
it works prove me wrong

-pro tip you can't

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hahahahhahahha yeah no

inevitably implodes
prove me wrong
pro-tip you can't and fuck belarus

doesn't implode if you manage it good enough

Comrade is right, the concept of communism is perfectly feasible with enough political, scientific and technological assistance.

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it is a system of suppression it works also on corruption , in order to work it needs dehumanized humans which nature won't allow



so it needs to many variables to work properly without one it's broken , it's a very inefficient way to run a country

i personally think that communism isn't a system of suppression because it is a system in favor of the people as for the corruption part it all falls into the hands of the person in power

>willing to sacrifice literally hundreds of millions of lives, establish an authoritarian regime, and dehumanize and destroy the human spirit
>Just so he can get free shit

Better question, are commies really humans, or just skinwalkers with a potato chip addiction?

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it's in favor of the survival of the ideology , that always comes before the people

listen just because Stalin chose to sacrifice so many lives to do the shit stated it doesn't mean all communist leaders are going to be like him

they need to be for the survival of the ideology

i what way do people have to die for the ideology to survive?

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But why is Dan "Gotta Touch em All" Schneider still free??

>your flag post 1991
What do I win, Comrade Cumguzzler?

>it works
Then why did all those people die?

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The burden of proof lies with the claim's proponent, bait kike.


So, faggot, if it works, how come it actually never has?

It works for a very few. The ones running it.

munche isent it time for bed you colossal fag

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Because it works.

there will always be people under any form of government who resist , under communist government they usually don't get treated so well on account of protection of the ideology , people aren't bees or ants, and communistic government relies too heavily on this , so they need suppression

Only good commie society I can see is China. Because the Chinese are bugmen and they just modified communism to be a Neo-Dynasty system. Will it work with the other races? Prolly not

also they opened their markets for survival , not really communistic anymore

True, but that doesn’t really matter. It’s never really full blown communism, even Stalinist Russia had internal capitalistic practices amongst the various organs to reward creativity and efficacy. At this point communism just means socialism with a cult, since that whole dissolution of the government is never going to happen.

And if I remember correctly Lenin was already scaling back certain economic practices because he knew it was a bad idea. Asides from the USSR and China every other country that adopted communism was, as far as I know, an irrelevant vassal state and eventual shithole.

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It doesn't really works but life would be better if it did.

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I agree and the only reason they are and were successful was most likely territory and people

do you not see the flaws ..... it's a very delicate and inefficient way to run government , it says it right there in the picture that you provided

exactly it is a fantasy

How many communist countries are left OP?

For a caveman society maybe, for a technological society is not

i not OP but I think roughly 7

with a socialist economy we got Cuba and North Korea

with a mixed economy we got China and Vietnam, Laos...

with a communist party in charge all of them

If it works so well where is the Soviet union

I'm missing some

it becomes worse with technology the only thing that makes it better with technology is it's suppression

Communism is inevitable as cycles of capitalism-> communism are the only way to reset the system and flush out the (((rats))) leaching off of it.
Communism can work about as well as capitalism, but unfortunately the western establishment has smeared it and attacked it into nonexistance to protect themselves.

I agree partly but if you meet in the middle it is NSDAP

Communism is unsustainable you fucking commie pig.

Just as the Soviet Union. Just ask the rapidly deteriorating North Korea.

The only good communist is a dead one. Fucking die

Or Nazbol, yes. Still will inevitably swing right or left depending on who's turn it is in the cycle.

well NSDAP isn't right it falls to the left , the right would be no or very limited government

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Depends how far in the future are we talking? China will probably make it that far but the West is fucked right now.

My mistake, North Korea has not a communist party but a socialist (juche) party

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The west is going to be a shitshow in the next stock market crisis, I believe some states will turn to fascism and others to socialism.

>Can't name true Communist countries
>China and Vietnam are Capitalistic and work with larger international companies
>Names three of the poorest countries in the world: Cuba, Laos and North Korea
I'm sorry you got BTFO'd OP, but here's a picture of Jihadi Mister Rogers to cheer you up.

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tell me about the famines in Cuba, according to your propaganda they should all be dead in the streets.

People need food.

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>The only reason it hasn't worked yet is that someone as clever as I am hasn't been put in charge.

Says another unemployed and unemployable congenital loser.

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Even the CIA contradicts your bullshit.

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>famines in Cuba
I didn't say anything about famines in Cuba. I said that Cuba was one of the poorest countries in the world. Also Cuba is one of the most repressive countries in the world. If Cuba is so great why did so many people try to escape.

It is when you need totalitarian control over the population to stop people trading with each other. Black markets will still form.

The reason why I am a communist is because I do hard manual labor while my boss sits on his fat ass and reaps all the rewards and pay bonuses off of my hard work. Capitalism is the system that the wage slave owners want to keep going.

Need walls to keep people from leaving.
It works! Honest. Just look at all these people we need to keep from trying to leave.

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should've been FPBP

>Cubans live longer than Americans with a tenth of the cost
Get fucked whitey faggot. Poor commies do healthcare better than your massive capitalist shithole.

why did you make choices in life that led to you doing “hard labor” for a living? It’s your own fault. I hope you do “hard labor” for the rest of your life you commie piece of shit.

All the communist nations in Latin America haven’t really been awful per se and merely pitiful shitholes. Tbf they were screwed the moment daddy russia stopped sending aid, and they had no one to turn to but the US who spurned them. But that’s their fault for retartardly siding with someone across the world.

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Because if you are born poor in America, the chances of getting out are astronomically low. Social mobility in America is lower now than when we separated from England. America is quickly becoming a fucking caste system.

>thinking you can work for free and not have you employer gain something from it

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i was in the same boat and working while homeless , i saved but did spend too much on drugs and alcohol , but now I have my own business and I am in the process of buying a house , it took awhile and had many setbacks but I made it , this was from 17 to now being 33

Are you sure about that OP?
>Cuban Healthcare
The best healthcare in Cuba is only for the rich, elite party members, high ranking military officers, and tourist. Also he do you know that the Cuban isn't making up the statics. Communist Regimes lie all the time.

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take your all powerful pipe dream state and shove it up your ass

Even with Venezuela as the most poignant modern example of a communist stage imploding upon itself with a miserable, starving population being trodden by the corrupt State and its well-fed boots, even with China casting off most of its Communist trappings and embracing more capitalistic market values in order to actually make anything of itself long after its retarded leaders fucked its food supply with his retarded calls to turn farming tools into shitty pig steel and kill all the birds in the country, even with Cuba and nearly every other communistic spanish-speaking state sagging under their own corruption and their own inability to provide even basic food staples to their population, even with Vietnam going full capitalist on their own, even with the Soviet Union, the buttfucking capital and poster boy for communism for decades, collapsing in on its own weight after countless famines and murders and pogroms...

...even after all of that, there are literal retards and furries from well-off backgrounds on the internet claiming sincerely that Communism is the only system that works.

At this point I'm convinced Leftism is just a rebranding of Psychopathy, or something. It's a fucking mental disease.

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>because I do hard manual labor

Really? What do you do? Got any proof? Picture of your work boots, hands, or a paycheck stub with timestamp for proof.

Proceeding with your LARP
>my boss sits on his fat ass and reaps all the rewards and pay bonuses off of my hard

So why don't you do what he does? Work for yourself? Improve yourself so you can get promoted? Buy stock in the company so you can share in the profits?

Clearly you're a fucking loser but I'd be really surprised if you actually worked a proper job.

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>>Cubans live longer than Americans with a tenth of the cost

Why aren't you moving there then?

or poor correlates with race , i grew up poor in perth amboy i worked hard now I am good

Lol Cuban healthcare is free to all retard. The average life expectancy of Cubans just surpassed that of Americans. Haha richest country in the world got beat by a tiny communist nation.

>Because if you are born poor in America, the chances of getting out are astronomically low.

It's almost as though dullards who can't save money and live like niggers have children who will be the same. You make a better case for eugenics than gommunism.

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Communism only works if you have the cheat codes for infinite money, food, and labor

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>Lol Cuban healthcare is free to all retard.

So what's holding you back from moving there?

Starting a business costs a lot of upfront capital. Plus, I do not want to contribute to that system. I fucking hate greedy business owners to the core, why would I want to become one?

Free healthcare doesn't mean it's good healthcare. Also if Cuba is good why do people try to flee it, and why does the government tries to stop people from fleeing OP? It's not like the Cuban government are lying just like the North Korean government are not lying.

Never debate communists. They're constantly moving the goalposts, denying facts, and they aren't actually people anyway.

did you ever consider false stats

OP, where do you live?

But it's fun.

Only socialism is possible in this earthly realm. Communism is impossible and unrealistic. State capitalism is better than the 2. China is the only successful "socialist" state not because of marxism but its market oriented economy and the nationalism of its citizens.

>Social mobility in America at all time lows

i've tried to tell him

i saved for years and opened a business 4 years ago ..... it's called hard work and yeah it can suck but also saving and investing in your future

do you reside in America ?

>Starting a business costs a lot of upfront capital.

Not all of them. You didn't mention what you do for work though, nor did you offer any proof.... interesting.

>Plus, I do not want to contribute to that system.
You're lazy. Gotcha.

That's what I'm wonder too? I asked OP where does he live.

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seems legit

Many of us built our own businesses from nothing and know plenty of others who have too. It's very telling about most of these whine-bag commies that they don't even have family or even a circle of friends or acquaintances that include anybody successful. A buddy of mine who is a master plumber always says "water seeks its own level".

Where do you live. Show your country flag.

Communism is a failure. Kill yourself.

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