Checkmate Jow Forums
Checkmate Jow Forums
Doesn't the average American make around $20/hour? Top end TVs, like that $1000 TV from the 50s, are around $10000 today. At the real average wage, they both take the same amount of time to earn, about 500 working hours. What 50" TV sells for $200 in the first place? None, it's completely false from the start.
If you were to buy the same TV now it would also be cheap af what's ur point retard?
>Doesn't the average American make around $20/hour?
Twenty Canuck Bucks, maybe.
Is it better though? My parents still have an old tv from the 70s in their basement and it still works. How long do tv's last on average now?
The high end TVs that cost fucking $10,000 are high end theatre models.
You can find fairly large TVs for around $200, usually about $500. The bait meme remains the same.
I would put the half-life at around 6 years.
Average wage is 10usd, and that's typical mowing your neighbors lawn tier pay
Picture wise, yes a lot better.
Build quality? No, that old TV was probably built of solid oak. Building a flat screen to that level of quality would easily be over $10g
It shouldn't be a problem unless you are a dipshit burger flipping millennial
>checkmate /pol
what? everyone here agrees citizens are getting jewed by the housing market
where the fuck are people making $20/h? doubt its the average for a single person.
The top example is because of technological process and increased productivity efficiencies. The second example is because of the current economic system we have which rewards rent seekers at expense of the producers.
Also, fuck these capitalist retards. Are they seriously trying to imply that a breadwinner father couldn't support a decent life for his family in the 50s while today you can barely support yourself. These capitalists are turning on their own golden age of capitalism just to keep their circular foundationless lie going.
pretty sure they used plywood
Average rent in 1954 was about $100-200. Plug that into an inflation calculator and it comes out to be around $1000
SF and NYC you will see some jobs starting there, entry level. Too bad you would be broke. In the Midwest, a single guy can earn $14 an hour and live pretty comfy if he is not a rabid spender.
It's probably skewed by the few wealthy people making thousands of dollars per hour.
No, it is made of oak like user guessed. Also the speakers BTFO of most tv's now.
sometimes i think these averages derive from stats that dont count the poor
wages were proportionally higher.
doubt there are many jobs anyways
>sometimes i think these averages derive from stats that dont count the poor
Agreed but most of the population is poor
>better product
More features does not mean a better quality product
Because we offshored to Cinese slave labour.
Should be worried about lowering house prices.
I would kill to find a restorable rca ctc 5 or any other tube set of the like. Flat screens are shit.
there's also the fact that a tv was a relatively new item back then. the electronics were harder to source than they are now. tv's are cheaper now because it's easier to manufacture them
found a shack on that was $30K but only 500sqft. for a 6 grand down payment i could mortgage a big pile of trash for 15 years.
>wages were proportionally higher
Craftsman made around $5000 yearly in 1958
Thats around $43,000 in today's money
Faceberg is putting job openings in my stream now and I saw a part time barista opening for $18 an hour.
Go on craigslist, free section. People are literally paying people to get rid of them...most places charge to recycle them. I have honestly thought about stockpiling them for when the ps1/ps2 nostalgia wave hits.
That's not bad though, and fairly sure that's also with lower taxes.
i wish i could go work there for a like a year under the table and living in a closet so i can fuck back off to my cheap shit state with loads of money
>average hourly wage: $28
lol where the fuck is that?
here most people make $7-9 an hour
>lowering house prices
lol, where?
google our countries minimum wage in every state and you'll see what the average person makes
Go look at population statistics from 1954 to 2014
its not even been 300 years since we hit 1 Billion world pop, you fucking retard
The ceo making 10k an hour skews the average.
>package delivery service
Rent is for people who want a lifestyle they can't afford. Yes housing sucks in major cities and it always will. Supply and demand. Yes a house in seattle will cost far more than joe schmoe can afford, it will always be this way. Meanwhile over in flyover land, where liberals refuse to even acknowledge, I can get a decent 80s built 1200 sq foot home, a well or spring, free gas and 40 acres for 80k. I can get 25 acres and a 1200 sq foot home for 45k. See how cheap that is? Decent home, bit of a drive but very affordable. They will completely ignore that and whine and bitch how a house in uptown Seattle costs 500k.
I wish there was something like that here. We're too small and too crowded (Southeast) so it is impossible. You can't even buy a park home (trailer) for less than £180,000 for a one bedroom with steep ground rent.
the shit was made out of wood on a hillside i doubt its livable without restoring the interior
>round $10000 today.
why the fuck you buying 50 inch tv's bro
Why are houses so expensive?
Solid walnut construction, solidly built American components. Vast majority of survivors still turn on after 60 years.
How many petroleum byproduct Chinese HDTV's have you gone through?
I used to drive three hours a day to work and I'd do it again if I could buy a cheap house. Land? That'd never happen here. I'd be happy with a driveway and a garden.
You can still find TV's from 1954 that still work. The TV's that have been made (Since LCD/Plasma) since the early 2000's have like a 5 to 10 year life span at most. Not to mention inflation (TV's didn't cost 1000 bucks in 1954, more like 20) and rent was different in every city/area. Hell "rent" here where I live was paid through mine scrip, which the mine paid to their workers. Now if you live in the city, you pay over 2 or 3 thousand bucks in rent a month for a small 1 bedroom apartment not big enough for a full living room set, when you can live in a rural area where you pay 500 a month for a 3 bedroom house/trailer.
sept the old one doesnt spy on you...
bottom lines
>pay for cheap shit chink materials to build mcmansion= $10K
>pay for brian the consultants juan crew to build it= 20K
>final prices on the market= $360k
NIGGER WHAT at most these houses are worth 50-60k
Yeah I appreciate you'd probably need to rebuild the whole thing but it's still better than what you could get here. You can't buy land and put stuff on it here either, unless you have specific planning permission. That includes replacing a buding already on your land. It makes sense because we have historic budings and no space, but it means the average Nigel can't ever make that choice. Building your own house is what the upper middle class do, not working class.
That affects mean income, Medium income is where it's at senpai
well man just wait until it reaches a boiling point and all your politicians get lynched
Do you know why things like TV's and computers have fallen in relation to wages?
>I have a TelAvivision in every room. That's how I remain a critical-thinker, on the cutting-edge, always informed. HO LEE FUQ! It's a FOX News Alert. I have to go watch this with baited breath and my ass cheeks clinched shut. FOX never does that every 5 minutes unless it's something extremely important that I need to know about as an informed citizen tho
>I'm really looking forward to the US adopting UK policy. I can't wait to have a license for all of my TelAvivisions, ya' know, as a responsible taxpaying citizen. "Upstanding Citizen" will look great on my resume and famed for my 'I Love Me' wall
>I'm getting more technology today for a fraction of the cost back in the 50's. I now have so much discretionary money, that I'm going to house, feed, clothe, give rides to, support & cuckold for a small family of 200 Gonzales' from El Salvador; under my own roof
>its capitalism's fault
Let's just completely ignore the fact we haven't had capitalism in the US for at least 100 years.
Checkmate, /leftypee/
>land is a finite resource
>TVs became cheaper and easier to make with advancement in tech/materials
>cannot make more land, unless you build upwards which costs more anyway
>implying land's value went down at all
leftist cant into economics
Kek, nice
What's even better is that CPI is a fucking joke and real estate has inflated faster than CPI since around 1990.
>Flat screens are shi
Kys hipster
and you cant into macro
you can fit the entire world population in texas without clutter
Too bad what’s on tv got exponentially worse
Average household makes about that, not person. I make more, but I also went to school for skills.
>moral decay of society, children can't even walk home alone from school now when it used to be common
>but TVs are cheaper!
Fucking libertarians, I swear to fucking God.
>is astonished at how prices drop on manufactured consumer goods when you improve technology and apply Chinese wage slaves
>thinks land and property should also be cheaper even though neither can be mass produced in the same way.
Congrats on your nigger tier logic...
Who else here just has a tv for some company, so they don’t feel so alone?
Median household is over $50k. That's quite a spread in quality of life depending what market you live in. In some places, that's a decent house being affordable, in California, it's not even an apartment on your own.
they can be and are produced far cheaper than theyre listed for but realestate is a market of speculation
i blame wall street for mortgage crimes and nigger rich people for being jews
Income tax was even higher in the past, just only in the rich. Capital gains was around 60% then.
>results turn up as average household income not personal income
These fucking lying kikes are making it seem like the average income is much higher than it actually is.
If only wages kept pace with inflation.
No, you're just a no skills faggot. I make $30 an hour after 5 years and started at $19.
You’re an idiot:
>1. Cost of Consumer goods decreases with better technology, cheaper materials and slave labor
>2. Rent cost reduces because.... ???
Land is more and more scarce in urban areas where most niggers want to live... and yet they cannot fathom why the fuck they can’t afford to live in an area where there is high competition for high paying jobs and cheap labor is attracted to it like locusts...I guarantee you that if you go out to the boondocks and purchase a home, you can live on minimum wage.
So you’re saying that there is enough inventory in urban areas to meet the demand??
lol look at this liberal fairytale land
>I deserve the machine's labor
If you make a tool completely by hand vs with other tools, should you be paid more?
>t. 19 year old with no skills
That's what people make who actually do things. It's almost exactly what I get paid. Half the country isn't working so average wage and median wage have a much larger spread than the past.
>three hours a day to work
Would suicide/10
1.5 hours is my max. But that gets me 20 acres vs an 1/8th of one for the same taxes.
America is fucked!
meanwhile the price of niggers is lower than ever!
>not mortgage
Nigger detected.
Demand and supply. When there is more demand and less supply, the value of thing will increase.
Why are leftists so economically stupid? This isn't even capitalism but it is universal in all "isms".
>more tv's = lower price
>less apartments = lower price
Fucking liberals.
Why are leafs so fucking retarded?
Did Sam forget the tv on the left was made in the USA?
college girls make 50-300 an hour on cam sites.. and whoring..
slightly above average college girls making 3-4 grand a week...
paygap eh. maybe literally
tvs are also only so cheap because there's constant demand and they're made with cheap labor in Taiwan and mainland China.
What would the third half-life be though?
Forgot to mention that most of those cheap shitty tvs are made in China, like nearly everything in this country nowadays. Those old tvs were made by the sweat and blood of white Americans, and had quality parts in them that made them last for decades.