I've done my research for years and concluded that, despite the drawbacks of each, ID, MT, WY, SD, and ND are the only viable states, and those too will die 30-40 years from now.

Where is safe, Jow Forums? And in those places, ID and ND looking the best, will whites tolerate niggers being bused in, spic children running around knocking shit off the shelves in Walmart, the herbal jew, fag parades, or their own children being turned left wing by kikes and phones/internet?

>With that said, I initially always thought the cabin/house in this picture was in southern CO, but apparently it is in MT somewhere (via reverse searching and finding it poorly labeled on Pinterest, and the cabin might not actually be in MT). Can someone find out where exactly it actually is, or take a way educated guess? I WANT THIS PROPERTY. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP.

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actually a lot of nice places in Nevada. check out Elko or Ely. Not many niggers and the people are nice. southern nevada is a shit hole with immigrants, sand niggers of all types and faggots galore.

ID Fag here.
Nampa is full of beaners.
Boise is flooded with lefties from Cali and refugees from all over the place.

Northern and western Idaho are still aight, but Boise/Nampa will need to be purged one day.

Arizona because of the availability of funs.

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If any of those states has a B'nai Beth congregation you can shorten your list.

Do not respond to this thread.

This is an attempt to data mine Jow Forums for redpilled locations, with the intention of shipping the migrants to those areas on tax payer and soros money.

DO not respond to this thread.


FUCK. Boise was my #1 ideal (have been there briefly, and even special ordered a nice, large phone book from there for memorabilia), and I keep hearing this and wanting to believe it's not true. Where in or near Boise isn't fucked, if anywhere? Kuna? Eagle? Meridian? Anywhere still in tact? Does the town/county at least still turn out red in elections?

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>Implying a bunch of billionaire elites Jews can't figure this out on their own, and even pay tens of private investigators to visit the places themselves and report back. They already started busing niggers into Boise and ND over the past few years when King Nigger was in office.

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I didnt imply anything. I just didnt address other possibilities.

Would they -duh! Doesnt mean that you need to make it easier for them.

My point still stands.

My theory is, sabotage withstanding, whites in outer cities will get sick of being around niggers and leftists and move/concentrate to the states I listed and hold out. But I am likely wrong. Nonetheless, we need to know where to relocate to. Truth be told, I primarily just want to learn where exactly that cabin/house is and I'm hoping an user can help identify where it is, primarily by the mountains.


ive been looking into cheap desert land in NM or Arizona. Any other cheap states I should for land in?

Wyoming has dirt cheap land. Just avoid the fracked areas, as with any state.

YOu may be on the up and up, but that doesnt mean that the data cannot be used against us.

YOu are right, that whites will move out of the cities, but with all the new voters being [umped in, they would still be threatened at the government level.

Id just like to keep the "safe zones" secret.

YOu can look, but do it quietly.

Yes, working whites, move out into the middle of buttfuck where the federal government will abuse you with absolute impunity and everything you produce will go to supporting the welfare cities you ran away from.

>mfw I just bought a house here in NJ and I am 29.


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Meridian and Eagle aren't terrible.
Most of the California lefties are swarming to those areas though.

Mountain home isn't bad, if you don't mind a little redneck town, and a bit of a commute to any real job.

North Dakota is full, fuck off

>Live in Reading PA
>am white male
>city is 30% white, median income 20k/yr
>Poorest city in America per capita 2011
>Live in a room in a townhome
>Rent is 200/mo. including utilites

>wake up at noon because self employment
>walk outside in my poo suit
>everyone looks like a drug addict or schizophrenic
>mfw I feel right at home.

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no, fuck you, nigger. the jokes on you...FUCKIN NJ BWHAHAHAHAH!!

If you live in wyoming your vote is the most powerful in the nation. Here is a map of electoral votes vs population. True Jow Forumsacks move based on defeating democrats. Not where they actually want to live.

Attached: electoral votes.jpg (640x464, 87K)

I don't know what states are safe, but pic looks comfy af.

based on this data. Jow Forumsacks should move to VT, DC, RI, DE, NH, HI, NM, NV
In that order.

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I know this... I'm going to flip this place. Prolly move down to S.C.

Fuck this state.

Just posting cause I hate boomers

yes isnt it great how they hate everything about their shithole of origin and immediately set about turning Boise into the same shithole. Im just glad the state legislature BTFO cities with enforced statewide constitutional carry

Western North Carolina, bring conservative values and vote hard right. Keep hippies contained in Asheville

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why bother
america has already succumb to the brown hordes
you just don't realize it yet

Jokes you on you OP there is no such thing as a safe state because in all States the kike-run Judiciary system can still fuck you. People living in white-only enclaves in the rural U.S. are just fooling themselves if they think they're okay and that they're safe from the madness of the rest of the country.

No. There is still a chance. It is slim, sure but none the less, we need to use every tool available -tools like secrecy.

anything north and far from California and New York is comfy.

Learn to be confrontational. The left will be in power again someday and diversity will be wherever you are in one way or another. You can also choose a city in an area where gentrification is happening. In ways, that’s safer, bc what minorities manage to stick around will be more assimilated.

Alaska if you can handle the difference in sunlight from winter to sunmer. Lots of high paying jobs and 8/10 people are conservative leaning.

3 times the size of Texas so there’s plenty of ways to get into the outdoors.

Just stay out of Anchorage. It’s bad

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this unfortunately is true. The good news however is that beaners and nignogs don't like the cold. So it will always be kind of contained to the southern states.

North GA is pretty comfy

I have always been intrigued by Alaska.. it's basically cut off from the US and only accessible by plane unless you wanna spend days driving through Canada. What areas would you recommend?

Enjoy the property tax lel

"Assimilated" minorities are whiny leftists backbiting shits. Theres no such thing as a good shitskin.

But I will agree with you on the matter of being confrontational, too many white people and too many Jow Forumsacks are spineless. You can't be a civilized reasonable human being when dealing with shitskins, aggression is the only thing they understand.

By that sort of logic Detroit and Chicago should be white, but in reality they're strongholds of shitskin filth. Browns go where the gibs are and where the kike money takes them. They're starting to get a foodhold in Oregon and Washington simply because leftish whites are suicidal enough to support them with gibs.

Wilder Fag here, can confirm spics out here too as well
That said Campos Market in Nampa has the best Burritos so I don’t hate them too much

shit you're right. we most stop gibmedats. It would be best to support a socialist Mexican president. That way they all flock back to their home counrty for the free shit.

>not Maine

Loving every laugh. Maine will go hard red within the decade, mark my words. Hippies in Portland notwithstanding

>whitest state
>low taxes
>cheap real estate
>cheap land in the north
>strong local culture
>can go so deep innawoods it makes Wyomingfags jealous
>best fishing on the east coast

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Not Pennsylvania. Niggers and dope heads will steal your shit.

why is alaska so fucking dangerous, crime, rape, burglaries are really high there
tell us more

Lime disease

No they go there because they’re cities. Living in cold rural areas is different from the comfort of inner city living

>in cold ass bumble-fuck Maine
American education, heh.

you must never have lived in maine because i grew up there and deer ticks are an enormous problem -- dont even like to hike from mar-sept because of it

It looks a lot like the Bondurant Wyoming area based on house appearance, fence construction, lines of trees in the valley.

What is google?

I've stayed in Nampa for awhile and a lot of Califags moved there some years ago.

Wasilla Juneau kodiak

The winters of darkness cause depression leading to alcohol/drug consumption and then crime. Only the strong survive

Juneau looks comfy.

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SE Idaho here. Don’t come here. We don’t want any autistic losers.