Huge anti-Trump billboard put up in Texas! Wow! The entire country is standing up to this bully! Going after immigrant...

Huge anti-Trump billboard put up in Texas! Wow! The entire country is standing up to this bully! Going after immigrant children was too far

Attached: 241FDFD6-DFD3-4421-A7F1-D3F5D1F78C04.jpg (960x960, 74K)

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>Some idiot actually paid money for this

Attached: lel.jpg (690x388, 195K)

>spend money on a sign
>while millions of shitskins get sent back
Better give more to (((Lamar))). I heard if you get anti-Trump signage up in every billboard in America, he'll get impeached

Everything is bigoted in Texas.

what does that have to do with Trump?

Yep, commiefornians have invaded Texas and already claiming it as their own territory. Fuck me we need to start putting these commies' heads on spikes!

(((Who))) put this sign up?

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Wealthy Jews Have Disproportionate Media Influence: News at 11

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Remember the Alamo.

Mexicans gtfo.

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>Welcome, y'all
Dear god these commies are insufferable cunts. Fuck off back to where you came from you worthless sacks of horse shit!

for some reason it became a conscious decision that liberals all agree that if you say things like stop hate, bigotry (that term which came from the UK),and "resist", all automatically means you are against trump, a communist, hillary supporter, and democrat. and all agree to do whatever it takes to stop the "spread of hate", even if it means by not serving the press sec. lol
It is become more accepted billboards now in big cities in cali, newyork, and small cities like in Minneapolis, florida of all, and shit.

>Texas is for EVERYONE
>everyone except bigots, which I guess means it's not for everyone

>Words mean whatever I want them to mean

Fucking shill. How much do you get paid to hate your country cunt?



Pick one

get up there and paint a jew star already


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>welcome y'all

>welcome from the rabbis

My fellow (((Texans)))!

my ancestors killed people to win that state. let that sink in.

Amarillo is full of racists what the fuck is this shit. Whoever payed for the sign is ignorant of Texas's history.

>obvious play on the texas motto
Your brain is clearly not bigger.

Even the kvetching is bigger in Texas!

Attached: weinwave.png (1400x787, 866K)

Literally who lol


Now, I may not take kindly to Trump's attitudes, but the left sure has demonstrated that they are much, much better at being an asshole than he ever could be.

What about this sign is anti Trump unless you assume Trump is a bigot! Hmm

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So I guess since Trump's in office, we kinda said 'fuck it' to all the power the States hold?

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>dude Texas

It's just leftist shitlibs in Amarillo, not the entire city, and it's definitely not the opinion of most Texas whites.

>muh immigrant children
They're fucking invaders, and half the "kids" are MS-13 gangbangers.

So the left is still not welcome? I don't get it.

texas is a joke
>"As Israel's number one trading partner in the United States, Texas is proud to reaffirm its support for the people of Israel and we will continue to build on our historic partnership," Abbott stated. "Anti-Israel policies are anti-Texas policies, and we will not tolerate such actions against an important ally."

Stupid Californians

Attached: 98765435678.png (876x1329, 494K)

What about Austin? I have a couple friends living there for business-related stuff and they all periodically rant about the cali migrants.

>fuck Oklahoma

Attached: Crying.jpg (619x453, 26K)

Born and raised Califag here,

I did a road trip out to Texas a few years back. Stayed in San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas. I can't tell you ONE redeeming quality about Texas, it's a proper shithole.


>hello fellow Texans

Attached: jewish cowboy.jpg (225x225, 10K)

>welcome y'all
reeks of those new york city kikes in virginia calling themselves "redneck revolt".
nothing quite like a pack of kikes inserting themselves into your home unwelcome, to sleezily invite an endless hoard of niggers in to ruin everything while they flee back to their kike neighborhood. same deal with the South in the 1960s. a bunch of subversive kikes everytime.


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>Go to the big cities where all the shit is
>Hurr durr Ive seen Texas and itz shit
Of course you'd go to the big cities and only the big cities Califag

>what does that have to do with Trump?

Nothing, it's because some other Texan paid for a billboard telling liberals to get out.

>only have garbage-tier key food in the city and no wegman's

Attached: 94101048.jpg (1085x1217, 205K)

>While millions of shitskins get sent back
Its maybe a couple hundred if that lol

wrong thread, fug.

>sign paid for by jew faggots in dc

Austin became a Freedom City aka Sanctuary City recently because of those Califags.

To be fair there probably were a few Jewish cowboys, considering how many Jews were involved in the slave-trade in the South

One of the kikes' feats in the past century was to pit Californians and Texans against each other.

Ya'll'ed have to go.