Why do I never see right wingers make good arguments in debates on here

why do I never see right wingers make good arguments in debates on here
its almost like you guys aren't interested in being right
I'll give you guys a chance to change my mind here
one of you right wingers try to argue why we shouldn't take in any refugees

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because destroy the social cohesion culture diversity,make the working class even more poor...

you're providing an assertion not an argument

Mass migration has almost never ended with anything other than the destruction or enslavement of either the people who tried to migrate or the people who were there first.

we're talking about refugees not mass migration. at our peak the usa only let in under 10k refugees per year iirc. those are the kinds of numbers I'm talking about. I'm saying what was bad with how we handled refugees before trump

Letting in 10000 people per year isn't too bad, though I personally would still prefer the money used for these refugees be used to support the poor among our own countries.
Then there's the problem that most of the refugees are usually Muslims, which have a very high proportion of terrorists compared to other peoples. And most of them hate America (not entirely without reason given the shit your government and it's Israeli allies have been doing in their countries).

USA's problem isn't refugees per year, it's the illegal immigration, their anchor babies, and then their babies' babies while telling whites to not have kids bc global warming and over population

>Make a rightwing argument why the USA shouldn't take in refugees
America First

>why we shouldn't take in any refugees
being refugees implies they come from shitholes that are perpetually at war and once they taste sweet sweet freedom in america they forget what they ran away from and fall back into the old habits that started their shithole country downfall in the first place. taking in refugees is giving a man a fish instead of teaching him how to fish on an international scale.

most refugees to the usa are chineese iirc so none of that sticks to the situation in america
well this thread isn't about illegal immigration, I specifically asked about refugees because trump and his supporters want to halt that altogether
that's an assertion, explain how it is in the interest of america to stop taking in refugees

Plenty cases of the illegal immigration starts by people claiming asylum, because it gets you a year and a court date that most never show to. Stopping asylum is not the whole issue, but its one of ways to address the illegal immigration.

>most refugees to the usa are chineese
In that case I'd still rather use the money for something more useful, but don't feel strongly about the issue either way. Letting a low number chinese people in will neither help nor hurt the country in any significant way.

refining the asylum process is separate from deciding how many people to come in. I agree that it should be fixed to avoid cases like that, as only 5% of the people that pass the initial credible fear text actually are shown to quality. but trying to connect this to illegal immigration is just pulling the discussion somewhere else
okay, then I don't think you're the type of person who I was referring to because you seem to hold different views

I'm about as far right as it gets. I don't think anyone here really cares about whether or not 10000 asian people come into the country, especially while we have millions of Arabs and Africans (or in the case of America Mexicans) flooding in. Of course there's a couple of purity-spirallers who want there to be literally zero non whites present in the country, but they would even call the Führer a cuck if he were around today, so they aren't to be taken seriously.

>Nonono, taking in refugees is putting America First. Prove me wrong.
If your idea of putting Americans First is taking in refugees, I hate to break it to you mate, but you're not an extremist right winger.

>explain this shit again for the millionth time to me even though I will never accept the truth of it
If you want to know why the right has hardened our hearts against the left, people like you are to blame. I am through repeating myself and I am through trying to reason with people who have chosen to disregard reason and rationality. The arguments have been made but you choose to ignore them and then you want people like me to treat you special and repeat ourselves just for you. Nope. I'm done. Completely. I am fed the fuck up and I have no more patience for people like you.
>were talking about refugees not mass migration
>implying it isn't the same principle
>implying you aren't participating in lexicon faggotry

It could be because you are trying to start an ethical argument against people who fundamentally have a different sets of values than you.

From a right perspective, we have absolutely no obligations to think of anyone besides our own citizens. Refugees do not fall under our citizens category.

You may believe otherwise. Ethics and values are not universal.


I consider all political arguments to be ethical arguments, so I already considered this to be one. not sure what your point is. obviously people have different values and I'm saying those values are wrong

Because they aren't refugees.

Refugees should be accepted on a case-by-case basis and under extreme scrutiny and sparsity. We have too many problems in this country domestically and foreign; we have too many unpaid debts, too many living on the teat of the state, too many failing schools, downright terrible infrastructure for a First-World nation, we are too widely spread militarily, we spend way too much on our military, mostly due to our unending foreign policy meddling on behalf of a certain ally who I will not name here, etc. etc. etc.

Why on earth would it benefit us to do what Germany did and essentially just listen to any bullshit story from any asylum seeking person escaping the poverty caused by the shitty policies and corruption of their own countries? How on earth is that a possible solution to the world's problems; do you understand how many poor people live in the world today? Do you understand that transportation costs are decreasing throughout the developing world, increasing their ability to access our shores? Do you understand that the population of Africa is supposed to triple in our lifetimes? Did you know that more than half of all Nigeriens are under 18 years of age? Do you think these people might want to leave their country? Do you think maybe fucking all of them might? Do you have any plan with how to deal with this?

Who is a legitimate refugee? How do we determine whether a Somali immigrant is truly fleeing a pirate gang or if they are simply trying to get a loaf of bread? Where do you draw your line between asylum seeker and illegal migrant? Because if you want Europe to survive the coming African population boom then you need to recognize that refugee policy is horseshit.

The same can be said of the US simply on a longer timescale, though the political effects of illegal migration, namely the hastening Hispanic demographic shift, Texas is well on its way to becoming a blue state

the majoritty of people want immigration reduced, our gov officials are our representatives and should reflect our will. our will to not want them should be reason enough.

>Refugees should be accepted on a case-by-case basis and under extreme scrutiny and sparsity. We have too many problems in this country domestically and foreign; we have too............
>Why on earth would it benefit us to do what Germany did and essentially just listen to any bullshit story from any asylum seeking person escaping the poverty caused by the shitty policies.............
Another bad paragraph. I already advocated reform if the refugee screning system and pointing out how that is a separate question from deciding how many come in. not to mention that I already pointed out how its wrong to say that most of the refugees coming to the usa are like the ones going to europe.
>Who is a legitimate refugee? How do we determine whether a Somali immigrant is truly fleeing a pirate gang or if they are simply trying to get a loaf of bread? Where do you dra.....
Why are you talking about europe this is about america. seriously your whole post is an irrelevant mess
not talking about immigration, how many times do I have to say that

Here is another difference. Most people do not see political arguments as ethical arguments.

Under current systems, politics is about reaching a compromise to keep our system going. It's about creating an environment where we could enjoy safety, relative freedom, prosperity and growth. If you look closely a lot of ethical arguments are taken for granted. What you see as just and right, can be utterly unethical according to another viewpoint. The arguments made are not made because we as a country need to agree on what is moral and "right". It's made so lights stay on, food and resources are distributed ( efficient is relevant / fair is irrelevant ) and an environment is maintained so that we are protected against natural and human elements.

We're not letting ANYONE in unless YOU convince ME. Go ahead.

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accidentally deleted my response to the first paragraph. I said that all of the stuff you said there is irrelevant.
what is your point. this thread is about arguments and ethcial arguments are the only ones that could support a political argument. just because people disagree doesn't mean anything

the amount of refugees coming into america do not depend on my ability to convince you to let them in

Zero it is. Thanks for playing.

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It should mate. That's the cornerstone of democracy. You're not one of them fascists are you?

All you've done is this thread is create a strawman and then move goalposts to disregard arguments. You argue like a fucking moron. Provide sources for 10k refugees a year. Provide sources for most of the refugees being chinese, then asert why the chinese need refugee status, and then fucking MAYBE we can have a real discussion.

Why should the US take in refugees in the first place?

the same reason you haven't taken any hobos into your house you dumb cunt

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So if I have a house, I don't have to tolerate you telling me to accept anyone inside. You can fuck right off. The country is the same concept, I can vote for whatever the fuck I want, you have to convince me why it's good.

Cost of living Dumbass. You could help many more people in poor countries buy you'd rather take them here and pat yourself on the back.

More bang for your buck to keep refugees in poor third party developing nations.

Because the refugees have no right to be on your land

Hey look at that, the goalpost just moved! Considering the current situation we have, of illegals trying to claim asylum, then yes it most certainly is part of the fucking conversation.
Oh he did it again
He holds different views because you're arguing against a strawman, moron.

Many of the people coming here are not refugees. They are economic migrants. Technically you are not a refugee or asylum seeker anymore once you get the first secure country you come to. So why exactly are these people coming to Sweden and Germany? The welfare system. They can live a free life at our expense and rape our women and daughters. They will slowly replace the natives, especially in Europe. Whites are the only people in the world that have to justify their right to exist.

>ethical arguments are the only only ones that can support what I want to happen

Fixed that for you. Apart from " we have a moral obligation to help those in need " you have nothing. You have not made an argument. You are just virtue signaling.

Want to help those in need ? Volunteer for millions of organizations that are available, spare your time and resources. Donate your money, create a business and hire only immigrants/ base it where trouble is and help the local population.
You are an American and you have way more opportunities and freedom compared to the rest of the world.
Stop spending your energy on telling what I should do.

Oh, and you never said this was specifically about America, you autistic dipshit. You sure like moving goalposts.
If you can't fucking tell this is a board filled with users of many countries, the refugee question is not exclusive to America.

You sir are fucking retarded. One stop watching the electric Jew for your news and political information. They unironicaly control the entire establishment with leftists overepresentation.

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The OP has fucked off because he clearly can't make a real argument, probably back to his hugbox to talk about those mean 4channers.

yeah not going to put up with all this duplicate posting of people who can't even bother to read through the thread and look at how I answered their question before. and the other people claiming "goalpost moving" or that I'm ignoring arguments or anything are just asserting that to throw FUD on the situation.

my position has always been that there is no good argument for why we should not let in any refugees, that has never changed. I've addressed arguments relevant to that because that is what this thread is about. me saying that I support reforming the admissions process doesn't change my view at all, only 5% of people who get into the usa after passing the initial aslym credible fear test only end up staying in, that's a sign that the test is bad. I'm in favor of reforming that to make it so the people who actually pass the test are more likely to be the type that stay in, which would result in less people coming in overall from the current situation.

also, you retards arguing that most people coming in as refugees are economic migrants or just illegal immigrants are missing the point as well. all of that shit falls under what I said about reforming admissions. CREDIBLE FEAR is the test to get in, of course economic migrants don't deserve asylum. that is what reforming the system is about.

and then there are the retards saying "you haven't made any arguments" WELL NO SHIT smartass. I literally made the thread to ask for arguments from the other side. I didn't say I was going to give arguments for why we should let them in, I was asking for why we shouldn't. you fucking idiots

so yeah, all that basically means I'm done trying to have a proper discussion with you guys because you're clearly not here with good intentions

You little faggot, you most certainly were moving goalposts. Maybe if you weren't such a fucking retard you'd see most of us agree that there only needs to be reform.
You made several fucking claims and never provided sources. So you clearly were making fucking arguments. And instead of trying to back those up you're going to whine and claim to be the winner here, while the rest of us laugh at your moronic ass.
Reddit spacing faggot. This is not centric to America. Fucking go back and stay back.

Muh morals phase. It'll pass. Hope he gets some left pussy for all his troubles.

Argument is simple. There is no benefit to the country to letting in refugees. It's a drain on the country's resources.
People are prosecuted and face war in their own country? Well, tough shit. The world is unfair and cruel.

These retards can't tell values aren't universal, and are very cultural. And on top of that the OP has 0 self awareness.

>what is burden of proof

You haven't supported your moral claim to begin with.

Right arguments have been made and they did not fall in line with your moral values because no one can disprove a moral argument.

If you want an ethical discussion open up with that rather than putting in the refugees / immigrants based on ethics.

I come from a country where we accepted Jewish refugees from Germany. Guess what, we had 0 universities or industrial development. German Jewish academics spearheaded our uni system. Syrians fleeing from a religious conflict ( alawite/Sunni ) which they have started ( Sunnis) have nothing to bring besides their dysfunctions.

>pigeon chess

These refugees are barbarians, cultural outsiders, fleeing from barbarian conflict. Do you really want that in your country. Their values and beliefs are antithetical to ours. They would change us, and force us to conform to their standards, even against our own interest.

In effect, we should not take any refugees into America, because they are not American.

Go play with OP. You seem to be cut from similar cloth.

I'm trying, but he hasn't responded! Looks like I'm stuck playing with myself again...

Some of the perpetrator of the Bataclan Massacre came in as refugees.
None of our countries border the countries from which the refugees supposedly came from. Thus they were already safe. They are shopping for benefits. How do we know that? They want to go germany and sweden to live on gibs.
As for the US. Mexico is not in a state of war/natural disaster. You don't get to fuck your country over by electing corrupt politicians and then just leave. The people of mexico and the rest of central and south america have to fix their countries.

The OP already had his ass torn off and left. Couldn't handle being called out on his childish shit. And he apparently didn't care about your countries refugee issues, because to him, only america matters.

Refugees gaining unauthorised access to this country is a problem because we are willingly embracing letting in murderers and rapists by the deregulation of our borders.

We have laws that everyone else has to follow so we know that we are not letting in bad people, for example over here in australia i think it's something like we can't let in people that have served more than twelve months in jail? I don't know, something like that. And that's done so we don't wreck our society by letting in the wrong people.

The pure belief that people should be able to get in here without following any of the regular rules undermines this entire set of regulations and will inevitably wreck society because this can and is being abused by the wrong people.

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You missed 2007-2015 on the right wing blogosphere, it was a flourishing of intellectual activity that preceded the madness of 2016 and beyond. Were done talking now, we basically figures out what the jist of things was and feel no need to debate anymore. Now were just shitposting with our bros as the clock runs down. Start with the old paleo blogs like Sailer and Auster if you want to try and retrace our steps

OP are you really that dumb ? Refugees are a fairly tail all we have beating at the gates are people wanting to take advantage of our benefits . Most refugees are fraudsters , DHS USCIS people who process them get a 99% fraud daily .


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