White Individualism Gene Dying Out Worldwide

Immigrants and race mixing are pushing the white individualist gene into the dustbin of history all around the world. Get fucked whitey, the world belongs to the collective, and good riddance to the white greed gene.

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Well it's in part disgenics. Read richards lynns disgenics.

And it's in part the fact that every group is playing identity politics and it's retarded to not join when people are united against you.

Did you get that article from an user in pol?

Call it whatever you want. All I hear is that you are the fucking losers of natural selection. Your white culture is nothing but a greed mire, and your culture is fucked to the history books faggot.

Corporations just virtue signal and that shuts you faggots up and they just continue being evil corps. It's much worse actually.

Be a bigger bunch of faggot scum, no, not possible. You've reached the limit.

No niggers spics and gooks are. We're just falling in part prey to the niche opened up by the influx of primitive culture. Remember everything you own was invented by a white person you shitskin.

The individualist gene is dying buy whites with the short version will pass. Then a stronger white race will rise

It wont be an individualist gene according to the statistics..

If that is true, than Mankind will be doomed to extinction.

>the white individualist gene

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Like 1/3 of whites are short/short.

We're heading into another dark age.

The funny thing is the comintards actually believe this. What's really happening is the world is sliding back towards a more aristocratic system, with a rich elite ruling over an identiless brown mass of pseudo-serfs.

The comintard are literally usefull idiots for the 1% - and they re undermining the one thing that assisted the working class's lot - namely a stable population environment that leads to wage growth. But I'll leave you bang memes together if the noise makes you happy.

This time around with drones internet surveilance and forced diversity there will be no revolution.

have fun starving without us

this we are all fucking slaves OP and you are a fucking retard for wanting to be one

>I am a slave for wanting to bring down the wealthy slave masters
Literally being this stupid.

You re actively assisting them - and you are being played.

I literally want wealth to be redistributed from the top to the bottom and middle. How the fuck is that "helping them?"

>Individualists genes.
Oh what will you guys think up of next?
Is your life so futile you're resorting to this?

race mixing they will have their own personal dumb'd down army and they will do anything for food as food supplies will become low

You make a huge bunch memes about 'individualism being under mined'

Truth is what you mean is 'whites bred out'

>what slave masters want
>cheap disposable labour force in a high growth setting to squeeze worker conditions
>What comintard shills for
>artificially raising a stable population with a cheap disposable labour force

The world was much more equal in the 50s when mass immigration wasnt a thing - because workers were socially more equivalent to the boss culturally. Now we just automate what we cant mexinate and wonder why wages shrink whilst housing skyrockets.

The modern left is the biggest enemy of the worker for a century.

White capitalism is garbage. White socialism must prevail. Whites are superior.

This is good for us, don't you see? Individualism is a relic of the past, and its collapse will give rise to strong national identities again.

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You are right OPAnon , the Fourth Reich will also be a collective .

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White people have never been individualistic, this is a Jewish myth. It's actually brown people who are the most individualistic, their entire cultures are about fucking the next guy over for shekels/fame and materialism. Nationalism, socialism etc. are white inventions. Most white european nations are quite socialist.

So you want to kill the jews too ?

All the individuals became absorbed in materialism and the self, they lost the interest in having kids

The jews worked hard for their money and power and it should be taken from them in a similar manner - but not redistributed to the sub-humans .

If you live in the west, you're probably in the global 1%. You'll be sharing your wealth with Jamal. Or are you a national socialist?

>White Individualism Gene
White a construct. There cant be a gene attributed to something that only exists socially

Honestly, fuck the jews. They get the rope.

Materialism is still tribal loyalty.

Ask the moors, mongols and ottomen how that worked out for them.

Whites are literally the reason you arent a slave or living in total poverty today. A single generation after whites are gone, the entire western world will be destroyed. At least the chinks with their National Socialism of neo China will pick up the torch where the west dropped it.

Redistributing wealth from the most competent to the least competent humans in society is an obvious mistake for anyone with over double digit IQ. Literally the only benefit is your short term emotional feelings. Production will slow greatly because of all the problems this causes and skill of work force falling off a cliff, the nation will get taken advantage of in all situations because lack of competent policy makers, there will be chaos and strife because people will wonder "why is my glorious communist system failing so hard?" and start blaming others, this will lead to genocide if it doesnt lead directly to civil war.

And all of this is obvious to anyone who's picked up a history book. China is the only country that has become successful under """communism""" and that's because it got rid of 90% of communist ideals and is a full-on fascist ethnostate right now.

A caveat to my post, the only way the west doesnt die is if the jews manage to actually enslave the entire culture using AI, which they are trying hard to do through companies like Google and Facebook. Commies like yourself are fucking laughable. If you gave even a single fuck about the people, you would first and foremost go after companies like that which hold monopolies on power and literally control peoples' way of thinking to an extent that has never been possible in all of history up until now.

Wtf does this even mean you stupid fucking nigger? Hurrrrrrrrr

That is a global map of the spreading progress of the gene associated with collectivism and the decline of the gene associated with individualism. Individualism is rooted in white European culture, and it is dying with the white race.Basically, the white greedy individualist capitalistic gene is being replaced the world over.

>Basically, the white greedy individualist capitalistic gene is being replaced the world over.
Collectivism only works with an ethnostate or state with otherwise closed borders. You cant have collectivism when you just let random floods of people from everywhere in the world in.

Freedom was good while it lasted, but I guess nonwhites are unable to handle it.

Soon we'll be just as prosperous and egalitarian as South America, India, or China.

Just for going to try to have my fifth blonde haired blue eyed child.

No. As usual you communist pinko faggots are completely wrong.
Whites were too altruistic and nowhere greedy enough. Any separation of whites from the "diversity" world will be because they learn to get greedy and only take for themselves.

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Commies cant figure out any response to this? Well, come on. Your position can't be that weak, can it?

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