WTF is his problem

Did Trump fuck his wife or something?

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We was just trying to show his kids that tentacle porn is real. Grow up, you’re all so immature

I don't know who he is but most pundents are paid by (((international conglomerates))) to shill for open boarders (open markets) so that they can increase their profit revenue.

He called us nerds.

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You don't?

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this guy is a huge shill

he glows in the dark

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He's not real just an intricate LARP

Trump fucked him

Close. Some user jerked off onto a picture of his daughter or something, very fucked up.

He's mad that the people he said "Don't matter in the overall course of humanity" were the same people that fed him the fake pee story that made it in the dossier. And that Trump ended up winning.

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Nope. Just grabbed her by the pussy.


The negress nearly broke there. This guy is gold.

Hes a political consultant has been but hes just obsessed with getting Trump like some cartoon villain now.

Hes not far leftist deranged... hes deranged due to something else. WTF is it...

Hahahaha I remember this idiot his Twitter used to say something like “in trumps head” or some lame thing like that loser still pretend he’s a conservative

His problems is he forwarded a Jow Forums pee narrative and John McCain actually spent 10s of thousands of dollars trying to verify it.

One of the few good Republicans or former Republicans like Steve Schmidt, Richard Painter, George Will, David Frum, Nicole Wallace, Joe Scarborough, and Jeff Flake

He blocked me from twitter lol.

Paul Ryan is also a compromised pussy.

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A cartoon frog rendered his high paying consulting job moot.

ez win

the republican main street partnership, and tuesday group will continue to preserve center-right ideology.

classical liberalism and libertarianism and neoconservatism may be on the political right, but it will continue on in challenging immorality and depravity spewing from the current "Republican" administration.

Rick wants to be edgy, but a non-chan kind of edgy, yet he's infected by user culture too

glowers gonna glow

"the republican main street partnership, and tuesday group will continue to preserve center-right ideology. "

Center right failed with Dubya.

Its far right or communism now.

Trump doesn't even fuck his own husband.

Manlania is not a woman.

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Yeah I know a bunch of traitorous and corrupt Bush shills opposed him.

The thing is their way of running the country totally fucked up the country. Why would anyone outside the DC crime family listen to them.

His little red head daughter, kinda cute too if you ignore the big fivehead, has a nigger baby and often posts on twitter about how hot black guys are.
That's his problem

fusionism/neoconservatism still has sway in American Enterprise, Heritage, Hoover Institute, Hudson Institute, and RAND.

Libertarianism has a home in the RNC under the Cato Institute and funded by the well connected and well funded Koch bros.

You're talking about kurt eichenwald...

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anyone have the screencap from when some user tweeted a pic of a recently tributed photo of that faggots daughter and wife?

>Did Trump pay to fuck his wife or something?

But after Dubya a candidate is going to have to be either like Trump ideologically or Rand Paul to ever win a general election.

Problem with the Koch's is they are open borders libertarians.

>very fucked up
This shit site has been very fucked up for over a decade then. Hope you guys are happy with wasting your life with lulz and bantz.

many heartland / working class americans can be pretty lazy and entitled and many aspects of their culture is obsolete.

the 3rd world has been patient, hard-working, and grateful

those people in the 3rd world deserve opportunity, liberty, and prosperity just like Americans.

That's what made America exceptional, promoting democracy and capitalism all over the world.

open borders, but eliminate the welfare state.

Lmao i remember that day. Pol was flowing with energy cause of the trump election and he and his entire family were doxed. I called his house number and told his wife that he was gay. She called me an asshole and hung up. Good times

there should not be a heritage based nobility in the USA.

just because your ancestors came here earlier does not grant you special, public political privileges.

Politically impossible to repeal the welfare state entirely though other then unemployment insurance and REAL disability I wish it was repealed.

Hence border needs to stay closed since welfare state won't be repealed.

Problem with 3rd worlders coming here (other then security) was described well and without prejudice by General Kelly.

America needs to look to her own interests and if they want open borders with America they should open their own borders first and let Americans have full ownership of businesses in their country (most of Central America's standard of living would double almost overnight if they did this).

And what made the Western World so powerful?
Social Security, pensions, and such. There was discussion in the UK in the early 1900's that their soldiers were below minimum health standards because of poverty and deprivation. Bismark's Germany had made leaps and bounds because of social welfare.

American companies are not state-owned nor should they be.

Capitalists should be free to choose who they fire and hire without government interference.

All the empty towns in the Rust Belt are the result of entitled workers and their garbage unions. The 3rd world DESERVES those jobs.

He is one of like 10 or 15 boomer age internationalist faggots who are ex CIA that spout off about trump on twitter or MSM sideshows and call him "drumpf" and rep #theresistance like it's a real thing. I feel like they are probably deeply entwined with the darkest secrets our government and know they and all their friends will be shot dead by honorable people in our government if any of this were to come to light.

All of this vitriol and the domestic uproar stems from the fact that these people are internationalists and have been working hard to steer America toward the goal of being the roots of one world government and now theyre afraid their entire life's work will be flushed away. As it should.

general kelly is the product of irish immigrants.
trump is the product of scottish and german immigrants.
lewandowski is the product of polish immigrants
miller is the product of jewish immigrants.

America's interests are promoting democracy and capitalism around the world. As well as allowing the market to flourish without interference for the fake comfort of "national security"

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I'm not talking about state owned companies...

I'm saying Central America and Mexico would have a much higher standard of living if they opened their borders with America and eliminated investment barriers (the way Costa Rica has)...

Then maybe we could talk about opening up to them.

>general kelly is the product of irish immigrants.
>trump is the product of scottish and german immigrants.
>lewandowski is the product of polish immigrants
>miller is the product of jewish immigrants.

And so what? Doesn't make mass immigration good policy. America would have done better if Irish and Jewish immigrants were subject to extreme vetting (and IM part Irish but the history is clear).

>America's interests are promoting democracy and capitalism around the world. As well as allowing the market to flourish without interference for the fake comfort of "national security"

America interest are in enhancing the wealth power and security of America. Promoting Democracy is an insane goal. Democracy doesn't even work here very well...

Wilsonianism has a bad record.

I like capitalism otoh but we can't sacrifice blood and treasure imposing things on other countries without a clear interest.

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Its a sign of Trump derangement to believe that Trump supporters are actually planning to kill blacks or something.

I mean if the left starts a civil war there might be some of that but even then shitlibs will be priority one...

In a hypothetical civil war scenario, I would be far less concerned with killing niggers than I would be concerned with killing white liberal traitors. I don't know if they realize no quarter would be given to them for their blatant and unrepentant desire to destroy the Constitution and the country. And honestly, I don't care. I have no feeling of remorse left for these incomplete human beings.

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his daughter is cute apart from the 5 head

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he keeps getting BTFO so now he's really bitter

Pretty Much This.

Digits don't lie.

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Quads of truth. Digits confirm his daughter is a coal burner.

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this is my fav pic from that entire political season

>calls Jow Forums nerds
>cosplays as a jedi

Wew, lad

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Pumped fulla bbc never fails

This always makes me kek