, and hate drinking.
What else am I supposed to do?

Weeew lad

There are some films worth watching

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Vidya is as much of a waste of time as shitposting on Jow Forums.

>I miss when games didn't hold your hand
>I liked figuring out what to do on my own
>The SNES will go down as the greatest console of all time.
You mean the one where all you had to do was go right?

Go to a gym, improve your personality, enroll for higher education
You can still reverse your self imposed fubar

So it makes them happy, what exactly is the problem?

Late 30’s playing COD up until Ghosts...it’s been shit since then.

It kept me from drinking my face off all night. Now, I just drink my face off.

Sounds like your life isn't much use to anyone, so who's keeping you?

I have a job and a degree already
I'm 5'4" so there's no point in working out.

Oh, rike you're doing now?

Time enjoyed wasting is not wasted time.

That said, I hardly ever play games anymore. More into exercise and literature like a good boy.

worrying about what other people are doing with their lives is a waste of time... cunt faggot

here's the bottom line:

>play vidya occasionally for entertainment and purely recreative reasons
>mainly focus on work and relationships/being helpful to your community
>rinse and repeat forever

fun doesn't know age. age is just a number. fuck aging.

anaons i have a problem regarding the game jew.
I dont know what to do else then to play. But if i think about what to play i dont want to.
Im trapped in a Teufelskreis and dont know how to come out.
Im not really motivated to do anything other then to chill out home. I dont know how to come out of this.

He has a touch of the gay also

"Growing up" is a Jewish psyop to create mindless worker drones

I didn't, because fuck the life jew.

31, just recently maxed my combat in old school runescape runescape. Stay mad faggot op I'll live my life you worry about yours.

stop trying to run my life random internet fag

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add me pussy

I still do from time to time desu...its summer now, so I won't play at all, but with winter, and -30c temps, once a month or so is fine...I should also mention I stopped watching tv probably the sameish time I discovered 4chin, so it's been awhile...it also helps that I'm 53, not 16 like some of jew...

> American flag
> armour

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I have two brothers that spend their spare time doing nothing but smoking weed and playing Overtwat. It's actually quite sad but they get so defensive over it when called out that I've stopped feeling bad. I just feel bad for my mother since I have a feeling she'll be stuck with them til they're 40.

Adult men need to focus on either their careers, families, or productive real world hobbies (cars, martial arts, hunting, etc.) Everything else is a waste of what precious little time God gave you

i still buy vidya games.
but i don't play them.
they're there in case someone wants to nostalgia out at some point down the road, or i can pass on to the kids in the family if they show interest in nerd shit. like computers and all that jazz.

> video games are not a hobby
> "cars" are a hobby

Friend, I am 33 years old with 4 kids. I play vidya with them and with friends I've made along the years when I can. When I'm off work and not playing vidya I'm usually at the range with friends, at the gym with wife and friends, or helping out with local stuff.

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Butthurt gamer detected

OP can make this thread in 2 minutes and fuck off for the rest of the day, that doesn't change the fact you're a virgin ners whose only achievements are Xbox achievements and that you're wasting your life

And responses like yours are exactly why we don't bother crusading in real life, weaklings like you won't even listen. Enjoy your fantasy world before Blizzard bans you for being a white male on their servers

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Men who shame other men for playing videogames are the first degenerates in the first place. They probably played 12 hours of word of warcraft a day at some point and now they feel all grown up after stopping.

Just like the nofap crowd.

An outlet for creativity (by modding games to make your own). Everyone should have hobbies.

No Neuropathy?

It's not good to do heavily but as a casual experience like watching TV it is fine.

No thanks

I'll stick to porn and vidya

womp womp


>Working on and restoring vehicles to many times your original monetary investment

>Spending money on electronics that will be obsolete in 6 months with no return on investment other than a virtual gold medal

These things are not the same

It's only ever worked once and that was a while ago

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You can't delete it and try again, that's not how it works.

i don't play even nearly as much as i used to. i used to waste 12-16 hours a day gaming. pathetic. now i play for 1-2 hours. about to have an hour on Angry Goy before bed now.


This guy gets it

Just got grandmaster ursine with the levity enchantment

>Past age 21
If you play video games after 17 you're just stupid cause you're wasting your most valuable resource - time. And don't tell me that you're somehow self improving through games, lies

>only worked once

How new are you?

about 24-25 I just started to find I could rarely keep interest to play a game for any length of time, since then it has gone down and down to the point I rarely fire a game up.
>5000 games in steam account, played about 50 (only counting ones over 1 hour gameplay) over the last 14 years, maybe about 5 games over the length of 40 hours. and 1 that exceeds 100 hours (Civ4)

t. veronica

The only video games I have played in the last 5 years are Civilization IV, GTA V and Red Dead Redemption
Everything else looks gay as fuck

For me, fuckass. That pic is mine from when I was making fun of a arrogant Swede talking shit about Norge

Yep. I don't have kids, but I'm engaged. Vidya every now and then is fine. I work a lot/travel for work all the time so it's nice to come home and relax for a bit. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week as well.

Most people are capable of doing other things.

I just got sick of it and started reading books instead. The new games are all trash anyway.

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I tried to stop at 18 and wish it had ended there. Instead I got into League when I reconnected with some old friends who all played. Young guys reading this, try to realize that you will wake up some day a 28 year old man and have to come to terms with what you might have been like, had you not spent the better part od two decades playing screens(recently read a big testimonial from a father about his own video game addiction, and how hr watched video games destroy his nuclear family later in life - he refers to them as 'playing screen's which I feel is a soberingly apt description of what you are really doing).

I basically could have gotten a PhD, mastered multiple instruments, possibly became a professional athlete, been married by now, own a home, or achieved high proficiency in any number of hobbies(drawing, painting, writing, etc.) but rather delivered my time directly into a black hole, and now, as a man on the eve of his thirtieth year, I get to play life on hard mode - with a crystallized intelligence(your brain becomes less malleable and harder to change as you age), competing with younger people for the same positions, and generally dealing with lots of regret.

TLDR; Stop believing wagecuck neet memes you read on an anime forum echo chamber and do something with your life that you can actually be proud of and hold up as a valuable status so you may have other valuable, interesting people in your social circle. Or just wake up one day, thirty years old, and realize you have about ten years to escape a dreadful fate as an old fart wage cuck getting passed up in salary by 28 year old kids who didn't spend 15 years grinding rep in a video game.

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Still looking for a good loreweave for my warchief build.

Why is it a waste of time to play video games but not
>watch TV, movies or sports (including being at a game)
>do outdoor activities like biking, fishing, etc
>read books of fiction
>spend time on a hobby
All of these activities are a waste of time.

To escape reality once in a while and not touch a game that isn't degeneracy.

Its called in moderation. Its less degenerate than people drinking alcohol, even in moderation.

there is still stigma left from the old days, there are many overly self conscious suckers feeling bad for themselves, and others who have different hobbies for entertainment just want to feel superior