Be me at target

>be me at target
>see 2 employees in electronics
>overhear them talking
>one is 25 the other is 28
>both look like normal, intelligent young adults

holy shit are most young people really this fucked? I was able to snag a full time job, wondering how my peers are doing out there?

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Uhm, what?

I am looking for work. Can't seem to find anything. Trying to save enough so I can go back to school.

I don't get it

Dude come to Houston. There's like 50 year old Mexicans and black ladies working every low wage job. It's fucking pathetic.

I think it's a trick question.

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I mean is the economy really so fucked that someone who is 25-28 is relegated to working at fucking Target?

I mean it's rough out there for millenials, a lot of them are directionless because they were raised by mediocre boomers.

>almost 30 working in target
Because normalls 18 year olds work for minimum wage and 30 year olds have actual salary and benefits careers.
Yes. Millennials are fucked most work in service and food industry with college debt.

I think he is trying to tell us that he has a micropenis

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Has been for almost a decade.

You people are fucking retarded.
Why do I even come here, it's not like people here know any more than faceberg liberals. They are just ironically right leaning.

Maybe because they're unmotivated? Maybe they're just dumb? Maybe they have no talent?

If I didn't have a sales skill set that makes me 100k+ I'd probably be working at target too. I feel bad for people stuck like that but I think for 80% it's a choice.

Huh? Dude, a job is a job. And if these people aren't good enough to get a job somewhere else where you think "smart people" are needed then they are just average dudes.

They might not be as intelligent as you think, lack ambition, or maybe just not know *how* to progress further. I worked full-time at a retail job from ages 22-24 after college because I just didn't really know what the fuck to do. I had a really general degree with no clear post-college path (Communications), so I just sort of floundered until I gave myself a little kick to the ass and looked everywhere for different ways to show my skillsets and reach out to connections. Eventually I made it, but the days of going straight from high school/college to stumbling into a good job on accident are over. You need some know-how.

This is true. So many millennialism REFUSE to get trade skill training. I'm talking HVAC or electrician. What is wrong with these faggots?

Sure thing ese

What do you sale where you make 100k? Luxury cars?


"sales" is not a real skill or talent though

Most trade schools are scams as well. I got done by one.

25 y.o.
77k/yr job engineering
I feel like I'm doing ok.

Costs money to make money

Setup for failure.
They major in lesbian dance theory and minor in African American Linguistics.
Then they expect a 6 figure salary out of the gate.

I think they are so disconnected from reality and have no concept about how the real world functions.

i think some of them are skeptical of the trade meme because a lot of times it sounds too good to be true. Most have been were told if they went to college they would have a good job so now they don't believe it when people say it about trades.

>millennials REFUSE to clean toilets and eat shit like me
Dude, you're one step above a monkey. Manual laborers work manual labor because their brains can't handle math and writing. Being an electrician or a plumber is something to be deeply ashamed of, it's a path of last resort. At least a Target employee probably isn't thinking of making that job his career.

i know a fuck ton of unemployed engineers for some reason so I would say you're doing pretty good

There is literally no easy way to learn a trade. Either you know someone or hope one of those shitty schools isn’t a complete scam.

Cars in general, sometimes luxury vehicles. My bread and butter is the >20k market.

Would love to see you try. Everyone thinks they'd be good in sales because they're talkative or friendly. Not quite that easy. Keep in mind most sales are 100% commission. Out of my region I'm top five in sales every year. I drive a nice car on a dealer plate and I've perfected th art to where I don't have to work 70 hours a week. Enjoy being a wage slave.

If you're working at target at 28 you aren't getting another career

Spare us your boomer meme that all these disenfranchised young people got their degree in interpretive dance. Fuck off

larp threads should be banned on site

No. Most people are just soft faggots.

Don't they understand that the world needs HVAC and electricity to function? Basic utilities are not a meme.

How do you know how old they are?

I overheard them talking

I'm larping about going to the store user, you caught me

I'm a millennial. Dropped out of college because fuck debt.
I'm more skilled than full programming degree babbys.

You just want someone to teach you ABC 123 so you can fill in the blanks.
That's not how the real world works. Nobody tells you the answers you are expected to figure it out yourself.
At least in my world that is true. Maybe that's why people work menial service jobs, because they get the ABC 123 job they were conditioned for.

Some people are saying that maybe they're not that intelligent after all.
How do you know they're "intelligent" as you claim they are?

No most think it's colleg degree or minimum wage that's why they are 28 and working for chump in shitty ass retail jobs. At least they have jobs though, I know unemployed retards in their 30s

lazy shits don't want to work a skilled trade.

You can generally tell when someone is a completely worthless moron or not. They didn't seem the calibre of people that deserved to be working at Target at such an age.


That's pretty vague. What were they talking about?

>caliber of people
>working as box boys and cashiers
That's a tall order. They must know how to tie their shoes and tuck in their shirts. Maybe they watch Jordan Peterson on youtube.

>only 100k

Your doing it wrong

do you know how to fucking read?

Not an argument :^)

I'd shoot myself if I was so fucking lame that I lived to work on a retail shop floor at 28. You only live once, get some adventure and stop being NPC's.
Did normies jobs for a combined total of about 3 months in my entire life.
I could only understand it if you were working on something really BIG in your spare time, or were working there while you dig a tunnel into the bank vault next door or something.
There's millions of normal cunts, let them do it, so don't give me any lies about society crumbling because you're not there to straighten the shelf display. Big boy pants mean you stop needing to be told what to do IMO

Finally an actual Player Character.
I love when people actually have character and unique thoughts. So much regurgitation in

There's an assload of engineering jobs in the Midwest. You just gotta go where the work is.

You can do a lot worse than Target. There is a relatively nice atmosphere, and I'm pretty sure they have a higher minimum pay than it's required.

depends on the type of job you want / studied for

takes forever to get specialized in a field nowadays and beyond that get a job in which pays in that specialization

to be an ESL teacher, highly desirable by the schools in MN, takes at least 6 years and pays about 45,000 on average

not that great seeing as people treat teachers as workaday slaves or malcontents ruining their glorified outlook on life

if you can get over the bullshit and focus directly, it can be OK, most people dont know what or where they want to be however

I worked a software job for 3 years. Went back to target at 26 since I missed smoking weed and fucking college girls. Im 8/10 so Im not recommending it for everyone, but Im much happier here than chanied to my desk.

BLS U-6 says that of working age Americans there are ~95M under- or completely unemployed.

That's a real unemployment rate of almost 30%.

It's been that way for a decade.

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>Being an electrician or a plumber is something to be deeply ashamed of, it's a path of last resort.
Sure thing pal. I make over 100k a year doing industrial hvac. I know plumbers and electricians that make as much or more than i do.
Ya know who never makes as much as me? Millenial faggots like you who know nothing about how the real world works.
But hey, enjoy that underwater basket weaving degree that comes with 4 years of kike indoctrination and 150k in student loan debt.

most people live in poverty as well

if you cant move in station unless you take out a loan which would put you in indentured servitude for decades you are in poverty (university, house, car, healthcare, etc.)

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They probably made a small fortune on Bitcoin, bought their own house, have savings and are just working a non stress job for holiday money.

I want to work at Home Depot and lie to people about my knowledge of flooring.

Nah, most people just want an easy job.

Fook working hard for a living, I make $200k sitting in an office not crawling through roofs in 100 degree heat.


Basically everyone who isn’t going to college for IT or tradeskills for something necessary but niche, you’re stuck working slave wage jobs like this.

I worked at Target when I was 24 an in between career jobs. For like two months. One Sunday when I was scheduled to get out at 8pm, some edgy 30-year-old said in a team meeting that I had been extended to 10:00pm and had to wait until the tolls had been counted before leaving and all the doors would be locked (this is actually normal for these places btw, can’t leave until tills counted and they lock the doors... been doing this for decades). He made some joke and asked me a question and stereotyped me based on my answer. So I just left and only came back to pick up a check. What a shitty place to work. I got a real job like one week later anyways but still. The fact that these losers think they have power over anybody... and yet sadly like OP says you have older people working there

Don't want to work full time. Have obligations at home.

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I think they see everything as a dead end job and that companies won't take care of you so they just say fuck it it's all the same. Also, most jobs want you to have 3-5 years for entry level position... ummmm that doesn't work.

Exactly. I love watching people who think they can sell constantly fail at it.

Sounds like Germany just before WWII ended.


Skilled trades aren't all they're cracked up to be. I do career counseling and right now I'm working with an HVAC guy who is trying to change careers. He makes good money now, but you do that sort of work for 30 years, you'll be a gnarled old man with one foot in the grave.

Greg, is that you?

Came here to just post this pic.

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I’m 22 in college for a business degree. How do I not fuck up like them? Is my degree a waste of time?