Would Jow Forums accept Muslim domination if it saved the white race...

Would Jow Forums accept Muslim domination if it saved the white race? Does it matter which fairytale you said you believed as long as it meant whites could no longer be attacked?

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fuck off

Only amerimutts use the term "white" because they don't actually have any identity.

White Islam is unironically the way to go

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This, though coming from a decently funny source.

Says a mulatto leaf

Oh Canada, you're dumber than I thought. Let us know when you vote this idiot out of office and will end the tariffs.

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I am an idiot - The Thread
Now starring Muhammad and his 50 child brides.

Fuck off shill

>amerimutts have no identity

look around you, at best you're fake french.

Islam = arabic supremacy

So no

Honestly? Yeah I'd be fine with a muslim white only ethnostate. IDC what skydaddy you worship, I care about the 14 words above all.

>Islam = arabic supremacy
t. retard
Islam goes against many aspects of Arabic culture and was hated by Arabs when it appeared.

European influence on Islam would honestly be the best thing that ever happened to Islamic texts and theology.

Shame it's essentially a tradedown for Europe.

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Why wait for a fairy tale to fix the problems you can take care of yourself?

>Muslim domination if it saved the white race?
Son, you are retarded.

Whites would only degenerate islam, and ruined it for everybody. I suggest you whiteys better pick beheading when presented with choice.

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With that said, they are raping our women, so i don't see this even being a remote possibility. Not gonna kiss the gun(muslims) being held to my head(whites) by the jews(kikes)

>Would Jow Forums accept Muslim domination

I'll support any system of thought which supports civilization to the highest degree possible. Islam, in it's current state, does not fit the bill .. but like all ideologies, it has the potential to morph into something better than Christianity.

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SEETHING little muttfaggos must suck to be you

>Over 50% of the US population are protestants, other 20% Catholics.
kek talk about fairytails

It has a warrior culture, as a Pagan I like that. As a white, I want them all fucking dead, but that's Arabs, not Muslims technically. Again I don't see it as a possibility, christcucks have much better odds of uncucking than all whites converting and not being subservient to the arabs.

> would you support literal desert coon communism to save a meme

Yes if they could not give a shit about homosexuality then yes. No gay marriage but let gay men have their fun in private if possible. It's one thing about Western society that is unironically progress. Allow homosex but not pUblic and don't propagandize it.

You missed my point.
But you're Mexican, so I understand, even if you don't.

if its that or White Genocide, I'd choose it everytime. But it's so unlikely a path forward it'll never be a possibility

Or is it white domination of Islam?

>Your not a real muslim unless you drink urine and fuck babies
No thank you.

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Found the faggot.

This should be a fun thread

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>will Jow Forums accept a vast change in lifestyle than includes no alcohol and yes to fucking kids

FUCK NO YOU MUSLIM PIECE OF SHIT! Allah fucks pigs. Muhammed was a faggot that sucked Jewish cock!

Oh he brought up my flag. What am I going to do? My blood line is far more pure than your 56%

I would prefer Islamic domination to being dominated by degenerate progressives, but neither are my first choice.

Fuck thone sand niggers! Just fucking kill all of those fucking pedos!

>"isis is organizing the most insane gay orgies"
hey new fags

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desú I would rather not but at the end of the day if we’re gonna be enslaved by a Semitic sandnigger religion we might as well pick the one that isn’t full of pacifist cuck shit

Deus Vult

It first appeared over a 1000 years ago, nowadays it's practically synonymous with arab culture.

Your race is the reason we're "56%"... Niggers haven't grown much at all since colonial times, your kind OTH? You don't kill your own in enough numbers to balance your bunny rabbit breeding powers.

No...I don't really care about the color as much as the genes and culture..As long as we have our history, our culture, and our genetic connection to our ancestors I couldn't care much about our color. I could be happy with being mixed with asians or even hispanic because they typically end up white..Just no niggers or inbred arabs.

nah seriously though. I want society to be conservative and traditional - the fact remains that gay people still exist. Don't need to criminalize it - just keep it private.

How long you been on the board? Been here for 4 years now, but IK that's "new" to a good bit of you guys.

Islam is needed

Tell how would Saudi Arabia function as dominant world super power without any oil money and I'm converting

I agree, just shitposting leaf. You would need to criminalize public faggotry though or else they're not gonna stop...

>Your race
lmao the number of mexicans living in the US (legally or ilegally) have been decreasing in number for the past decade, as for central American, they might be indians but are a different type.That might be too difficult for you to comprehend, amerimutt. For you to secure a future for your children and your culture, you'd first need a culture other than burgers and being Israel's bitch. As they said earlier, only you call yourself white because you have no ethnic background, you're just a mix of ethnicities, you might look european but you lack over a millenia of history.

no one in late-stage capitalism has an identity
loling at you thinking germans or britains or whomever have some sort of deep bond to anything

Im half irish, half anglo got the DNA results and the family history to prove it, my brownskinned sub 100iq new friend living in our shithole of a basement you call a country. And look up the stats again it's 56% non HISPANIC white, you factor in the ones that are "close enough" like you "apparently" and it's not quite as bad, idr the exact stat, look it up faggot.

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We are a fun pol wats App group join us today.

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Framed a different way

White genocide or Islam?

I choose the 14 words over the death of my kin for a war over which skydaddy is the coolest.

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I's rather cut my cock off and throw it the nearest mosque...

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This isn't a slide thread OP still here

There are White Muslims already you fucking faggot.
White Muslims live in the Balkans, Greece, Russia, and The Caucuses.

And yes they are racist af and very traditional, they will not let a shitskin to contaminate their bloodline.

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You default to memes.
You bury your mindset in religion.
You claim heredity, when we care nothing for it.
Your flag serves as a warning to expect common behaviors.
And you validate them.

>And yes they are racist af and very traditional, they will not let a shitskin to contaminate their bloodline.

When you say shitskin, you talk about The mutt, right?

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>accepting sand nigger religious/cultural domination
kys faggot

it sucks worse to be you, faggot.

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>choosing to have a putrid, semitic soul and abandoning everything European
>""""saving"""" the white race

White Americans just need to convert to Islam if they want to marry a White Muslim's daughter, and having money also helps a lot.
They will not marry their daughter off to a nonwhite eventhough he is a Muslim. To them Allah created the Adamic Race in his image and they are his chosen people, this is also stated in the Holy Bible in the book of Genesis.


religion =/= race you mutt
If all of Europe turns Muslim, it will still be white, and by the way things are heading, I wouldn't fucking blame our people to turn towards Islam and mix it with European culture and traditions .
If we don't go back to being Christians, then what else is there?
Paganism? kek nah

Islam should be purged its pure degeneracy

burn in hell you peice of shit.

you are unirnically a dick sucking faggot. put a bullet through your head.

shut the fuck muhamed fuck head

Islam is literally the definition of degeneracy

It's pure unadultered high testosterone, which to basedboys appears as degeneracy.

Just like leftist s o yboys are put off by the higher testosterone of the right-wing, right-wing s o yboys are put off by the even higher testosterone of Islam.


At least I’m not a faggot leaf

that's one harsh pill


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