New Dindu Movie coming soon!

Of course, they paint the cops as in the ultimate evil, and the blacks as completely innocent.

Your thoughts, pol?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>going to movie theaters
I dont watch many movies or tv so I personally dont care honestly

Niggers, who cares?

It's really surreal comparing movies from decades ago to today.

>Your thoughts, pol?

Increasing polarization is good?

You guys said the same about Get Out for months and it was actually a redpilled self aware movie.



haha youre joking right

that movie was absurdly liberal and painted whites as this evil race of exploiters who can magically hypnotize and brainwash niggers.

but what do you expect from a nigger writer.

Infamous scenes:

>"I would have voted obama for a 3rd term!" t. white guy
>white voodoo witch mind controls multiple niggers
>evil genius doctor performs literal brain transplants
>evil white sociopath daughter seduces dozens of dindu nuffins negroid males
>movie watches like some paranoid schizo nigger nightmare

Seriously, that nog who wrote this has some serious deep seated inferiority complex, in order to dream up this paranoid trash.

it was about rich white liberals that fetishize black men, dude

That's one interpretation, but sounds like your own projection.

imho the movie was created from an 'i hate wypipo' pov.

Accelerationism is the only way.
>you can take the nigger out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the nigger.

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Unironically seems like an interesting movie
The anti-police sentiment will backfire on the establishment and will lead to restrictions on cops actions that will only give us more rights wile dealing with authority. The establishment is doing this to try and start a civil war but the only thing it will do is lead to the laws being changed so that people are given more rights when interacting with authority and giving black communities more autonomy which will translate in more autonomy for ALL communities. I'm pro-police, always have been. It's just hilarious how the establishment hasn't figured out yet that this approach will only create temporary chaos which will lead to a set of long term solutions. The establishment is narrow minded and only thinking months or a few short years ahead, not decades when it comes to this. The anti-police movement will create temporary chaos but in the long term lead to new rules and new amendments giving the citizens more rights.... Exactly the opposite of what they intended. Just watch how hard this flips on the establishment.

he shouldn't have reach for anything in the car, the cop was justified to shot. Such is life, nothing to see here, case close.

>Things have before they to get worse get better


looks like kino


This is what I saw. She was literally telling him to go back where he was told to stand and instead he continues to fumble around in the car, grabs a comb of all things, and turns around relatively quickly to face the cop. Was the cop supposed to expect that the kid would go looking for something in the car after the kid was already in an obviously no fuck around situation?


No it won't you maple nigger. The point is to pin the blame/consequences on the lowest rung in the ladder so people go "yah, we sure fixed that problem" or maybe it ends up backfiring because of pro-police rallies. Either way laws will be enforced, people will continue to feel marginalized.

Just the base concept that rich white people would choose to transfer into the bodies of niggers is bluepilled as fuck. No white person wants to be a nigger.

>he doesn’t have the power to hypnotize niggers
Are you even white?

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lmao fuck whitey always sells a couple movie tix. teens are gonna love it.


You're not thinking black enough.

police officers are literal quota jews, don't feel bad over the holocaust or a dead cop

My older cousin was reading this book and I was honestly quite disappointed.

*blocks your path*

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ive been assaulted by cops.
I'd give anything for. them to put their gun down and fight me 1 on 1 if I lose so be it I can accept losing but just something where im not being held down by 2 guys and punched in the back of the head

How about you just not be a scumbag criminal?

Yeah, they seemed to have done a number on you.

I didn't get charged with anything? explain?

I think of cops and jews are being sub human wastes of space.

Haven't seen the movie yet, but I can already tell this is going to be a 10/10 on rottentomatos

>He still watches movies

I’m shocked it’s based on a book, black people read?

looks woke, oh niggas we made it!

>Partaking of the movie Jew
Have you learned NOTHING?

>I didn't get charged with anything? explain?
They have discretion to arrest you or not. They probably felt that they were doing you a favor letting you off with a beating. Don't act like you weren't breaking the law just because they didn't charge you.

If you were beaten up by cops then you deserved it, prove me wrong

so a well-to-do light skinned daughter of a shop-owner talking about "its about black people, poor people, everybody at the bottom"

seems like a realistic depiction of a leftist

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I beat it in court and have a lawsuit currently so kek that abuse of power just cost ur cities tax payers 300k

This getting beat up and shot by cops is better than getting killed by gang of niggers.
> dindu should be thankful for getting a honorable death

Bahahahahahahaha. Who told you that? You'd have to have been practically crippled to get that much.

Yes goy recently kanye and other black are becoming too pro trump lets incite some violence to further (((((our))))) agenda

partially crippled? no not at all because it was an illegal load draw which im comparing to literal theft of my DNA. Should be a nice chance bud :) could be millions desu but im not worried about it

>could be millions desu
You're fucking dreaming. You still need to prove actual damages and bumps and bruises don't get you much, nimrod. You're lawyer's only doing it for the attorney's fees he gets for a §1983 claim. You get none of that. He'll make 10x as much as you. You'll probably get less than $10k.

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> its a 60 40 deal
> damages of illegally apprehending DNA in an illegal manor to insert into a criminal database...private property
> if a woman is raped and has no bruising can't be compensated
ok bud
just sit back and enjoy this show

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its 2018 ur on the wrong side of history