Why does right wing totalitarianism attract so many autists

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>right wing

lurk mor faggot

gee i wonder why.

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It allows for a sense of unity and a feeling of being needed, which usually attracts some shady charaters. Same for any extremist political group

>he fell for the “NatSoc is actually left wing meme”

lmao I bet you think democrats are the real racists too right?


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I don't even know what the fuck that means?

If you think all Nat Soc are strong chinned whites with a strong sense of individualism then you're genuinely retarded

>lmao I bet you think democrats are the real racists too right?

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Because he was correct.
The truth will set you free OP.
Those are cocks in your mouth.

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no it's third psoitionist u absolute cretin nigger jew fagn queer

Weak people need to be led.

Left wing totalitarianism attracts much more autists, what the fuck do you think is the endgame of gun-control and cultural marxism ?

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god i need some sleep what i meant to say is:

It is third positionist u queer cretin

Any intelligent but not (as of yet) popular ideology will usually initially seed in the minds of socially unpopular but remarkably intelligent autists, spread to intelligent but more normie men and a few trailblazing women looking to be first and catch the new alphas (where we are now with 'alt-rightism'), and then eventually it becomes mainstream and the cycle repeats.

Technology is another example of this, and there are many others.

What did you actually think stacey's and chads are going to come up with totally socially unpopular yet genius concepts???

hmmm extremist ideologies attract reactionary autists, who would’ve thought

Wonder why.

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>few trailblazing women looking to be first and catch the new alphas (where we are now with 'alt-rightism'

Yep just take a look at all these ubermensch

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/ourguy/ is POTUS. 80% of white Gen Z is /ourguys/. So are all guys who work out etc, now.

All from what was, a few years ago, a fringe ideology.

Altrightism is mainstream now, especially among young whites, and alpha whites (military, police, rich, and fit, are all strongly correlated with voting for DJT who was considered the Alt right meme candidate)

This thread has been seized by the SA.
report in kameraden.

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pic related

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For public interest. I have decided to make an Inca civilization thread.

couldn't care less.

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>So are all guys who work out etc, now.

>Altrightism is mainstream now, especially among young whites, and alpha whites (military, police, rich, and fit, are all strongly correlated with voting for DJT who was considered the Alt right meme candidate)

Never seen a more delusional comment in my life

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make a general about how to save your sorry ass country from the mudslim and the jews, faggot.

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>there is only left or extreme right

Please commit suicide.

Did not say that or even imply it you edgy faggot

> thinking that those attending a meme protest represent the reality.

80% of white Gen Z voted Trump. Trump is AltRight by any standard.

We won, faggot, get over it.

No tribalism you dumb fuck.

>let me take pics to demoralize all of you this shit represents all of you..
Hello shill your demorlization tactics don't work here.

>80% of white Gen Z voted Trump.

You just pulling stats out your fat ass now?

>Trump is AltRight by any standard.

Sure (((he))) is bud

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>every post that shits on my meme ideology is a psy op

Sure it is schizo

don't be a desperate faggot and fight.

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>defending the regime that defeated, demoralized, and occupied your country

You are a cuck of the highest order

eat shit faggot, the French regime was filled with kikes, and was a totally corrupted socialist regime.
Pétain was Right. Hitler was right.
and you cucks fought for ZOG to put us all in slavery, fucking mutt.

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Autists tend to be very direct and upfront. Very alienating at times. They are either 0 or 100. All. The. Time. Who displayed this the most? Well, the ruthlessly efficient Germans, of course. It's just their culture. Anywho, being direct is always fine, but think to the really weird fucked up shit the US government has done like CIA black sites, going to war on less than solid reasons, and infiltrating our privacy in the name of
>muh terrorism
All this cloak and dagger shit gets old real fast, desu.

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> Autism y u be right

Autism demands logic and rules to regulate life and bring order, stability and reliability.

Leftist politics bring chaos, lies, instability and are completely unreliable.

Now do the math faggot.

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I don’t defend my countries worst enemies faggot. The nation that killed millions of your countrymen in two world wars. You are a cuck, never forget it frog boy

They think an authoritarian nazi state would give them a girlfriend, which they could never get by themselves.

Why does the left attract all the schizophrenic nut jobs that want to mutilate their bodies and act like perpetual children

He was /ourguy/ from the start and everyone knows that.

Kys with your purity spiralling right from shareblue playbook

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the First world war had nothing to do with german vs french, it was the elites of both countries under the influence of the kikes.
also we won and killed lot of their soldiers during the First World war.
all those were schemes from the kikes to devide Europe.

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whatever it takes to convince yourself bud. (((They))) got to him a long time ago

you're just a fucking kike who would have hide like a rat in a basement during WW2.
and you will be hidding the same with the next coming.

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Stay ass pained frog boy. fall of Berlin greatest day of my life

no place to hide next time kike.

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that's because you're a fucking kike.

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cos it deals in absolutes and doesn't have nuisance

Any extreme wing will attract autists and weirdos. I don't associate the collective right with actual nazis anymore than I associate the collective left with polygender demifurrykin transexual pedophiles
For the right in particular, it tries to push a no nonsense, rational, logic view of things which appeals to people with actual autism
All those guys look completely normal, what is your point?

Fascism = Extreme right wing
Communism = Extreme left wing

3.5/10 bait m8


Hitler's methods were wrong, but you know very well he was right.

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Yeah glad to see it's paying off mr 50% and dropping

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With the way Europe is getting now, yes he was definitely right

>t. 52 %

stay mad.
no place to hide next time, disgusting filth.

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When have you last thought about the far-left commie killers, who murdered tens of millions in their countries during peacetime? Those so-called “worker’s paradises” were turned into prisons, with borders closed against people from escaping and getting out. An Iron Curtain. 1Sec Stalin and Chairman Mao are infamous for their high body counts, as I already mentioned, in the several tens of millions.

The ideas of the far-left are so bad that when they are put into practice, everyone tries to leave because their lives are under threat. However, today there are some people who march in the streets with hammer-and-sickle symbols, which represent these terror states of the 20th Century, like the Soviet Union. When will politicians denounce and disavow the far-left imagery? After all, killing on the scale of several tens of millions is something that must never happen again, the political activity which took place under the hammer-and-sickle.

When will politicians denounce and disavow the far-left imagery?
gee, i wonder why they don't.

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>21 posts by this ID

Imagine getting this ass blasted on a Mongolian dish washing board

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nazism and fascism are third position and NOT right wing reeeeeee

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stop using autism as a negative word if you value your own sanity
and totalitarianism is authoritarian left. it is not right wing

>14 posts of actual butthurt comments by this ID.
shill harder faggot.

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>n-no u

Weak bantz

fascism is neither left nor right-wing, stop falling for the false dichotomy

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lmao why do Nazi cucks get so triggered when people shit on their meme ideology?

i'm not triggered, i just don't like kike shills like you.

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>I’m not triggered
>24 posts by this ID

I believe you bro

"unemployment p r o b l e m"
is that how they inferred the echo back then?

You are Fake News !

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Unironically 99% of Jow Forums would be considerated untermensch by a modern NS state.


That's OK. I would gladly work for the realization of national socialism only to be outcast as a untermensch once they took power. It would be more than worth it and they would probably be right. None of us are good enough to lead the future, but our children and their children can be if we raise them properly.

The absolute state of Jow Forums

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Autists like things in black and white, yes and no, totalitarianism and strict rules are appealing to them.

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Trump is secretly planning a Holocaust of Jews. He's just pretending to love Israel for the moment. Allowing his favorite daughter to marry a Jew, convert to Judaism, and give birth to Jewish children was all part of the ruse. It's 15-D chess.

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your post count is almost as high as mine, i posted a 4 image post and a lot of pictures, so eat my shit, jüden.

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>18 posts by ID
You sure love chocking on cock

fascism is extreme authoritarian centrism

Are you advocating violence against the chosen?


>n-no u

Weak bantz m8

I'm saying that Trump is planning on it.

Oh OK, carry on then.

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You too user, we need as much manpower as we can get, removing the filth out of our country will require work

In Kaczynski's manifesto he talks about how leftists are oversocialized, and because of that they're weak willed tools.

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If jews are the chosen ones does that mean God chose poorly and makes mistakes?

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Adolf Hitler. The brilliance is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the universe and everything most of the ideas will go over a typical person's head. There's also his nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy can be seen heavily in his personal literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these ideas, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Nazism truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the ingelligence in the party's existential catchphrase "Sieg Heil" which itself is a cryptic reference to the bible. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as his genius wit unfolds itself on their history books. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a 3rd Reich tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower)
>preferably lower
this aquafresh know how to women.

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