Pizzagate thread

Dump your redpill images

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Other urls found in this thread:

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you guys are really smart

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I wonder how many kids are being raped this very second?

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I'm not really very religious but I'd be ecstatic if Jesus could come down and help us clean up our satanic pedophile problem.

Inb4 crying pondesta andngerman pasta flat earth

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Based, he probably could if you let him!

ما هي اللعنة هل مجرد سخيف يقولون عني، كنت الكلبة قليلا؟ سآخذ تعلمون تخرجت أعلى صفي في الأختام البحرية، ولقد شاركت في العديد من الغارات السرية على قناة القاعدة، ولدي أكثر من ثل300 يقتل المؤكدة. انا تدربت في حرب الغوريلا وأنا قناص كبار في القوات المسلحة الأميركية
بأكملها. أنت لا شيء بالنسبة لي ولكن مجرد هدف آخر. وسوف يمسح لك اللعنة خارج بدقة أمثال الذي لم يسبق له مثيل من قبل على هذه الأرض، علامة كلامي سخيف. كنت تعتقد أنك يمكن أن تفلت من هذا القرف قائلا لي عبر الإنترنت؟ اعتقد مرة اخرى، الأبله. ونحن نتكلم أنا على الاتصال بي
شبكة سرية من الجواسيس في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية و الخاص بك يتم تتبعها الآن لذلك كنت أفضل إعداد للعاصفة، يرقة. العاصفة التي تقضي على الشيء القليل مثير للشفقة استدعاء حياتك. كنت سخيف ميتا، طفل. يمكنني أن أكون في أي مكان وفي أي وقت، وأستطيع
أن أقتلك في أكثر من سبعمائة الطرق، وهذا فقط مع يدي عارية. لست فقط تدربت على نطاق واسع في القتال الأعزل، ولكن لدي الوصول إلى ترسانة كاملة من مشاة البحرية الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وسأستخدم إلى مداه الكامل للقضاء مؤخرتك بائسة من على وجه القارة، وكنت قليل الخراء. إلا

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digits is the answer.


>believing pizzagate is real
fucking kek

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i know, retards are hilarious.

try asking them a question that requires them to use their brains, it's hilarious.

like "hey guys, don't you think occam's razor rules out your theory here"?

you should give it a try

Brit flag paedo detected

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Dude pedophilia is totally fake news.

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>mfw these digits

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I just found that reddit post that got the website shutdown.
Heres the archive of the screenshots:

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Here is another excerpt from that thread about

>I have to start assuming that the specific organizations and branches of law enforcement that deal with sex crimes, human trafficking, and cyber crimes involving minors/trafficking etc.. That they are the targets of the corruption for protection of pedophiles. And the co-opt targets for foreign countries and our very own Criminals Into Assplugs. The Fruits Barebacking Institution is just as guilty as well.

>If you were a tiny group of pedophiles currently in the government. Say 10 folks with 3-4 in each branch of the government. Wouldn't it make sense to seek position of authority in the departments that deal with pedophiles, sex crimes, human trafficking and also online communities doing the same.

>They do not have to corrupt the whole government to keep their game going. They just need a couple guys in the judicial branch climbing the ranks. Perhaps a judge, a high level federal prosecutor and one working in the internal affairs department and they are pretty set to protect their "kind". Now just imagine the same type of setup in the other two branches of government all cohesively working together to further their goals.

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>Then you have the other side of it. People knowing that there are pedophiles and creeps in the government and encouraging it! Not because they approve, but because it allows them to control them for their own selfish gains. So two evil factions right there seperate but working cohesively to cover each others crimes. Start adding in all the other things that folks can be blackmailed over and it starts growing like a tumor.

>It seems it has gotten to a point where our government would rather have corrupt folks that are able to blackmailed over honest people. They have reached a level of criminality where coming clean will bring too many down who are currently in power. Everyone is enjoying the loads of free drugs and humans to use as they please. (Murder/sex/tools for blackmail.. the list goes on). And the ludicrous amounts of money which should never be discounted as sometimes that is the only motivation for these crimes being commited.

>TL:DR The very pedophiles we want to lock up gravitate to the positions of power that specifically deal with these types of crimes. And also other crimes related to human trafficking, sex trafficking and all crimes against minors. Therefore stuff like this exists on the internet all the time in plain sight because "Oh it's a honey pot we run to catch bad guise". More like they don't want different CP producers cutting into their profits.

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Documentary List:

>An Open Secret (2014)

>Boys For Sale (1981)

>Conspiracy Of Silence (1994)

>The Monster of Belgium / Belgium`s Child Sex Ring Coverup

>Welcome To The Truth (2014)

>Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited The Hidden Cult

Synagogue Of Satan

>Bohemian Grove - Alex Jones (2000)


>True Detective (TV Series 2014– )

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Hello chaim, hello shlomo how many shekels are they paying you?

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OMG Pizzagate has been DEBUNKED on national news like 50 times but Trump is a child rapist murderer

Sigh, dont you fools get tired of fake pizzagate stuff? I mean Jow Forums basically created the whole idea and you seem to have forgotten that.. you've manage to troll yourselves. Pathetic.

Trump is not a murderer, but he is a pedo. Rapist, probably.

It's totally possible he's a murderer. He is most likely a pedophile. I heard a rumor trumps daughter Ivanka is actually his ex-wifes younger sister and not his.

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Why would anyone let getting tired stop them from raising awareness to the injustice children face from abuse by pedophiles and cannibals?

trusting the (((news)))

Bump this thread Jow Forums. WTF why is summer/pol/ so bad???!!!???

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Holy shit the catalog has like 3 nigger dick threads.
Jow Forums is a fucking trashpile.

just saw that, just report and hide.
fucking shills and kikes degenerates trying to slide threads...

There was even more, like 5 blacked threads and another faggot kike posting his circumcised dick.
Honestly if I was in charge all the Jow Forums mods would be thrown in the oven.

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Desu life is so depressing guys.
I don't know what to do.


Ok that’s it.
Why are people shilling for pizza gate when it actually feels like it’s nothing just a systematic conspiracy theory?
Have a thought, if it were even a slightly real we would have seen mass murder and public riots.

Best kept secret is a meme when more than at least two persons are involved with different interests.

Pizzagate is nothing more than Trump paid shills who wants second term. Agreed you can do that but at some point it becomes unfair.


Thats not true, only Jow Forums knows about pizzagate. Nobody who is bluepilled actually knows anything about it. I bet you don't even know much.

Ya think ya hot shit dont’cha?

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You're out of your cotton picking mind!

Fuck off. Trump is trying to stop this shit.

Where the fuck am i suppoded to even start

Except he's not even trying to stop Israel, or disclose 911, or stop poisoning the people of America with fluoride, or disclose area 51, or stop transgender castration of school age boys, or the education of anal sex to preschoolers in goverment owned institutions of learning, or feeding children hormones of the wrong sex, or stop the federal reserve from enslaving people for private profit that doesn't even go towards infrastructure, or provide a border wall to stop mexico from poisoning the youth with mexican heroin and cocaine and fentanyl and meth, or stop wasting money on missiles to blow up soviet era AAA batteries in Syria for the jews and sending young white men to die in the desert for the jews.
Trump is almost undoubtedly a pedophile, he married his daughter to kushner, hes BFFs with Epstein and Ray Cohn, both are jewish pedophiles.
Wake up.

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