be a female comedian

> be a female comedian
> dress as a man
> perform a show to demonstrate male comedian privilege
> get BTFO'd
> cry

Ironically, ends up being funny

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Other urls found in this thread:

ill be performing at the laugh factory on july 10th

I cant deal with the cringe today, made it to "murse"

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>the cop vid
>"want me to call you an ambulance?"
I pull that same move when my mom starts that shit. Works great.

That cunt Bonnie is such a talentless piece of shit. She married the one poor Jew in show business. This retard even made a documentary on how women are in fact not funny. She's a bigger retard than her paint chip snacking sister.

>keep the beard on

It's pretty obviously a sketch.

Could almost be a threat in that context.

That stand up comedian bit at the start is obviously part of some sketch show or mockumentary. That wasnt a real stand up show

Why is there random tennis thrown in? The ticket clip makes no sense contextually either. Downvoted.

I love when women fake cry. Most of the time they cant even produce fake tears and its so obvious

nice videos

>Rich Vos and that cunt wife of his
I'll pass

Are you dense

None of the female tennis players could stop one of the lowest seeded mens serves.

It was clips of women being unable to return a masculine serve in a mixed match

they don't have souls which it why it comes out so hollow

I watched this documentary a long time ago. In typical women self-centered fashion the entire thing isn't even actually about the history of women in comedy or anything, its about herself! The whole movie is her trying to convince herself SHE is funny and fails. Surprised she kept this in the movie.


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>they were all foreigners, they couldn't understand you
fuckin' Voss

sarah silverman has hit rock bottom.

"You're a giant retarded midget, and you look like a jockey that stole his horse's teeth" -Ben Baily
>for real comedy, see:

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>copy-pasta "left" / "right" slide threads every few seconds
>most threads led by either a fascist, sarcastic or soft porn imaery
>'your tribe is surely the most righteous, goy' themes mandatory, with a dash of misogyny for tastes
>meanwhile, the kike cock puppet-in-cheese sells the nation down hist gold-plated shitter

I wonder who could be behind this...

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Should've kept watching until the part when she cries

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looks fake and gay

anyone that couldn't see this was clearly a chick dressed as a dude needs purged.

>her boyfriend is a gay jew 20 years older than her

this is fake right? It's got to be a mockumentaty

> Pants are better than purses, because I have only lost my pants a few times.

This is actually a great joke, but she told it horribly.

Made it to animal testing. Preciate it I'm all set though.

So, she wasn't able to tell any "much vagina" jokes.

One Manifesto Among Many
MY Manifesto***
Coordination phase 2: Joana Varon and Tatiana Dias
Coordination phase 1: Joana Varon and Natasha Felizi
Funder 1: Open Society Foundations,
Funder phase 2: Mozilla Foundation and Derechos Digitales

husband, and mother to "his" child.


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>the niggress in the third video calling the cop a skinhead

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>Rich Vos is your mentor

there's her problem.

>that obvious fake-ass beard

why are commedians always joo

Good luck user, hope you're as funny there as in here.

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you are going to bomb

hey fags, can we talk about youtube videos for a minute...
why is there seven minutes worth of a tennis game tacked onto the end of this clip?
this isn't the first time i've seen this, it happens not uncommonly.
a lot of the time it's a clip of some asshole playing a video game.
what's up with that?

read this

>do "comedy routine"
>nobody laughs
>go cry
>"no sweetie you're super funny"
>"it's ok everything is fine because you're already exactly what you want to be"

meanwhile if a guy bombs he either goes back to work on his shit or bows out. when you get overwhelming negative feedback the last thing you need is people telling you that everything is perfectly fine. but that's what women want and they get it.

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We will never get anything that comes even close to the old Def Comedy Jams. And that fucks me up.
Instead this kind of shit is what we can expect

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Good luck user!

video needs to be more than 10 minutes long because it's clickbait and they only made it for ad revenue

as if nobody knew

at least we still have memes my friend
nice digits

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>12 minute video
>title clip is 2 minutes
i hate these kinds of channels

If I remember correctly, videos over 10 minutes have better monetization stats or something

absolute cancer

I liked this, are there any good comedians that specialize in cringe?


>crocodile tears
>I'm on the school board
Women are shameless

Charlie Brown: Peanuts in the Shell

Jokes on them - I use uBlock Origin.

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The hysterical woman in the car at the end was actually the best part of this video.

>woman going completely nuts and losing it
>cop politely asks if she needs an ambulance
>woman immediately stops her fake crying and instead gets angry and indignant

Was this fake? That was based jew Rich Vos and his wife.

Is that Ol Rich Vos?

In the traffic ticket part, how jewish is that bitch?
She's 100% annoying cunt, but also sounds jewish as fuck.

I just watched this one. the, i guess well call it a joke, about animal testing fell kind of flat. But the guy asking her to keep the beard on when they were in the bedroom later says a lot.

Oh wow I actually felt bad for the black woman, until she flipped her attitude. What a fucking shameless little actress.

This is what happens when you give them rights.

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It's a known fact that women can't compete with men in sports (Except maybe in artistic gymnastics). Women have never denied this, so adding all that is beyond retarded.
Also, women and mixed has proportionally more male watchers than male tennis. It's like fag/pol/ in here.


Reminds me of that vid where the feminist walked around NYC catcalling men to “prove men hate it too” and they basically chased after her trying to get some fuck in

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Bonnie is such a fucking talentless cunt and Vos is a small handed Jew
Literally everyone involved with O&A has a dead career at this point

>I love when women fake cry. Most of the time they cant even produce fake tears and its so obvious
how quickly she turned it off the sobbing when he asked her if she needed an ambulance.

>Reminds me of that vid where the feminist walked around NYC catcalling men to “prove men hate it too” and they basically chased after her trying to get some fuck in

>It's a known fact that women can't compete with men in sports (Except maybe in artistic gymnastics). Women have never denied this, so adding all that is beyond retarded.
Apart from all the times they say they deserve equal pay and all that shit.

>Apart from all the times they say they deserve equal pay and all that shit.
...even though said wamen attract 1/20 of the audience that men do. Kek.

There was some former tennis pro that got in trouble for saying that Serinna Williams wasn't the best tennis player in the world and wouldn't rank well on the men's rankings a couple year ago and a bunch of people freaked out on her behalf even though she essentially agreed.

>There was some former tennis pro that got in trouble for saying that Serinna Williams wasn't the best tennis player in the world
John McEnroe, I think.

Oh god, mixed doubles where the men serve to women?! Hahahahaha. As an average dude who plays tennis as a hobby- in college, I was able to beat a scholarship female athlete in Tennis at the courts one day. I was literally getting aces against a woman who was going to school for free for playing tennis.

Seven of Nine is SO HOT
Voyager is THE BEST StarTrek series
Captain Janeway makes Picard look like Wesley

john mcenroe, and he basically just repeated what she herself admitted a few years before the cultural revolution kicked into superdrive

There was also a ~300 ranked male who took on both nigger sisters after playing a round of golf, having a couple beers and few cigarettes. He beat Venus 6-2 and Serena 6-1 I think.

>women are just as good at sports as men.

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Hahahah! The fucking national team that the state spends money on can't beat a bunch of mini chads who can't even drive yet.

This outrage is so stupid that it's mindboggingly. For example, I get why normalfags might have a hard time accepting that men are better at chess than women. But Tennis is obviously very physical and men overwhelmingly have the advantage in anything physical.

the only funny female comedian is demy Lardner

>can't beat a bunch of mini chads who can't even drive yet.

Fucking lold.

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that was way before they developed into the behemoths they would later become, some of serena's most dominant play happened in her 30s
not saying they would win or whatever but that whole incident is way overplayed

She's a farm girl from Canada.


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happens in hockey too, world and olympic champions routinely outclassed by elite boys teams

I bet the same man would beat them today.

Replacing the capitalist pig meme by a jew won't fool anyone leftypol

Why are men better at everything? Like, what are women good for? How can a man ever love a woman if he's better than her at everything?

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Their fragility is attractive and triggers protective instincts. Men were made to strive for dominion.

This is so obviously a skit, you fucking idiots.

Because men and women evolved different and developed different skillsets. The politically correct thing to say after this point would be that "we're still different but still equal," but that's also not true. Not only are men physically stronger, but because they were the provider and responsible for gathering resources, they also developed more useful thinking skills. Men are much better at spatial reasoning and logical deduction than women (these are both incredibly useful skills when trying to hunt). Those skills also manifest themselves in modern society as well. That is why men have historically done almost all scientific achievement, why men are much better programmers, better at math, etc.

Where women excel is at social/emotional things. In a hunter-gatherer society, it would not be uncommon for one tribe to be slayed/conquered by another one. In order to ensure their survival, women would need to have a loose sense of loyalty and be able to charm the conquering tribe into protecting them. This is why women's voting patterns are so leftist/globalist especially when they are single. They don't have a sense of loyalty like men do.

This is also another reason why the nuclear family is key to civilization and without it we are all fucked. The nuclear family benefits both men and women alike. Men get to protect and gather resources for their family and by extension the nation. Women also get to use their social/emotional tendencies to care for and nurture children. Without the nuclear family, both the negative tendencies of men and especially women manifest themselves negatively in society and it leads us to where we are today.

This looks fake

>women's voting patterns are so leftist/globalist
I would argue this is due to them being more prone to kike media brainwashing since women are dumber than men. It used to be that women were the main ones to shame other women for being whores now women praise whores. Why? Kike brainwashing.

gl user, remember the golden rule.

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>le evo-psych nomad tribe meme

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keep it stylish, user.

You're correct. Women are more attuned to what is socially acceptable/popular. Thanks to our dysfunctional culture, it's good to be a whore and wrong to be a loving mother.

Male and female brains are biological different. This is an objective fact that is not arguable. Different brains leads to different kinds of thinking and behaviour.

roasties BTFO

Man that bitch at the end needed to have her face shoved into the pavement and arrested. So sick of these whores.

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Literally this
I cringe when my mom still makes seinfeld references with me let alone a professional (((comedienne))) Up on stage in (((2018))).

this, kek