Black Woman Law


Just exactly how do they do things differently?

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by not doing nuffin

They let all the niggers go free.

I bet that area is overrun with criminals.

If an entire system run by black women does things differently, does that mean that we're not all equal? I thought everybody was the same?

mmmm hmmmmmmmm
*wags finger and moves head side to side*

>they do things differently

So we're not all equal, nor equal to the law, and the implied message of liberalism is that we should all be segregated into some race based judicial process for "fairness", even though they also openly claim it's anything but impartial.

This is up there with segregated schools, this time "for black exceptionalism". Fuck for virginity.

Honestly? I trust it more than a court full of white women.

You know this is like the absolute A-Team of black women. Like this is the cream of the crop. They might actually be halfway decent. Maybe even on par with an painfully average white judge, etc.

Unless they were just manipulated into all coming together. If this happened naturally, I'd give it a shot.

But only if it was moved to Libya.


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It's not a diversity experiment... well no shit.

The city is 90% black, so no they are not the top black women.

Mmmmm mmmm

*triangle snaps*

They judge based on their feelings, not facts and evidence, of course. What did you expect?

Notice how only one of them is a healthy weight?

>The women are quick to point out that this wasn't some kind of grand diversity experiment by South Fulton, Georgia's fifth-largest city, whose population is almost 90% black.
>90% of 95000 = 85500 niggers

If you think about it, it’s easier to Shepard 10k “whites” than police 85k blacks.

This is the future

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What the hell is wrong with us

>This was not something that was pre-planned or prescribed," said Chief Judge Tiffany Carter Sellers. "It came together very organically."
>Then Sellers hired Cofield, the court administrator, and then they worked together to hire everyone else.

We have this judge here in Rochester named Judge Astacio. Let me tell you about her.

Here's a video showing her being jailed after her 5th probation violation:

She even tried to purchase a weapon recently. I have NFI how someone like this could ever become a judge, other than muh diversity. She's the laughing stock of our city. This has redpilled many Rochestarians. I hear White working class people talking about the latest Judge Astacio shame in and around town.

Timeline, if you want to follow our drama:

You may be too young to remember Marion Barry.

>Rogers, the interim police chief, says that being black and a woman doesn't change the way she enforces the law. But she believes her empathic point of view and nurturing tendencies do influence how she treats people, and that trickles down through her 91-person department.

Black law (trial by combat) is applied equally to all!

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How do you get to remain a judge after getting put on probation and violating it so many times?